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I actually got some work done today. Sat down with some Iron Maiden playing, and painted for a while.

Not much, but the blue is all but done. Bolter and head still needs some work, and I'm still waiting for the super glue, but I feel confident that I can finish him by Saturday evening.


And I took a couple of pictures with my phone (I was too lazy to get the real camera out). They're not very good, but not quite as terrible as I had expected.


Thrasius + backpack



And the Rhino's interior wall, still PIP.


The monitors look better in real life, smoother colour shifts. But still not as good as I'd like, because I still suck at blending, even after eight years.

Besides, they'll be hidden away inside the Rhino, and not viewed up close.


They really look cool Ramell.


What I like:


- That you chose the third company and not the second (like everybody else)


- How you integrated the different armour typs


- Every marine looks unique in his on way.


- The realistic painting style


What I think you could do better:


- I have noticed that you paint the highlights on the chips all around. I think it would look more 3D if you would just paint a thin highlight "under" the chips.


- Squad numbers


Again very nice Smurfs :)


PS: I have heard that Vallejo's Model Air paints are the best acrylic paints for an airbrush, they are developed for this purpose. You could check them out.

Thank you, I appreciate your feedback.


Chips: I do not quite agree. I think they need a highlight all-round, to look right. Not necessarily the same colour, though; I'll play around a bit, see if I figure something better out.


Squad numbers: I'm not sure I want to add more (bright white) markings to the models, I don't want to clutter them up. But I'll think about it.


Vallejo Model Air: I haven't really considered those. I don't doubt that they are better for airbrushing than GW's paints, but the paints I use, Kantor Blue in particular, are absolutely perfect for me, when they are finished. So I'll tough it out and deal with whatever problems when they arise.

It's a good suggestion, though.


thanks for the lesson! I actually have all those colors.

You're welcome.



And off to bed I go.

Comments, et cetera, appreciated as usual.


Edit: Woo, second page.

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It's time for the Sunday update, which I've actually managed this time around.

Unfortunately, I have not gotten much painting done over the weekend, due to a combination of other things I had to do, and simply not being in the mood to paint.

The super glue did arrive Saturday, though, and Thrasius has a backpack now.

I think Tuesday's the likely completion date for Thrasius.


I like the mix of armour types together, every marine is definitely unique. Can wait to see the rest of the Rhino.

Thanks. It'll be a little while before the Rhino's finished.



And that was my meagre update for today. Not much to show, I know, but I'll have more in a couple of days.

C&C appreciated.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone.

It's been far too long since I've posted anything here, nearly three months. I suck at this.


Anyways, I went to the BL Weekender, which was awesome.

I stopped by Warhammer World the day before the weekender, where I bought the Forge World stuff I had planned to get - Legion Mk III and IV armour, Tigrus pattern bolters, Tigrus and Phobos pattern bolt pistol holsters, and a Cataphractii terminator special weapons set (for the Phobos pattern combi-bolters).

I also bought a bunch of books at the weekender, though that has little relevance for this thread.


Since then, aside from painting, nothing hobby related has really happened.

I have gotten some painting done, though. Not enough, but I've finished both Battle-Brothers Thrasius and Pollux, made some progress on the Rhino's interior, and painted about 66% of a Dark Vengeance cultist as a test model.


After I finished Thrasius, I did not get much work done on Pollux for a long time, though I start on a Dark Vengance cultist in November.

I continued this sporadic painting through December and into January. However, in this last weekend, I got a lot of painting in. From Friday evening, I spend most of the weekend just painting and reading http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/ while listening to Iron Maiden. I completed Pollux, and several parts of the Rhino's interior.



But to take a step back, I finished Thrasius a few days after I got home from the BL Weekender.

I intended to post an update here, but I got away from that for some reason. I did upload the picture to my Flickr account, and shared it in the GW pool, so some of you may have seen that already.


I had taken these pictures before I realised that I had forgotten to apply water effects, but that's been completed.

Overall, I am happy with Thrasius, though there's a few minor things here and there that could (should?) have been better.



The next model in the squad is brother Pollux. He is the designated leader of Combat Squad II when the squad breaks up, due to his experience and leadership skills, and will likely succeed Arcadius as squad leader if he does not fall in battle first.

As for the model, it's a combination of bionic Mk VI legs, a Mk IV torso and a Mk II helmet, all from Forge World, and regular plastic parts.


