Ramell Posted November 11, 2013 Author Share Posted November 11, 2013 Thank you all for the kind comments. They help me keep motivated. Got a little painting done today, mostly on the Champion, about fifteen minutes worth. I should have both Janus and the Champion done this week, and I hope to get the belt gear and such done on Squad Catullus/Beta. If I get it all ready to airbrush on Sunday, I will probably paint the leg/torso/gear assemblies before I get the remaining parts (arms, shoulders, bolters, heads and backpacks) done. We'll see. I've also decided to mix up a pot of the Kantor/Macragge Blue mix, so I don't have to mix it every time I use it, as wello as a pot of airbrush-ready 50/50 mix of Kantor Blue and Vallejo Airbrush Thinner, also for convenience. It'll probably be some time over the weekend. And it looks like we're up to page five now. Woo. That's all for today, thank you for reading. More painting tomorrow, maybe an update with pictures. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3519306 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted November 17, 2013 Author Share Posted November 17, 2013 Just a small update today, to keep myself going. I haven't had much inspiration/motivation for the last week, so I haven't got much done. I haven't quite stuck to the 15-30 minute minimum plan, but I have got a little done on the Champion. The gold is nearly done, missing a few highlights, with just a few bits on the sword, backpack and helmet, plus a number of very tiny things across the model left to do. And of course, weathering powders, varnish and water effects. Should be done this week, if I can jsut manage to paint a little every day. Here's a double picture. Taken with my phone, so they aren't very good. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/EmperorsChampionWIP17-11-13.jpg I did manage to get some blue mixed up, so painting and airbrushing blue will be a little easier from now on. Thanks for reading. Marqol, GrandMagnus and mateus of ultramar 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3524563 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Excedis Posted November 24, 2013 Share Posted November 24, 2013 The champion looks really good, and still very clean and smooth white. I'm deeply impressed with that...having been on the frustrating end of painting white before.... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3529760 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted March 20, 2014 Author Share Posted March 20, 2014 (edited) So, it has been quite a while since the last update, which is not unusual. This time, however, I have something to show for it. I'm just going to jump right in; I have finished everything I was working on, and started something new. The pictures get very large if you click on them. To start off, the oldest of the models, Battle-Brother Janus: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2697/13202276643_6feda1168d_o.jpg And with the rest of Squad Arcadius: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2861/13202495444_e925f82f9b_o.jpg This guy is my favourite model I have ever done, and I shall definitely re-create it at some point. Next is the Emperor's Champion: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2808/13202262575_9edbd37ac8_o.jpg Please excuse the blutac on the base. All in all, I am very happy how he turned out. Definitely one of my own favourites. And something else, that I believe I hinted at some time last year: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3820/13296162154_058628fd10_o.jpg This model is a test model for a potential Imperial Guard force. It's unlikely to happen soon, what with my painting speed (or lack thereof). I started on it last year, in a period where I felt like painting, but not Ultramarines. The colour scheme is an evolution of earlier Guard projects. For comparison, I took this picture: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7118/13296161974_36f9bd95e5_o.jpg Left to right: Early 2009, Summer 2010 and Summer 2013/Early 2014. Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, I can write some stuff. I have yet again increased my paint and tools collection, but the only one relevant to these models is the Vallejo Pigment Binder. With a layer of binder over the first weathering powder, then another layer of powder after it has dried, a lot more of it stays on after varnishing. I think the airbrush helps a bit as well, spraying with a little lower pressur than an aerosol can. The difference is quite obvious in the picture of Squad Arcadius. Definitely a good investement. On 11/24/2013 at 8:47 AM, Brother Excedis said: The champion looks really good, and still very clean and smooth white. I'm deeply impressed with that...having been on the frustrating end of painting white before....Sorry for the late reply. The white is not very smooth, the bumpiness just doesn't show up well on the pictures. This is the end for this post. Now, you may be thinking, what about Squad Catullus? Well, read on in the next post for that, and more! Edited March 20, 2014 by Ramell Atia, UltraRich and GrandMagnus 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3628339 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted March 20, 2014 Author Share Posted March 20, 2014 http://i.imgur.com/3RN2Bmh.jpg I The sky was on fire. At least i seemed that way to Artyon. The orange glow of the burning prometheum refineries to the north was visible over the roofline, illuminating the thick black smoke. Night had fallen early, dark clouds and smoke blotting out the weak sun, but the orange glows of fire made