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Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my new WIP thread, in which I will chronicle the construction, and hopefully completion, of my take on the Ultramarines Third Company.


My aim for this army is to build a full Battle Company in the colours of the Third. Along the way, I hope to improve my painting abilities, including speed and precision.


I've been collecting Warhammer, both Fantasy and 40k, for over eight years. I've had many armies along the way. The latest that I've shared was this, also Ultramarines Third Company. Like every project before it, it didn't work out for a variety of reasons. But now I think, I hope, I've found something that I can stick with (knock on wood).


I don't want to go on a long rant about what my models will be like, but I'd like to share the basic stuff. Colour scheme is typical Ultramarines, red trims for the Third Company, and all lenses and Plasma weapon coils will be orange-red, to both limit my palette a bit, and to provide a complimentary spot colour to the blue. So far, I like it.


Each model will be an individual, with a unique combination of parts and pose. I've bought, and will buy, lots of Forge World sets, which helps greatly with variations. I also use parts from the other Power Armour armies, such as helmetless heads from the Blood Angels range.


And for the first time in years, I might use waterslide transfers. The results weren't pretty last time I used them, mostly because I'm terrible at applying them. But I think my abilities have progressed enough that I can make it work. I tried out a few from the standard GW Space Marine sheet on some spare bits. Went well, compared to the last time around, and I've got Micro Set and Micro Sol on the way.

If I can make it work, I'll buy some transfer sheets from Forge World. At any rate, they'll probably be smoother and cleaner than my freehanding...


Additionally, each model will be named, and I will create a small description/back story. Don't expect literary wonders, I'm really just doing it for fun.


That's enough boring text for now.

Moving on, here's what I'm working on right now.


The first squad of this army is squad Aurelius, the first Tactical Squad in the company.


Led by Veteran Sergeant Arcadius, an honoured veteran of the company, Aurelius is widely thought of as a solid, dependable squad. Most of the members have served Third Company for a long time, and are amongst the company's best.


The first Astartes I'm working on is Battle-Brother Marius, Aurelius' Plasma Gunner. Though taciturn, he shares a strong bond of friendship with Arcadius. His armour is a combination of the newer Mk. VII, and Mk. III armour originating in the days of the Great Crusade. He has earned the right to wear such ancient armour in the fires of countless wars, never faltering in the service of Guilliman and The Emperor.


(The picture is no particularly good; the colours are a bit off. That's another thing to work on.)

Obviously, Marius is the one on the right with the Plasma. He is not quite finished, but it won't be long. The blue on the backpack still needs some work, but aside from that, it's mostly just touch-ups, weathering, transfers, and flocking the base that I need to do.

The torso and shoulder pads are Forge World Mk. III armour, the Aquila is FW brass etch, and the helmet is from the Tank bits sprue. Rest is just standard parts from a Tactical Squad box.


The Marine on the left is Learchus, a regular Battle-Brother. He has a Mk. IV helmet, and a Mk. V-variant torso (from a Chaos Marine set, actually), but other than that, is just made up of regular plastic parts. The missing parts will be attached sooner or later, as I make progress in my painting.


I've also done some Blu-tacked mockups of six other marines of squad Aurelius, including Veteran Sergeant Arcadius. He's the one in the middle, with the Power Sword.



I've pledged Squad Aurelius for the Dark Angels Painting Challenge. This should hopefully help motivate me to finish the squad in a somewhat-timely manner.



I think that's it for now.

I will keep this thread updated, at least once a week, on Sunday evenings. Beyond that, I will post whenever I feel like it, and I will try to reply to your comments within twenty-four hours.

I would very much like your comments, in particular constructive criticism, so that I can improve my painting.


Thank you for reading.


Courage and Honour!

Edited by Ramell
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  Darth Potato said:
A good start. :rolleyes:


Digging the plasma coils on Marius and the mock-ups are cool, though I'm left a bit wanting on the Sergeant in particular. What sorta bases are these boys gonna be sporting? Mud effects?

Sorry about the late reply. I've been lazy and forgetful lately (mostly just lazy).


I admit I was apprehensive about the plasma coils, because you know, plasma is supposed to be blue. But I gave it a try, and I love it.

As for the poses, the angle in the picture isn't the best. But none of those models are permanently assembled, so they can be glued together differently right up to a point partway through painting.

And yes, mud bases. Brown-painted sand, some flock, water effects.


In other news, I got a Venerable Dreadnought in the mail a few days ago. I'm probably going to save it as a kind of reward for myself after finishing squad Aurelius, but I might enter it into the Dark Angels painting comp.

