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The red monitors and consoles look really cool.

All these Ultramarines are wonderfully painted (and the darker color scheme is very interesting), but that Rhino interior is simply gorgeous.

Very nicely done that Man!!


As I browse through the topics here, I'm getting more and more amazed by peoples' output. Cool skills! I wish I could paint my miniatures like that.

Thank you very much, all.



I've made a little progress today. The remaining interior parts pretty much just need some highlighting and cleanup. The outer left hull isn't clean of mold lines yet, but will be soon. Thurday seems a more likely estimate for assembly now.

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Hey Ramell! You do all of us in the XIIIth proud!

To be to the point, can you walk me through how you did those transfers? They have come out just wonderfully, and I am this close to giving up on pauldrons all together. I figure it will be some time before Forge World comes out with Ultramarine Power Armour Pauldrons, so I might as well give transfers a go. 

Im also using a new dual action airbrush. Thing is a dream, aint it?

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Hey Ramell! You do all of us in the XIIIth proud!

To be to the point, can you walk me through how you did those transfers? They have come out just wonderfully, and I am this close to giving up on pauldrons all together. I figure it will be some time before Forge World comes out with Ultramarine Power Armour Pauldrons, so I might as well give transfers a go. 

Im also using a new dual action airbrush. Thing is a dream, aint it?

Thank you very much. 


When I started using transfers again, I followed these two guides. They explains it better than I probably can, but I will give it a try. 


I use two products from Microscale Industries, Mircro Set and Micro Sol. They are the key to good results with waterslide transfers. They do not cost all that much (around £5 each), and there's enough of the material in the bottles that they should last for hundreds, if not thousands, of transfers.


I start out by painting a thin layer of Gloss Varnish over where the transfer will go. 

After the gloss has had plenty of time to dry completely (at least a full hour), I paint on a bit of Micro Set. I then quickly dip the transfer, still on its backing paper, in Micro Set, just so that it is submerged and nothing more. The stuff works fast. 

I then move the transfer to the shoulder pad with an old, but still in decent condition, brush. It's a medium-size brush, like GW's Standard Brush.

I then use a bit of paper tissue to remove any excess Micro Set. If the transfer needs to be moved slightly, I dip the brush in Micro Set, and make any necessary corrections.


When the transfer is in the correct position, and all excess Micro Set is gone, I leave it for 20-30 minutes before I begin applying Micro Sol.

Using the same brush, I cover the entire transfer, including the entire area of the transparent film, with a bit of Micro Sol. I give the Micro Sol 30-60 minutes to work before I apply more. If necessary, I use a sharp knife to cut the transfer so it conforms to sharp edges. I also make small nicks in it, very carefully, to represent battle damage. 

I keep applying Micro Sol until the transfer is completely done - it usually takes a few applications. 

You can tell when the transfer is done when it looks painted on, rather than an image printed on thin film, and it conforms to the curves and edges of the surface.


Once it is completely finished, and the Micro Sol is completely dry (I usually leave it overnight), I paint on a thin layer of Lahmian Medium, making sure to go beyond the edges of the fim (they should be barely visible anyway), and the original coat of gloss. This ties the transfer in with the painted surface, and dulls it down, much better than Gloss Varnish. 


The Lahmian Medium is actually on advice from the most recent How To Paint Citadel Miniatures. I decided to try it on Marius, with gloss on Learchus for comparison, and I think it turned out well. It doesn't show well in the pictures, but the difference is big, and very visible in real life, as the gloss shows through the spray-on matte varnish I use (from Army Painter). 



The Airbrush is great. I haven't used it much so far, just a test run and the Rhino's interior (a basecoat of Zandri Dust and a layer of Ushabti Bone), but it is easy to use and gives smooth layers for paint (and my compressor's pretty quiet). 

I will get more use out of it soon-ish, though, what with the Rhino coming closer to being assembled, and I will be starting on the next squad in the near (relatively speaking) future. 

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Just a small update for today.

I would have had the Rhino assembled tonight, but I got delayed a bit. Some glue between the central wall and the left side spilled out of the gap and damaged the paint.

I had to wait for the glue to dry, remove the mix of dry plastic cement and paint, smooth it out and then repaint it with several layers of Zandri Dust and Ushabti Bone, plus shading and highlighs, so I didn't quite get around to attaching the roof.