it a hellish twilight. He sat behind a low wall, part of the defensive positions occupied by his unit. They were spread along the southern end of the town center, with the so-called Holy Square in front, and the burgmeister’s office to their backs. The square was dominated by a monument to the God-Emperor, but the heretics had toppled the obelisk on their first push through the city. Suddenly, shots rang out across the square. Two guardsmen down the line fell, dead before they hit the ground. Everyone else scrambled to return fire, only to see a veritable wave of hostiles pouring into the square. Artyon opened fire on semi-automatic, most lasbolts finding targets. After a few seconds, the heavy stubber emplacements opened up, and the then mortars behind them, but still the heretic soldiers continued on. The enemy also had weapons and snipers in position overlooking the square, and more guardsmen were cut down. But the enemy forces pushing across the open ground took heavy losses, the ground littered with their corpses. Swapping charge packs, Artyon looked across the square, checking for muzzle flashes. Lasgun ready, he laid down and took aim, intending to hit the enemy stubbers. But before he could take aim, a brace of mortar rounds hit the building to his left, setting masonry tumbling down. Most of his platoon was in there, occupying the three storeys. Dazed, he got up, intending to help the wounded, but before he could reach the building, he was hit. The solid round hit him in the chest, slamming into his armour. “This is it,” he thought as he fell, “I’m dead.” He closed his eyes and laid back, waiting for death to claim him. Suddenly, a new sound joined the fighting. A staccato roar, vaguely familiar. And then, silence, interrupted only by the screams of the wounded and dying. Artyon was awoken by the sounds of heavy footsteps, underlined by the growl of powered armour, and the throbbing buzz of a power generator. Realising he was not dead, he opened his eyes, and looked up into the soft glow of a giant’s eyes. Trembling with fear, he managed to ask, “what are you?”. The thing answered, it’s deep voice made harsh by the vox grille in it’s helmet, “Your salvation, guardsman. The enemy are retreating, but not yet defeated. Stand and fight.” And with that, it walked away. He managed to struggle to his feet, his chest feeling like he had been punched by an Ogryn. Looking down, he saw his chestplate was ruined, but it had not been penetrated. Muttering a quick prayer of thanks to the Emperor, he turned to look at the giant. It had formed up with it’s unit, already making ready to pursue the fleeing enemy. In the firelight, blue armour glittering, he recognised them as Astartes, the Emperor’s Angels of Death. + + + So there it is. I'm trying something new for the new version of this project. New to me, at least, since it's shamelessly stolen from the absolutely fantastic In Memoriam project thread. In addition to finishing off the other models, I have been working on Squad Catullus. Last Sunday, when I varnished the others, I also airbrushed some blue on the new guys. Since then, I have gotten quite a bit of painting in, and now they look like this:http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/SquadCatullusWIP20-03-14.jpg Now, I know it's not a great picture, but it should show the situation. I need to clean up the blue, do the paint chips, shade the other parts, and then it's just layering and highlight to go. The bases are all ready to glue the models on. After that, I still need to do the arms, shoulders, bolters, backpacks and helmets, of course. I haven't started removing mold lines yet, but I'd like to do that this weekend. If I keep this pace up, I might actually be done with this Combat Squad by April 6th. Now, I'd like to point your attention to the purity seals on the middle model. I am quite proud of those, because I sculpted them myself out of green stuff. Here's how they looked before paint:http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/SquadCatullusWIP16-03-1401.jpg They are far from perfect, but good enough that I probably won't use many more plastic purity seals. They're just too stiff. I mentioned in the last post that I had increased my paint collection. Most important are new metallic paints from Coat D'Arms, and P3 Armour Wash. I've never been completely satisfied with the grey metallics in GW's "new" (two years old, now) paint range, so I decided to see if Coat D'Arms are better. I'm not sure if they're technically better, but I prefer how they look. Working with them is basically the same as GW's. The same goes for the Armour Wash. This means I won't be using Leadbelcher, Ironbreaker or Runefang Steel anymore, but I will keep Nuln Oil, since it can have other uses. Aside from that, I don't think there's much more to say. I'll change how I paint the blue, red and lenses a little, but just to reduce the thickness of highlight layers, and simplify the process. Shouldn't change how it looks by much. Now, in other news: I am very strongly considering starting a Great Crusade/Horus Heresy force. I believe I've mentioned this before, but it becomes harder to resist as time goes by. I've decided to spend my tax return on the first Horus Heresy book from Forge World, so I should have that some time in April. This force will also be Ultramarines, set either during the Crusade, or just after the Battle of Calth, fighting back against the Word Bearers and World Eaters in Ultramar. Bases will be desert themed. I will need some new weathering powders, though, since the desert ones I have have clumped up and are more