Also, my Micro Set and Micro Sol arrived yesterday. I tested it out with an Ultramarines transfer from a regular GW transfer sheet. Result it just about perfect. Definitely going with Forge World transfer sheets, as soon as I've got the money.


I've also got some more painting done on Marius and Learchus. I think I will get Marius nearly finished over the weekend, with the exception of transfers, weathering, varnish and such. Probably won't finish Learchus, but I'll get a solid chunk done.


I'm not going to post any pictures right now, because it's hot and I'm lethargic, and because the differences between the models now, and in the last picture isn't that big. Mostly just fine tuning and some chipping effects on Marius, and highlights on Learchus.

I'll post pictures tomorrow evening though, so they include the weekend's work.



That's it for now, gotta go back to painting.

Hello again.


I've got a couple of updates.

I ordered transfer sheets from Forge World yesterday, which shipped the same day. I ordered the Ultramarines sheet, Space Marine Markings sheet, and the white Imperial Guard one. They'll arrive some time next week.

I also won my first Ebay auction today, Veteran Sergeant Aurelius (GD 2005 mini) in unopened original packaging. Just

Great work, Ramell. :)


As you know that red is striking, and I look forward to using it in a project I have planned. Marius looks the business. I think the weathering chips on his armor look just fine. I'm interested to see if the powders will really transform these guys, as well as the decals. A whole army to this standard will look spectacular.

Wow, those colors are so Crimson Fist looking... I dont see the ultra in them. Its a very good paint job tho.


Edit: took a closer look at the eyes. I saw the gemstone style and you did it nicely, but I also like Marius' eyes too. Im no help huh?

Edited by dizzy-xc

It's a bit late, I know, but I kinda lost track of time playing Saints Row: The Third last night.

I did not get much painting done Saturday or Sunday, as I decided to take a little break to help prevent burnout, after I spend all Thursday and Friday working on 40k and rewatching FlashForward.


What little I did get done isn't really enough to make the hassle involved with taking a decent picture worth it. I made some progress on Learchus' shoulder pad purity seal and Bolter, but that's about it.


I've got the day off tomorrow, so I should get some painting done then.


  LamenterMarine said:
Looking good so far, something I find when blue tacing models to check poses etc is that the way it glues together is slightly different from how the blue tac holds it. You might want to bear that in mind when trying some less traditional arm poses.

Thank you.

Yes, I'm aware of the difference between a Blu-tack'd model and a glued one. But thanks for the reminder, I'll check them over and see if there's any major discrepancy.



  Darth Potato said:
Great work, Ramell. ;)


As you know that red is striking, and I look forward to using it in a project I have planned. Marius looks the business. I think the weathering chips on his armor look just fine. I'm interested to see if the powders will really transform these guys, as well as the decals. A whole army to this standard will look spectacular.


I'm not sure how much weathering powders will do. Aside from the feet, it will be applied sparsely, probably a bit in the recesses at the corners of the shoulder pad, and such areas. Weapon muzzles will get some soot-effect with black weathering powder.

I'll also be using some 'engine grease' oil paint on Bolters around the ejection port, so it looks like they are properly lubricated for smooth operation.


It's a step beyond what I've done previously, but I think it will work out okay.


It will be a while before I get a whole army painted up, especially as I will keep up this standard (and hopefully, improve a bit).



  hushrong said:
I've been thinking about and wanting to see dark painted and gritty looking Ultramarines. THIS did the trick! Great work, bud!

Thank you very much, I'm flattered. Now I just have to paint more than one and a half model...



  dizzy-xc said:
Wow, those colors are so Crimson Fist looking... I dont see the ultra in them. Its a very good paint job tho.


Edit: took a closer look at the eyes. I saw the gemstone style and you did it nicely, but I also like Marius' eyes too. Im no help huh?

Thank you. They are darker than the usual Ultramarines, and it makes sense that they look like CF, I use Kantor Blue. But it's what I prefer. Some transfers should make them a little more Ultramarine-y than Crimson Fist-y.

I do like Marius' eyes, though I feel better about the gemstone style in the long run.



I'm off for now, for a family dinner. So I probalby won't get all that much painting done tonight.

So I guess it's time for another Sunday update, on time for once.


I did not get much painting done through the week. SR3 distracted me, followed by Max Payne 3 which arrived Wednesday (and so did my FW transfers). I was at a Metallica concert in Horsens Wednesday night, which took up a chunk of time where I usually paint. Thursday was also taken up by MP3.


