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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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@Nards08 What in the name of Holy Terra are you using for the outside of the cape?! That colour and level of shading... I must know!


It's actually quite simple. First is a layer of Dheneb Stone foundation paint. Next a solid wash of Gryphonne Sepia. Once dry I follow along the high edges above the recesses with the new Ushabti Bone layer paint. I blend it out to the whole large area of the cape. I try to leave the dark areas following the folds. I switched over to a large brush on the big area to keep the paint smooth. Its the easiest way I have found to paint tabards and capes so far.


Many thanks for sharing this! I really must try it some time, I really like how it turns out.

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Black Templars, still crazy after all these years... After a fantastic show of commitment in the closing stage of the recruitment period, they carry on with completions and new vows that lower their completion rate. As a result their completion rate is “only” 15% (which is still 50% higher than the average) translates to almost 4,800 completed points and are currently at the top of the competition. They have huge momentum and sky-high morale! However the risk of an early burnout is very much a consideration. It’s still early on guys, if you overextend yourselves you might not have the drive in the final stages where competition will undoubtedly peak!


As I told you Brothers, we can and WILL triumph! The Emperor has chosen us, His favourite sons, to Eternally Crusade against those who insult Him and stand in His way! We now are beginning to show our Battle Cousins why we were chosen to do so!! We must carry on in this fashion! Gather your forces! Gather your brushes! Show them that we finish what we start! And that we do not rest, but we accept another challenge! And another! And another! So is our Glorious Eternal Crusade of the Righteous!


In fact, Brothers, not only can we show them that we can keep up to our claims! No, we can even escalate! There is quite some time left so now would be the time to break out the larger vows! Waiting to present the largest of vows increases the risk of failure, which is something we do not know! Fight on, Brother Templar! Fight on!!


In Sigismund's name!!

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So I wrongly assumed that no before pic was required for this challenge. Silly me I know. After talking to Captain Semper, I have been allowed to post a pic of my model which is already in the process of being painted.





Thank you again Captain Semper.

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Yes guys, it's right there in the ETL rules under "Important Stuff" - see also below:


Only two pictures are required – one in the beginning (minis unpainted or primed or in very early stages of painting) and one for the finished vow. You are of course welcome to post as many pictures as you like in your WIP thread – but just two (one at the start and one at the finish) will suffice!


Now I realise that some of you are using the same entries for your in-house Crusade Expansion that requires no before pics - which created some confusion. So if you started work on your ETL project AFTER you placed your vow but forgot to take a pic then take one now (even if it is in an advanced stage of painting) and clearly state that you did not take one earlier due to oversight. I'm operating on good faith here guys, but you got to meet me halfway.

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time for my second vow


I [brother-Captain Sicarius] answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete [marshal with master-crafted power sword, Storm Shield, Artificier armour, bionics, Adamantine Mantle, terminator honours, frag and krak grenades] from Codex: [black Templars] of total value [198 pts] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to [the Black Templars] and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end


before pic:



will make sure to show front and back shot of him for the after pics when done so his cloak can be seen :D

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I must admit being overzealous also good brothers! I added additional models to my vow that I had also pledged to our in-house challenge to expand our crusades. Our in-hose challenge did not require a before photo and therefore I was remiss in posting such a photo for the ETL challenge. After discussion with good Captain Semper he said that a current photo would be acceptable ( although due to the proximity of our own deadline they are very nearly finished ) and he suggested a bit of reflection and meditation in the pain glove :( I have provided the requested photo and also made the personal pledge that my bike squad should be known as the " Brothers of the Unforgiven" and will each bear some small token in the green and bone colors of the Emperor loyal chapter.

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My before pics. (Ironically I put these up only like a day or two before I vowed)

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I, brother Anthraxus, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Dreadnought with MultiMelta, 1 Master of Sanctity in Terminator Armor and master crafted storm bolter, and 1 5 man Sword Brethren Terminator Command Squad. All from Codex: Black Templar for a total point value of 460 on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Here are some before pictures. I started the Chaplain a day or two after the vow, he still has much to do. The Dread is there and also one primed Terminator and the others very very not ready, still on sprue.



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Hail and Well met my brothers it has been too long...I now feel completely like Han Solo in Return...I go to Switzerland for the past two weeks with family, internet and cannot be found anywhere and this is what I come out of carbonite to find...my brothers answered the challenge and are kicking a$$!!!


This is amazing and I am so freakin happy ^_^ As soon as I get a good nights rest tonight to sleep off the jet lag, my entire day tomorrow is about cranking out vows!!!!


Time for us to blow this competition wide open!!


PS - civsmitty I love that Simpson clip...that is one of my favorite ones that I quote frequently :P

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Ahh yes! The great Lord Chaplain Grimaldus in all his metallic glory!

Reclusiarch Grimaldus.


Meh. Codex names him both. Lol


Though I had wondered why hes not Master of Sanctity yet, since he's easily the most epic Chaplain in the Imperium... (Obvious bias is obvious :lol:)



Welcome back, Brother Hart! Yes, we've been rather busy. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with in the next ~2 months!


And good to see everyone is getting some WiP/Before pictures up... haha

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Ok brothers I got vows one and two done I believe. One, LRC done, Two, Master w/Jump done...working on finishing the initiate squad for tomorrow, maybe this weekend having trouble with my glue!

Here are the pics:

LRC: gallery_66974_7235_1130399.jpg

Master w/ Jump: gallery_66974_7235_365179.jpg

On a side note I keep reading we can use units from our in house vow, if we can add units to our vow by using our in house challenge, then please increase my vow to a second Emperor's Champion (90pt) and a Land Speeder Tornado with HB and AC (80pt) as they are already done and posted in that forum :P I can repost here though!!


edited as I am retarded :) and still jet lagged!

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Well done so far hart, keep 'em coming! That LRC is ace! Still some distance to cover before your vow is done but the weekend s coming, so make best use of it! ;)


On a side note I keep reading we can use units from our in house vow, if we can add units to our vow by using our in house challenge, then please increase my vow to a second Emperor's Champion (90pt) and a Land Speeder Tornado with HB and AC (80pt) as they are already done and posted in that forum :P I can repost here though!!


Ermm.. No and no.


First no: although you can submit the same vow as for your in-house competition, you have to start on it AFTER you place your ETL vow. This was done to make up for the fact that the two events overlapped, not to add everything you've painted so far to the ETL competition. It seems to me that these were done before you even thought of adding them, which brings us to the...


Second no: you can no more add or modify your vows in any way. You can finish them and make new ones, but not add or expand your current ones.


So it's no-no! :)

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