He still needs a few more layers of water effect's before he's completely done.

This guy turned out pretty well. Minor annoyances include the slightly wonky backpack, the angle of the helmet (a little too downwards), and the combination of oil paint and weathering powders on the bionic foot. But as with Thrasius, I am very happy, overall, with how he turned out.

He still needs a few more layers of water effect's before he's completely done.



The Rhino's interior is also progressing well, and I hope to have all parts painted by next Sunday (most of the complicated parts are done, it's mostly just cream armour plating from here on).

The inner wall with the monitor banks, the right side, rear ramp, and the roof are all almost finished. They've not gotten the final weathering nor varnish, as I'll do that for all the part together.


The roof is not in this picture (I forgot it..), but it's pretty boring anyway, just flat Ushabti Bone with highlights.

The paint is fairly rough and thick, because I suck at painting with colours like Ushabti bone, and getting dark paint in the recesses neatly.

Squad Praetorus' Rhino will be better.



The cultist is an example of the enemy my Ultramarines are facing in the loosely assembled background I've got running around my head. They are, basically, a huge army of cultists and traitor guardsmen led by the remains of a renegade Astartes chapter.

Opposing them are a force of Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, local PDF, and Astartes from two Chapters, the White Suns (my DIY chapter), and the Ultramarines Third Company.


The painting's pretty rough, the highlights are thick, and in general, it's a sub-par effort for me. I am, however, quite happy with how the skin turned out. It's meant to look almost sickly pale, which it does in real life (the highlights blend better in at a talbetop distance than in close-up, brightly lit photos).

The all-black uniform is also pretty dull. I attempted to make the rubber hood a sort of blue-black, but I didn't get enough blue in. I've learned some lessons though, which always good. Future cultists will be similar, but better.




And to finish off, here's a group picture of Squad Arcadius as it at the moment.




Comments, questions, whatever, welcome like always. Next update will be on Sunday, unless something unforseen happens.

Until next time. Courage and Honour!

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Time for another update, and on schedule(ish) for once. I didn't post yesterday, but I think the B&C's MySQL server being down is a valid excuse.

I did not paint much on the Rhino's interior, because I felt like working on the next Marine instead, and I got a far bit of work done. I just need to finish the blue armour, paint the Bolter, helmet lenses, and a few other small things. I'll definitely be done by next Sunday. 

This is Battle-Brother Lyco as of this evening, as well as his backpack:


Except for the torso, he's completely Forge World Mk V, and his Bolter is a regular plastic Godwyn.

After I have finished Lyco, I will devote more time to the Rhino, and I will at least have it assembled and basecoated before I start working on the next marine in the squad.

I thought I had a nice 3rd Company of Ultramarines going on. I was wrong. Those are gorgeous models, I love them

Thank you very much.

I'd love to see some of your models. Have you posted them anywhere?



That's pretty much what I have to show today. Next update on Sunday. Comments are very welcome as usual. 

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Just a small update: I've got a friend who's visiting today, and staying for the night, so I won't really have time to paint today.

I will probably finish the blue armour on Lyco tomorrow, or at least get close. 


Great work so far - good to see kitbashery at large. :biggrin.:

Thank you. I quite like kitbashing for variety; all models have, or will have, parts from at least two sets, many from more. 

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I love that backpack, looks great.

And yeah, I've got a blog over on Dakka http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/491814.page but mine are nowhere near as good as yours, and I'm a very slow painter. There's also pictures of my Captain on the Ultramarines sub-forum here.

Keep it all up though!

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Great Ultramarines, Ramell.



Im a fan of the gold trim, but these guys look great with red!

Look fantastic! I like the mix of the all the different armour types and I think the red control screens rock! Keep it up!

Gotta agree, mixed armour Marines look awesome. Especially those of 3rd Company. I'm interested if your going to do a version of Fabian?

I love that backpack, looks great.

And yeah, I've got a blog over on Dakka http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/491814.page but mine are nowhere near as good as yours, and I'm a very slow painter. There's also pictures of my Captain on the Ultramarines sub-forum here.

Keep it all up though!

Thank you, all.


Toxichobbit, I don't really know. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to make a version of Fabian, or my own Captain. But either way, it'll be a while because I intend to make the Captain as the last model in the company.


SirSamuelBuca, your models are quite nice. Mind you, I've been painting for nigh on nine years, so I've got some practice. And I am also a slow painter.