I did get some work done over the weekend.


I've applied transfers, flock on the base and done some of the small fixes.


Also, I've decided to do a heat discolouration effect on hot weapons (plasma, melta, flamer), but I do not have the paints I'd need. I used Leviathan Purple and Gryphonne Sepia last time I did it, and Reikland Fleshshade and Seraphim Sepia doesn't quite replace it. I can work with them, but the result is not quite what I want, so I ordered some Citadel Shades today. Druchii Violet, Carroburg Crimson, Fuegan Orange and Casandora Yellow. If they ship tomorrow, I'll have them Thursday or Friday, so I should be able to finish Marius next weekend.


I've also made a fair bit of progress with Learchus.


Shoulder pads are essentially finished, except that they need transfers. I've already glossed them.

Aside from the Bolter and the back side of the backpack, it's mostly small stuff with Learchus as well.

I should get him finished by the same time as Marius, so I'll likely be able to spray varnish them together. Hopefully no later than Sunday afternoon.



In other news, I have my final exam on Thursday, and after that, I've basically got summer holiday. I technically don't get holiday until the 29th, but I don't have to go to school except for two specific days. This means I'll have more time for 40k, so I should get some work done on the rest of the squad soon.


I think that's it for now. I have to sleep so I'm not totally devastated tomorrow morning. C&C is very welcome, like always.

I've made a little progress on Learchus since yesterday. I've started on the chipping effects, and made some progress on the backpack. That's about it, really.

Wayland Games haven't shipped the Shades yet, they are apparently out of stock. Hopefully they will ship soon.


  Jorus_Shadowmaw said:
They are looking great. IMO Marius' eyes look better, but that is personal taste.

Good luck with your exams, I have some on Wednesay.



Thank you. I like Marius' eyes as well, but I prefer the gemstone effect.

Good luck on your exams as well.



  tagsta said:
phenomenal! may i request the recipe for the blue? (sorry if it was asked before in the thread)

Many thanks.

Sure, I'm happy to help fellow hobbyists.


Basecoat with Kantor Blue, followed by blacklining with Abaddon Black.

Macragge Blue for highlighting shadowed edges (underside of armour, the mostly hidden back of backpacks), and areas that would have less strong highlights, like the curve of shoulder pads.

Then an all-over edge highlight of Altdorf Guard Blue, except for the areas that has has Macragge Blue.

Follow with a finer highlight of Calgar Blue on the higher-up, more exposed edges.

Finish with a very fine highlight of Lothern Blue on the highest, most exposed corners and edges, such as the corners on the helmet 'crest'.



And that seems to be all. I'll get some more work done on Learchus tomorrow. Your comments are very welcome.

  • 1 month later...

It's been quite a while since my last update. I'm absolutely terrible at this.

But I've made quite a bit of progress on squad Aurelius lately (by my standards, at least). I'll post a bigger update on Sunday, but for now, here's a picture of Marius.

I finally finished him yesterday after a too long break.


Edited by Ramell
  • 2 months later...

Hello, everyone. It's been far too long since I've posted any update, and even longer for a proper one, and for that I apologise.


If you just want to look at the pictures, scroll down, it's going to get a bit wordy first.


I've been a little stressed these last few month, and that's affected my motivation (for anything). But I've been doing better the last couple of weeks, and I think I'm back, so to speak.


So what has happened since I last posted an in-depth update?


I went to the 6th Edition release party at the Copenhagen GW store, where I picked up my copy of the Collector's Edition of the rulebook (I preordered it), which is number 84 out of 4000. I bought some of the event-only gear; an Ultramarines lanyard, the hat, and the belt (got the last one). Not sure if I'll ever really use any of it.

I also bought the Servo Skull tape measure, the Psychic Powers cards, a Storm Talon, and a Razorback. I've barely started on the Storm Talon's base, and I haven't even removed the plastic around the Razorback.


I spent the rest of the summer not getting enough modelling and painting done. I did finish building the rest squad towards the end of July.

I also failed the E Tenebrae Lux challenge. I simply got going far too late. I did make a vow to myself to complete the squad, and the next one, plus their Rhinos by the end of the year in penance. I think I might actually be able to do it.


In better news, I bought an airbrush in September. A proper dual-action, gravity-feed airbrush, in a kit with a compact compressor. I've not used it much; aside from a bit of experimentation/practice on a cardboard box, I've only painted the interior on Squad Arcadius' Rhino.