That should be done by tomorrow evening, though, and then I will post another update with better pictures (taken with my camera, and not my phone).




Comments are welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize for the lack of updates. I've been lazy.

I have attached the roof to the Rhino, and I'm just about done filing down the areas where parts stick out/above the rest. I'll probably start greenstuffing gaps today or tomorrow. I've also started on the next marine.

I will probably get some pictures up tonight.


Some lovely looking smurfs in this thread! :tongue.:
I love me some well painted Ultras, and these are exceptionally well painted. 

Excellent work on these 3rd company ultras, very nice detailing.
keep up the good work.

Great looking models... 
Your attention to detail is excellent.
Anyone ever confuse these boys for Crimson Fists?  :teehee:

Thank you very much.

Aside from dizzy-xc and now you, I haven't had any comments on Crimson Fist-ishness. I think the transfers and the shade of red I use help. I, at least, associate Crimson Fists more with a Khorne Red/Scab Red/Red Gore shade.



Sorry for the threadomancy. I'm testing an issue I seem to be having with tags. :smile.:

That's quite alright. Hope you get it solved.

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As I said, I've taken a few pictures of the Rhino's interior.


The pictures turned out terrible, but you can see that it's assembled now. I will get better pictures once the Rhino is finished.


Next up is greenstuffing the gaps (some of which are visible in the pics). It'll take a while.


As for the next marine, Battle-Brother Messinus, I might be finished on Sunday, but more likely next week if all goes well.

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I've made some progress on Battle-Brother Messinus.
The blue, including the backpack, is mostly finished. I need to do some re-shading and some cleanups with Kantor Blue. The metal parts on the backpack are done. The shoulder pad trim needs highlights, the purity seals needs a few repairs, and the base is still missing grass.
The cuff skulls are half-way done. I've only just started on the bolter and the head. And of course I need to glue the parts together, spray on varnish and apply the water effects.

I hope do be done by Sunday, which should definitely be possible.


Great work Ramell :smile.:

Thank you.

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I'm a little behind schedule, but I've made a fair bit of progress on Brother Messinus.
I still need to do a bit of work on the torso and a few other places. I'm about 80% done with the head, and 33% done with the Bolter. I think I'll be done Tuesday.

I haven't made much progress on the Rhino, so I'll try to focus on that before I start on the next models.



Great updates, and nice to see the rhino getting some attention as well :biggrin.: I can strongly recommend t use a filler instead of green stuf as it'll make for some much nicer seams when sanded than green stuff does :smile.:

Thank you.
Do you have any specific filler you'd recommend?

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  • 1 month later...

any updates to these guys ramell? as a fellow 3rd company player, im really looking forward to seeing more of what youve got!

I was actually going to post an update tomorrow. I've kinda hit a "painter's block" (like writer's block), but I think I've gotten back on track.

Battle-Brother Messinus is neary done, save for a few touchups before varnishing. I will definitely have him finished for tomorrow. 

I've also worked on something different as a side project, which I'll post tomorrow. 


But I appreciate that you posted. It helps with motivation. 

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Here is the newest member of Squad Arcadius, Battle-Brother Messinus:



Like I posted yesteday, I have not had the motivation/inspiration for painting much, as of late. But I have finally finished the eight member of the squad.


All in all, he turned out quite well. As always, there's things I should have done differently, better, in hindsight, but that's unavoidable. What bugs me the most is the left shoulder pad. Should've had brighter highlights on the studs, but I didn't realise it until I looked at the pictures.

And speaking of pictures, they turned out rather poor. Definitely worse than most I've taken of the squad. I'll take some better ones when the whole squad is finished.



I have barely gotten anything done on the Rhino since last update, so I will try to at least complete the main hull before moving on to the next marine. I should have an update on that next Sunday.



Yesterday, I mentioned a side project. That's still in progress, so I'll hold off on the update until next time.



Thanks for reading. All comments are welcome. Next update on Sunday. Hopefully I will hold to the schedule for once, and have something more to show.

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Excellent stuff Ramell! Your quality of blue is outstanding - I really like your take on UMs... I also like the red computer screens in the Rhinos. I use red myself - it's a nice change from the more common green and keeps your pallette intact! :wink: sunday it is then!
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