like crayon shavings than powder. I'll make a test model in Mk II after Squad Catullus/Beta is done. However, I will likely finish the rest of Catullus as well, but after that, I am sure in which direction to go, since I'll then need to buy another Tactical Squad box, but I have enough parts to make five fully-equipped Marines wearing Legion Mk II armour. Oh well, time will tell. And in related news, I really want to get one of the new Knights. When I do get around to gettig one, or three, it will be on a deser t base to match those GC/HH marines, even if I haven't started them yet. No idea of colour scheme, but I'm thinking red and tan, to contrast the dark blue. And that's it for today. I would really like feedback on the short story. Hopefully, it is only first of many, as I'd like to expand on the Third, and the campaign they are prosecuting. Thank you for reading. Hyaenidae and GrandMagnus 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3628346 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schultzhoffen Posted March 20, 2014 Share Posted March 20, 2014 I've always thought that your Ultramarines are fantastic. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3628359 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrandMagnus Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) Great to see you working on these again brother, yours are some of the best Ultramarines I have seen. Edited March 21, 2014 by Anaziel Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3628685 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMan Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) *cringe* More music videos!! Lol Those purity seals are pretty awesome, I can't do much more than fill gaps with GS. What're the pins for? Do you pin your models together for extra strength, or so you can swap parts? Nice to see you working on your Ultras though mate. I think between us we could probably paint 20 space marines in a year! Edited March 21, 2014 by MagicMan KBA 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3628792 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted March 21, 2014 Author Share Posted March 21, 2014 On 3/20/2014 at 11:10 PM, Schultzhoffen said: I've always thought that your Ultramarines are fantastic. On 3/21/2014 at 6:35 AM, Anaziel said: Great to see you working on these again brother, yours are some of the best Ultramarines I have seen. Thank you very much, both of you. On 3/21/2014 at 9:01 AM, MagicMan said: *cringe* More music videos!! Lol Those purity seals are pretty awesome, I can't do much more than fill gaps with GS. I couldn't do much more either, until I tried. It's a lot easier than I had thought based on my earlier, and failed, attempts. Quote What're the pins for? Do you pin your models together for extra strength, or so you can swap parts? After some bad experiences (bits falling off), I don't trust regular modelling super glue anymore. Instead, I use a stronger, but slower-drying two-component glue. The pins, with some regular super glue, keeps the parts in place while the strong glue sets. I only use them for bonds involving resin components, and not for the smaller bits, like grenades. Quote Nice to see you working on your Ultras though mate. I think between us we could probably paint 20 space marines in a year! A whole twenty models? Sounds ambitious. I have seen your thread, and I'm now following it, and you a lot faster than I do, so it'd be something like eighteen of yours and two of mine. But really, thank you very much for your posts, all of you. I haven't got much progress to report today, but now I'm off to the painting table. Thanks for reading. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3629362 Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBA Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 On 3/21/2014 at 9:01 AM, MagicMan said: *cringe* More music videos!! Lol Those purity seals are pretty awesome, I can't do much more than fill gaps with GS. What're the pins for? Do you pin your models together for extra strength, or so you can swap parts? Nice to see you working on your Ultras though mate. I think between us we could probably paint 20 space marines in a year! Linked youtube videos of music need to die a slow painful death! :P Your clean lines with the paint inspire me, Ramell. Really nice Ultras! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3629446 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted April 7, 2014 Author Share Posted April 7, 2014 Looks like I forgot to update again. I've been lacking motivation lately, mainly because the Crusade/Heresy era seems more and more appealing by the day.I have however, gotten some work done in the last couple of days. I've tidied up the blue, done some shading on the purity seals, started the chipping and highlighting, as you can see:http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/SquadCatullusWIP07-04-14.jpgI still need to do the rest of the third model, as well as the other two, and then go over it again to be sure, and then the brighter highlights. After that, I just need to tidy up the blue, and do the soft armour, gold, metal, pouches and grenades. I should be done with the blue on Friday, and I plan to do the rest over the weekend, and get them on their bases by Sunday. On 3/21/2014 at 9:15 PM, KBA said: Your clean lines with the paint inspire me, Ramell. Really nice Ultras! Thank you very much. