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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the likes and comments.


I have not been entirely idle since my last post, as this picture can attest:


The leather straps still need a little work, the white kneepad could do with a cleanup, but the gold, soft armour, eyelens and the various bits and bobs on the back are all done with a few small exceptions. The blue armour still needs a lot of work, mainly highlighting, some blacklining and lots of cleaning from my less than perfect painting, and of course the shoulder pads also need some paint and transfers.

But all in all, there's not that much left to do before he's ready for varnishing.


And here's Caracalla, with quite a lot of progress since the last time I showed him off:


I actually painted all of that earlier in the year, before I started on the terminators. The only thing I've done recently is glue on the shoulderpads, reattach the chainsword after I dropped him, and basecoat the sword.



Moving on to something else, earlier today an UPS man stopped by with a big box full of plastic:


Now, I want to finish this Cataphractii and Caracalla before I begin with the Mk III marines properly, but I've had a look at the parts and sorted everything from the Mk III sprues into my bits box.

I'm a little disappointed with a few things in the set, such as the absence of a Nuncio-Vox and that there's not enough bolt pistols and ammo pouches for everyone. So I'll keep using FW's holstered pistols and ammo pouches, but I'll need to figure out what to do for the Nuncio-Vox as the FW one looks small and awkward next to a plastic backpack.


And last, but probably not least, remember the Apothecary mockup I posted some time ago? I never got around to building him, but now that I've got the Mk III plastics, I might get around to it:


He's just blu-tac'ed together there, without any Apothecary bits, just to get a feel for the pose.

I was already planning to give him Mk III armour as the Mk II legs in the first version ended up looking small with all the gear on the belt and the relatively large arms, so the plastic parts will just make everything easier.


That's all for now. Thanks for reading, I'll be back with more when I have something, which might be this weekend, or some time next week.

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My only two bits of criticism: 1. you might want to think about weathering the gold trim a bit otherwise it looks out of place next to the heavily chipped and scratched armour panels and 2. stop being so critical of your own work. Seriously. Yes, your painting is less-than-perfect so is everyone else's. No exceptions. And I'll be honest, I can't figure out how there can be so much more work to do on the Terminator's armour. If you want to actually paint an army, you're going to have to lower those standards a least a smidgen or you'll burn yourself out along the way.


My £0.2.


That aside, is there any chance you'd be willing to share your recipe for white? It looks excellent.

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My only two bits of criticism: 1. you might want to think about weathering the gold trim a bit otherwise it looks out of place next to the heavily chipped and scratched armour panels and 2. stop being so critical of your own work. Seriously. Yes, your painting is less-than-perfect so is everyone else's. No exceptions. And I'll be honest, I can't figure out how there can be so much more work to do on the Terminator's armour. If you want to actually paint an army, you're going to have to lower those standards a least a smidgen or you'll burn yourself out along the way.


My £0.2.


That aside, is there any chance you'd be willing to share your recipe for white? It looks excellent.

I second Dos, your painting is stellar. Don't let the professional model painter perfect be the enemy of the already pretty friggin' sweet and miles better than mine. It's hard to find decently weathered ultras online, but our BnC ultra community consistently out performs the rest!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I love the scuffed, weatherbeaten look to these! They have seen some heavy fighting, and they are still recognisably, heroically, Ultramarines! The latest face is looking lovely -- for what it's worth, I actually prefer it to the one on your legion champion on the previous page, because while the latter has been expertly painted, there's almost too much detail and colour variation there, while this guy is not quite as flashy and works better for it because the face seems more natural.


In any case, fantastic work all around! :)

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  • 4 months later...

And yet again I'm back from a too-long break, though this time I've been working on some B&C-inappropriate models in the meantime.


But here's something I've done in the last few days, on a whim really.



More to come soon, possibly.

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