So far, it's great, far better than the Citadel spray gun. The only annoyance I have is with the GW paints, and not the brush itself. They tend to dry fast, which can clog the nozzle. There's also frequently small bits of dried paint in the pots, which blocks the nozzle.

It's worth the money, though. It gives smooth and fast coverage, even with light colours like Ushabti Bone.


As for the squad, I've made a fair bit of progress. In a frantic rush to complete it for E Tenebrae Lux, I painted large amounts of the models. All legs, torsos and arms are practically done, in fact, it's only helmets and backpacks I've not really started on. I did go back to my usual one-model-at-a-time way of painting after E Tenebrae Lux ended, but none of the unfinished models need large amounts of work.


I have also decided to rename the squad to Tactical Squad Arcadius, to conform with GW's usual manner of naming squads after the sergeant. It doesn't make any difference for the models, but that's how I will refer to it now.


As for actually completing models, I have completed Learchus in August, Crassus (Mk II legs and arms) in September, and Laertes (running, throwing frag) just today.

And now, I believe, we are caught up, so it's time for pictures.


Battle-Brother Learchus:



Battle-Brother Crassus:


I decided that he'd look better with a Godwyn-pattern Bolter than the Umbra-pattern he had in the mockup state.


Battle-Brother Laertes:


The head is at too much of a downwards angle for my preference, but I only relalised that after the superglue had dried, and I didn't want to rip off the head.

The white stuff on the base is freshly applied Water Effect. I still need to apply a few more layers. He's all done, aside from that, though.


A note on Marius: I said that I would do some heat-discolouring effect using Shades on the Plasma Gun, but after trying it out on some spare bits, I decided against it. I couldn't get it to look right on the Plasma Gun. I'll still do it on Meltas and Flamers, though.


And Squad Arcadius as it stands now:


Left to right in order of completion.


The rest of the squad will be finished over the next couple of weeks, I hope. The same goes for the Rhino. I should be done with the interior by next Sunday, and have assembled the hull.


I've also made some mock-ups of models for the next squad, Tactical Squad Praetorus.


L-R: Battle-Brother, who will have his left leg repositioned, standing on a rock or something; Mk VI guy, including Umbra-pattern Bolter, with Mk IV pad on right arm; Veteran Sergeant Praetorus, who will get a Phobos-pattern

Combi-Melta; Multi-Melta guy; all plastic (will get a resin Bolt Pistol holster, though); and Melta-Man, who is looking rather awkward right now, but that's because of the blu-tack and resin not playing nice, and extra resin on top of the legs.


Squad Praetorus will be an all-Melta squad; Meltagun, Multi-Melta, and Combi-Melta for the sergeant. Even the Rhino, in it's Razorback form, will have a Multi-Melta (from Forge World).

I won't start working on them until Squad Arcadius is all done, these mockups are just because I had an idea for a model, and didn't want to lose it.



That's the past and the now all wrapped up; but what about the future?


Forge World has recently released a Horus Heresy series. I admit that I was greatly tempted to start a Sons of Horus or Emperor's Children force, but I decided againtst it; I will start a small force when FW gets around to Calth and the Ultramarines (and Guilliman!), but until then, I'm sticking with my 40k Ultramarines.


That won't stop me from buying the models, though, much to my bank account's despair.


I'll be in Nottingham, England from November 2nd to the 4th, for the Black Library Weekender. I'll swing by Warhammer World on the 2nd, where I aim to buy Forge World stuff. I have absolutely no idea what they have in stock, but I hope they have what I want.

I'm looking to get the Mk IV Asssault Squad, Mk III and IV Legion Armour sets, Tigrus-pattern Bolters and Bolt Pistol hosters, Phobos-pattern Bolt Pistol holsters, and the Cataphractii Terminator Special Weapons set (for the Phobos-pattern Combi-Bolters).


first, these guys look great!



The way I did Marius' lenses is faster and easier, but The "gemstone" way looks a lot better, and is well worth the effort.


can you teach me how you did marius' eye. I way prefer that to the gemstone look.

I've got some work done today on the next marine, Brother Thrasius. He's the pointing one in the mockup picture in the first post.

I made a lot of progress in my attempt to complete the squad for E Tenebrae Lux, so with today's work, most parts are mostly done. He still needs some work, primarily around the neck guard, shoulder pads (blue areas), backpack, and bolter.