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3646105 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted January 27, 2015 Author Share Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/March%20of%20the%20Legions/Work%20In%20Progress/MotL%20XX%2027-01-15.jpghttp://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/XIII%20Legio%20Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/XIII%20WIP%2027-01-15.jpg Things are happening again. I will post a real update soon. Edited May 9, 2015 by Ramell Calgar 2.0, Hyaenidae and GrandMagnus 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3933256 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted February 6, 2015 Author Share Posted February 6, 2015 Blue. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/March%20of%20the%20Legions/Work%20In%20Progress/MotL%20XX%2006-02-15.jpg The blue still needs shading, highlighting and chipping, and there's all the other parts to do as well. And something slightly different, but related. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/March%20of%20the%20Legions/Work%20In%20Progress/MotL%20XIX%2006-02-15.jpg Just blu-tacked for now. GrandMagnus, UltraRich and Hyaenidae 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3942558 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Badaab Posted February 9, 2015 Share Posted February 9, 2015 The purity seals look nice, especially if its your first attempt- sculpting your own can really enhance movement on a model. The static ones sculpted on by GW can sometimes detract, and removing them can be a time-consuming process which may result in repairs later (I run into this often removing those pointless cables between the greaves and feet).You might try using the foil from the top of a wine bottle for the parchment portions in the future, as it can keep them from looking 'chubby.' Stercus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3945584 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted March 22, 2015 Author Share Posted March 22, 2015 (edited) What I've been working on as of late: http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/XIII%20Legio%20Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/XIII%20WIP%2022-03-15%2001.jpg And how he looks right now: http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/XIII%20Legio%20Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/XIII%20WIP%2022-03-15%2003.jpg The parts that are fixed together in the picture are all glued. Everything else is loose, for ease of painting. Unlike the last couple of models I've posted, this one is an Ultramarine. Different from the last Ultramarines I've posted, though. No points for guessing how - it should be fairly obvious. He is just a test/example model, not the first of any unit I'm (not) working on. I may change some things with colours and markings depending on what Tempest has to say. And yes, that's a 32mm base. I'll be using them for all Astartes models from now on, except for those that will be on larger bases. I'm going to start painting him tomorrow. I'll have another update within the next couple of days. On 2/9/2015 at 5:19 PM, Badaab said: The purity seals look nice, especially if its your first attempt- sculpting your own can really enhance movement on a model. The static ones sculpted on by GW can sometimes detract, and removing them can be a time-consuming process which may result in repairs later (I run into this often removing those pointless cables between the greaves and feet). You might try using the foil from the top of a wine bottle for the parchment portions in the future, as it can keep them from looking 'chubby.' Thanks for the advice. I don't know how many pieces of parchment I'll need for the foreseeable future, but I'll try to remember it. Edited May 7, 2015 by Ramell Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-3984682 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted May 6, 2015 Author Share Posted May 6, 2015 (edited) Haven't painted much lately, but here's some progress: http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/XIII%20Legio%20Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/XIII%20WIP%2006-05-15.jpg Still a lot of work to do, but I'm pretty happy with the chipping so far. Better than what I've done previously, at least. I've also been trying something different with the blue. I'll probably keep doing it this way. I'm low on money at the moment, but I'll try to get HH: Tempest in June (if it's out by then), and then some more models in July or August. Enough to start off a HH force with (at least one ten-man Tactical squad) plus bitz and transfers, and I'll start a new thread to go along with them. I'll keep this threat updated until then, whenever I make a decent amount of progress. Edited May 7, 2015 by Ramell Dantioch, Hyaenidae, GrandMagnus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4032534 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyaenidae Posted May 6, 2015 Share Posted May 6, 2015 My friend, I would give up hard cash to visit you in Denmark, and bring along my Iron Warriors, just to see them side by side. Awesome work so far, brother. :) It's gonna be a pleasure to see your Heresy army develop. Ramell 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4032553 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrandMagnus Posted May 6, 2015 Share Posted May 6, 2015 That is some really nice chipping and an excellent cobalt blue. Ramell 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4032838 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted May 7, 2015 Author Share Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) I've painted a little more blue, but not enough to be worth taking a picture. I'll take one once I finish the blue on the lower legs. I do have something else