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  • 2 months later...
I'm not going to be able to finish my vow like i wanted to. it seems real life has comprised my ability to do much of anything there days but work all day and then maybe get through dinner without falling asleep face first in my plate. needless to say that means no hobby related activity around my house as of late. also i moved into an area that does not have a internet infrastructure and i'm place, something my landlord failed to mention when i rented the house for a year. working on getting that i'm place as well. so!vithat's why i have been so quiet the last few months. after the beginning of next month my work load should lower enough i can get back to my hobby and god willing have internet to be more active in the forums. until then, keep it real peeps!
  • 2 months later...

Well im back. Not as busy with 40k as I was before, RL is a "B" and got a wife that demands attention. Attention meaning not only my time but my money as well. I can't complain though, she is awesome. Also been playing Warhammer fantasy Roleplay 2nd edition with my friends. Really enjoy it a lot. :smile.:

Proof that Khorne and Slaanesh can get along sometimes. If you see us, run, we are trouble.


I got good news and Bad news this time.

Start with the bad news: I got duped I think and got a recast. I'm rather sure the resin is the wrong color. I've never got yellow grey colored resin FW before. China, I should have known better, this one is on me.

Good news:



Big Brother




Slim Fast


Needless to say I'm going to be buying from another shop after this. But I got a good test model for the next one I want to buy and i don't feel bad at all about cutting it up and customizing it. :D

I got tons of magnets on the way, a dremel, drill bits 1-10mm, masks, goggles and all the fun bits for my shop. Speaking of shops, I had to move mine because the room i had chosen in my new apartment was leaking water profusely from the ceiling and for some reason it decided to rain for almost two weeks straight. So the whole kit and caboodle got moved to the spare bedroom. I guess its ok because when winter gets here i need to be able to feel my fingers and the other room had no heating. Rant over. C&C welcome and all that stuff. :)



I got this monster magnetized and started priming it last night. a few coats of primer left to do and then a matte varnish all around.
Its getting cold here...glad i moved my "studio" when i did. :biggrin.:



Edited by MordentHex

Did I miss something, what was the ultimate outcome of the scratch Titan with which you began this thread?

I remember following until the previous host site went belly up......................

It is still in the works, I got some new idea's(many from you actually) and I'm think tanking it a lot before i start on it again. I got a FW powerfist and well lets say it looks wimpy on my titan. The scaling is NOT 1/28 with those titans, that or my math is way off.

I got a Warhound Inferno gun for the Carapace weapon also, but i need to figure out how to mount it without it looking rigged. They are not very compatible with the Reaver Titan. Sense I started that Titan my A.D.D. has had me ocupied with several projects, much of what you can see here and not nearly as many of them finished as i wish where. I got to many toy soldiers and not enough time.

MordentHex, I feel your pain--it hurts to pay hard earned money on what turns out to be a recast. That said, the charging pose is fantastic!

Yeah, I should have know better in hind sight. I thought i got a good "deal" on it but turns out I was wrong. At least I didn't pay full price for it and the detail is superb. Silver Lining i guess. I'll add it to my collection none the less and make this Forged World Lancer a Real bad ass.

Edit: Below

Picts: Primed





Edited by MordentHex

MordentHex, I'm enjoying following this and felt I should post instead of lurking...  I'm impressed with your primer coats -- they're beautifully smooth and clean.  With a great start like that, your finished paint job should be gorgeous. 


Are you gonna repeat the cracked lava and flying sparks scheme ?



Battybattybats: Thanks, i liked it too. The arms can move independently thanks to the magnets, so its not a static pose. The legs how ever are glued in place to provide adequate support and the "stomp" foot and Hip joint has been drilled and supported further with plastic rods.



Wendigo: Thanks to you as well for uh..lurking. The primer coat was actually really cheap gloss spray paint with a matte varnish over it. Yes I am going to do it as my other, but maybe a little fancier than the one before. To be honest its been a while sense i painted my last Knight so I'm going to have to "remember" the formula I used for my effects. It should all come back to me like riding a bike.


Cheers ya'll


  • 1 month later...

Halloween costume I made for my Warhammer Fantasy RP character. Took me about 3 weeks to put it all together. A lot of stitching, glue and spray paint. Some blood as anything worth doing is worth bleeding over. I won best costume that night and got a nice little certificate for a free steak dinner. Not bad. Total cost was only about 100$. Other than that i have nothing new to show. I have been abortion level lazy sense then. I do have the conversion parts for a Knight Magaera on the way. I didn't really want one in my Knight army, but I found it for a really decent price online and i couldn't say no. Hopefully its legit unlike my last purchase.

Pics for the peeps, enjoy!


  • 2 months later...

I've been out of internet for a long time now, I finally got internet in this horrible house yesterday. I dont have a lot to show for my time off but my Knight army has grown...by 2 more. In another topic i posted how the Magaera is just ugly as hell, well it still is but i got one. I replaced the FW head with one of the standard heads of the Knight and im much more satisfied with it. The other is the Castigator, which will bring me much more dakka to my army. As with everything i do now to try in with my alternative world, they will be based destroying nids in some fashion. I've been shading and washing the metal bits in a new way using Waer colors. Much better results and mistake proof.




C&C welcome.

  • 1 month later...

I got a Warmaster Horus yesterday...teee heee...

In other news, i'll try to get some crap up here for you guys to criticize in the next day or two.

Also Reaver titan is back on the green light and im going to try and finish it. its been lingering on here and in my work area for way to long.

The pose on the Lancer is fantastic!