I won't be able to assemble him for a few days, though, because I am all out of super glue. I threw out my super glues (both GW types), after I had glued Laertes' head on, because the thin version was thick and goopy, and the thick one was completely dry in the bottle. I ordered a bottle of Army Painter Super Glue on Sunday, and it shipped today, so I'll probably have it on Thursday or Friday.


I'll post pictures when he is done.



  furioso-prime said:
first, these guys look great!



The way I did Marius' lenses is faster and easier, but The "gemstone" way looks a lot better, and is well worth the effort.


can you teach me how you did marius' eye. I way prefer that to the gemstone look.



It's actually pretty simple, just successively smaller layers of lighter and lighter paints.

I started with a layer of Khorne Red over the entire lens, then painted on a layer of Mephiston Red, leaving some Khorne Red towards the back of the lens. Then a layer of Evil Sunz Scarlet within the previous colour, followed by Wild Rider Red inside that, Troll Slayer Orange inside that, and finally a small amount of Yriel Yellow within the orange.

After that, glazed the lens with a mix of Troll Slayer Orange and Lahmian Medium (approximately 30:70), to tone down the yellow and bring the colours together.


You can of course substitute those paints with whatever you desire.

I made a quick picture in Paint.net, to give you a better idea of where the colours go. It's not very accurate, but hopefully, it should give you an idea of what to do.



Hope that helps.

Those are beautifully painted. I love the dark blue (my 2nd Co. also has the dark blue but using the old paints but i'm glad you posted a new paint recipe!).


Your style is crisp and finely detailed (I wish mine was!). Outstanding job - keep it up. I've love to see you do a vehicle.

I'm one of those people who finds baby-blue Ultramarines really boring, and normally I don't like most people's take on the Ultramarines, but these models make me want to start an Ultramarines force. Really impressed and you've somehow managed to give helmeted, minimally converted Marines a ton of character and gritty realism. Really nice job. I would absolutely love to play against these guys <_<

I did not get quite as much painting done today as I would have liked, but Thrasius' backpack is nearly done, just a few finishing touches to go.

I hope to get more done tomorrow.


  ravenguard2010 said:
Loving the armour mixes here! Paint job is top notch too.
  Schultzhoffen said:
Those are beautifully painted. I love the dark blue (my 2nd Co. also has the dark blue but using the old paints but i'm glad you posted a new paint recipe!).


Your style is crisp and finely detailed (I wish mine was!). Outstanding job - keep it up. I've love to see you do a vehicle.

  MagicMan said:
These guys look great! Very well painted Ultras.



I always find it weird seeing the Company colours, Ultras don't look right to me with anything other than gold trims.

  BrotherCaptainArkhan said:
I'm one of those people who finds baby-blue Ultramarines really boring, and normally I don't like most people's take on the Ultramarines, but these models make me want to start an Ultramarines force. Really impressed and you've somehow managed to give helmeted, minimally converted Marines a ton of character and gritty realism. Really nice job. I would absolutely love to play against these guys :)


This kind of praise makes it all worth it, all the time and money I've spent on this hobby over the last eight years. And it motivates me want to paint more.

I thank you all.


Schultzhoffen, I'm working on Squad Arcadius' Rhino, currently painting the interior. It'll be a couple of weeks at least before I get started on painting the exterior, as I won't spend much more time on the interior until I've completed at least Thrasius and the next marine, Pollux. But I shall definitely make vehicles for my Ultramarines. Dozens of them, over time.

Also, feel free to use my recipe for blue for anything and everything you could want.


MagicMan, they definitely look different from the typical Ultramarine. But that's why I decided to do something other than the Second in the first place.


BrotherCaptainArkhan; I am very glad you think so. That's exactly what I set out to do in the first place.



That's it for today, I think.

Comments, constructive criticism, all that jazz; very welcome, as usual.

They really look cool Ramell.


What I like:


- That you chose the third company and not the second (like everybody else)


- How you integrated the different armour typs


- Every marine looks unique in his on way.


- The realistic painting style


What I think you could do better:


- I have noticed that you paint the highlights on the chips all around. I think it would look more 3D if you would just paint a thin highlight "under" the chips.


- Squad numbers


Again very nice Smurfs :(


PS: I have heard that Vallejo's Model Air paints are the best acrylic paints for an airbrush, they are developed for this purpose. You could check them out.

PS: I have heard that Vallejo's Model Air paints are the best acrylic paints for an airbrush, they are developed for this purpose. You could check them out.


they are awesome, but be careful with the metallics. In my experience, they go on a little too matte with an airbrush. if you like shiney metal, use a brush. even with vallejo air metals!

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