that might be interesting. On 5/6/2015 at 4:49 PM, Hyaenidae said: My friend, I would give up hard cash to visit you in Denmark, and bring along my Iron Warriors, just to see them side by side. Awesome work so far, brother. It's gonna be a pleasure to see your Heresy army develop. I am a big fan of your work, so that really means a lot to me. I'll try not to disappoint. I've decided to join the ETL. Since I don't have any money to spare, I had to come up with something from my bitz box. That limited me to a Centurion or some Consul (or a very plain Praetor). After dry-fitting and blu-tacing a few different ideas, I came up with this: http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/XIII%20Legio%20Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/ETL%20WIP%2007-05-15.jpg A Legion Champion with a Power Sword and Power Fist. An odd combination of weapons, but I think it looks good, and I wanted something different from the usual Sword/Fist + pistol running pose. Plus I just want to paint one of those Mk II/III fists. I've thought about giving him a helmet, but the bare head gives him more character and emotion, and it's been a while since I've painted a face. The pose will be pretty much as pictured, with some GS soft armour in places (right wrist, primarily). He'll get a holstered pistol and some grenades, and I'll sculpt some pteruges to replace the groin plate missing from the torso (it was broken when I got it). Aside from that, he'll be painted and based like the other model I'm working on, but probably with more gold trim (he is a champion, after all). I might put a transfer on the fist as well, but I haven't decided yet. I'll try to complete this guy on time, unlike my last attempts at ETL, but I'll probably not make a lot of progress in the next few weeks, as I'll be busy with The Witcher 2 and 3 (once that's released). Next update? Within the next two months. Maybe. No promises. Edited May 9, 2015 by Ramell Pearson73, GrandMagnus, Olis and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4033901 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) Welcome to the ETL, brother (you may want to check the image link in your other post, though). Edit - It's fixed now. :tu: Edited May 7, 2015 by Olis Ramell 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4033904 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyaenidae Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 Ramell: PM en route, brother. I think I might be able to help. :) Ramell 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4033951 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 pretty awesome smurfs so far Ramell =) i love your dark blue! keep it up :P for the 500 worlds! Ramell 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4033988 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrandMagnus Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 Great, great, great! I really need to revive my heresy era ultramarines. Ramell 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4034104 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 Awesome work, dude! Looking forward to seeing some progress on the Legion Champion :tu: Ramell 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4034113 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ramell Posted June 5, 2015 Author Share Posted June 5, 2015 An update: Like I mentioned last time, I've been busy with some video games. Therefore I haven't made too much progress. However, I finished The Witcher 3 yesterday, so I've got more time for models now. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Horus%20Heresy/XIII%20Legio%20Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/ETL%20WIP%2005-06-15.jpg Legs and torso are done and glued together, and I've removed all mold lines from belt gear, but I still need to sculpt some pteruges before I glue them on. Sword arm needs some gaps filled, especially the wrist, before I glue it on. I've straightened the blade - dipping it in a cup of freshly boiled water works much better than hot tap water. Not perfect, but a lot better than before. Other than that, there's still the backpack, shoulder pads, left arm and head to do. Mostly just mould line removal, but a few gaps and holes to fill. Depending on how fast I do everything, I should have him ready to paint by the end of next week. And that brings me to my next point. I still haven't found a way of painting blue I'm completely satisfied with. So I'm experimenting a bit more with all the blue paints I have, and I've ordered some of Forge World's new paints (all three golds and both blues). I expect to get those during the next week, so I should have settled on something when the Champion is ready for painting. I've also got Tempest last week. Coincidentally, I ordered it exactly a year after I bought the Crusade Army List book (both on May 20th). I haven't read it thoroughly yet, but so far it's great. I'm just a bit disappointed Marius Gage is not in it. I'm making plans for my HH army, but it's not finalised yet. I do know I will include at least on Invictarus Suzerain squad ín my army. Short-term plan is unchanged; I'll buy the new XIII Legion transfer sheet, and maybe more FW paints, in July, and then a Tactical Squad in August. After that? Not sure, probably more Tactical Squads. Next update will probably be next weekend. Depends on how much work I get done. Urauloth 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/252730-we-march-for-macragge/page/5/#findComment-4073460 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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