Thank you


Are the other knights finished? I'm missing some images?

not done yet. but yes you are missing some images will try to get them on here sooner rather than later.  I moved appartments again. Another very real reason why i got to finish the Reaver is i do not have any room to work on anything else large until its done.  It takes up my entire desk. practical and RL are telling me finish it and put it somewhere to look pretty. 


I have a recast Reaver power fist and an Inferno gun that i plan on attaching to it. Yes its a fake and i got it on purpose. (explanation coming) One problem is that the scale of the arm is small.  It looks like a baby arm and thats not good. Im going to have to bulk it out and extend it and thats going to take some serious man hours.  FW came out with a chainfist right after i got the power fist! (damn them I would have got it from them)  Im also going to modify my power fist to resemble something similar to the terminator chainfists. that should also gain it some length. I also noticed that any weapon you want besides the rocket launcher on the carapace mount will be upside down. This i dont much care for as my inferno gun has a big "shoot here" sticker on the fuel storage tank to any flyer that passes by it. Granted an inferno gun  wont probably hurt a reaver but a fuel explosion on a sensitive joint so close to the reactor could have deadly consequences.


So im going to have to heavily modify them both and if i screw up i'm not out of to much money, vs I screw up the FW one and then i go cry in the shower and attract severe and debilitating wife aggro to boot.


interesting note, took this page 5 minutes to load. i literally made a pot of coffee and came back to reply. B&C uses google it seems for some of or all of its web resourcing, China doesn't like that.  Mao is a machine spirit too it seems.

  • 4 weeks later...

Right handed Chainfist(WIP) and Inferno cannon for top carapace.


ChainFist: I extended the Upper arm by 5cm. To be honest i goofed on this and didn't measure before i started gluing the extension in but it worked out well. The arm now has reach to actually use its weapon which it did not before. The top is a ping pong ball, Yes a ping pong ball you heard me right, to act as a shoulder ball point to give the arm more freedom of movement. I have filled the ping pong ball so it will be more structurally sound even thought its extra weight.

The normal actuators for the Reaver is well and good for a ranged weapon but very lacking for a melee weapon that why i changed this after a good study of the joints and a little research and anatomy. It will not have full range of motion like a human arm but it will be a lot closer and will now be able to reach up over its head.

The chainblade it self started at about 15 cm long if my memory serves me well, now its minus the necessity of shaping and grinding which would put it at about 14-14.5cm I will be working on the engine and attachment harness more in the days to come. The eagle had to be cut off to fit the attachment but i will add some snazzy bits back to it after the basic modifications are complete.

Inferno cannon: The armor was completely removed and reattached, the barrels and front portion of the gun where cut off and turned 180 degrees so that it wont fire upside down when attached to the carapace. I did this with primarily with a good hack saw and a heat gun.

Horus WIP front and Back. Yes he has a nother Talon of Horus. I hate that mace. Primarch = Uber Thunderhammer it feels like. I went old school back to Horus having Twin Lightning Claws. The extra claw was made from a terminator powerfist, a Grey Knight storm bolter, lots of little bits of sharp plastic and the Tears and blood of Tyrants(AKA superglue and epoxy putty)

Im painting him White as you may notice but a metallic Pearl white. The SoH sea green is also metallic like his legion and all that Black you see will become gold at some point in the near future. The wolf Pelt is just black primer with a Black glaze over it and my dirty man fingers rubbing the black off the raised detail so a light wet brushed grey and white over it. It will get a wash of brown later. I put the banister on wrong, but im happy with the way it looks. the base will get more highlighting and "stuff" added to it.


C&C welcome.



Which part? Its not done yet you know, right? I'm assuming you mean the Eagle head.


Vallejo Black primer (paint on)

Vallejo primer grey (paint on) a good liberal coating to everywhere but the largest cracks


+  (GW old range) Dheneb stone foundation: as a second layer cover all area's where light would hit. I used a wet brush technique to do this. takes about 2 coats to get it down smoothy.

*this paint is really strong and thick, use half or a bit less than usual when mixing with previous color. added a bit more water too to get a smother application


+(GW old range) bleached bone: Feather it out on all the feathers and raised detail. blend on the beak


bleached bone: as before


Vallejo Black Primer wash.  I heavily washed the entire damned thing with this. wiping off any excess and emptying any pools.

*the primer when it dries shrinks a bit and works well for me at least without staining the model black to much.


Notice the broken Feather below thats the original color before I washed it with black. I forgot to get that spot.


The entire base is going to get a second highlighting and then fill in the little details like the should pads.

im also thinking about throwing a dead broodlord or something similarly nasty onto the base as well.

Edited by MordentHex

Update Time: proof i haven't been slouching and being a lazy monkey

THe inferno Cannon now slots into the upper carapace with no problem!


It slots in like so...


Above you may notice I have also worked on the upper arms for the weapons, frontal picture below. This was done with some 5mm bolts that came with my washing machine. They are lockers for the internal drum to keep it from moving. I no longer needed them So i used them on my Titan. I got two more just in case i want to make another titan too!


Last I shortened the Upper arm on the Chainfist so it isn't too long and look like a monkey arm.


I got more work here and there but minor stuff that is still very WIP. So i'll save that for later.


I did find some art online that i blatantly stole and then worked on a little in photo shop in some cases.

This will be carapace and banner art. Picts below.

This was very rough when i got it. I ran it through a few filters and this is what i got. I very reasonable line art graphic that i can copy onto my model.


Punk skull: a nod to the old rogue traders days when punk was all over 40k/30k


I absolutely love this image. its F'ing awesome and i think im going to use it as a banner. Obviously the wording will be different. :biggrin.:


And this is a Legio Mortis Titan so SKULLS lots of Skulls!





And you know, that guy that runs the whole show...


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