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Time for another update. I've been sort of flu-ish since Thursday, so I've not made as much progress with Lyco as I would have liked.

He's close to completion, but I still need to do a lot of small things, touchups, and then weathering and varnish. 


I might complete him tomorrow, maybe not. But definitely before next Sunday.



Pictures were taken with my phone, which is why they suck.


Comments are welcome.

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These are good looking Marines.  Love it when people use darker shades for the Ultramarines.  FIrst, because it reminds me of their original color scheme from Rogue Trader, and because it looks so much better and grittier than the brighter blues they are sometimes seen in.


I don't know how comfortable you are converting, but I'd love to see some more dynamic posing.  Your painting is so top notch, it's a shame to see them all in the standard poses.  Either way though, great work.

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These are good looking Marines.  Love it when people use darker shades for the Ultramarines.  FIrst, because it reminds me of their original color scheme from Rogue Trader, and because it looks so much better and grittier than the brighter blues they are sometimes seen in.


I don't know how comfortable you are converting, but I'd love to see some more dynamic posing.  Your painting is so top notch, it's a shame to see them all in the standard poses.  Either way though, great work.


I have almost no experience converting. I tried once, and I sucked, and I haven't really done anything since. I am planning to try and repose a pair of legs for the next squad. If it goes well, I'll do more in the future. I probably won't get to your level of conversion, though.  


These are cool Ultramarines, I like the individual look of each one and the dark blue definitley gives them a grimdark vibe. Are we going to see the renegade astartes leading the cultists?

And thank you too.

Yes, I will definitely make some of the Renegades. Not any time soon, though. I'm focusing on my Ultramarines.  Maybe once I've completed a few squads more.

And I just had a look at your Emperor's Children thread. They're awesome. 

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these are some brilliantly painted ultra's loving the darker blue im currently painting my own chapter The Swords of The Aquilla colour scheme is based around the lighter side of smurfs but with differences also im thinking of using the dark angel icon as their badge or ravenwing with the sword and the wing combo. ill hopefully try to get some photos up once i get my cam sorted :)
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Another Sunday update, just slightly too late (past midnight here).


Battle-Brother Lyco is now completed:



As you can see, the water effect is not finished, but that's all that's missing.


All in all, I think he turned out well. There's the usual few things I only notice after I've varnished the model, but those are small things, like a highlight or shadow that's slightly too thick, but I am quite happy with the model.


As I've mentioned before, I will now focus on the Rhino's interior until it is complete, so Battle-Brother Messinus is still a while off. I should be done with the interior, painting-wise, in a few days. But I haven't removed mold lines and such on the other parts, so there's still a lot of work to be done before I can start painting the exterior.

I can recommend submerging the resin legs in boiling hot water and the repose them, works really well :smile.: And I'd gladly offer some assistance on the converting front if you'd like.


And these smurfs are really lovely, looking forward to seeing them up close :biggrin.:

Thank you.

Good advice for the resin, and I appreciate the offer.


And I look foward to seeing your Fists in the flesh (or resin?).


Also, I saw your guide on using brass etch. It's quite good.

these are some brilliantly painted ultra's loving the darker blue im currently painting my own chapter The Swords of The Aquilla colour scheme is based around the lighter side of smurfs but with differences also im thinking of using the dark angel icon as their badge or ravenwing with the sword and the wing combo. ill hopefully try to get some photos up once i get my cam sorted :smile.:

Thank you. I look forward to seeing your models.



As usual, comments are very welcome.

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Another cool addition to your force. I really look forward to see the Rhino finished.

Sorry for the late reply.

Thank you. The Rhino won't be finished for a while yet, but it's definitely getting closer.


And that brings me to the update for today:


Roof is not included because it is boring, and I couldn't find room. The plate for the turret should've been the other way around, but I only realised that after I had packed my camera.

Most of the interior parts are now complete, save for a few touch-ups. The left wall is close to done, and the top hatches and turret need a bit more work, but not too much (helps that they have fairly little detail).

The outer right side is also done for now. I've removed mold lines, drilled the exhausts, and mounted magnets for the doors. The left side still needs some work, but it's not too far behind.


All in all, I expect to have the Rhino assembled (in the most basic way) by Wednesday (maybe Thursday, if I get delayed).

That assembly will be without the front plate, or any other exterior parts. Those will be mounted after I have filled gaps and the like.



Comments are very welcome.

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