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December complete!





yeah, my camera sux! I am noww gonna try to finnish that tactical squad from October! :)

Skink: Man that fast fast painting. I think there are a few people here in this forum who might be suitable for a competition of their own.... Fastest Brush in the 40K Universe!!! :P


Slyfox.uk: Excellent squad there you sly fox... :lol: looks extremely classic and classy.


Vazzy: Snuck in three months worth of oaths there Vazzy. Nice work. APologies as I hadn't noticed the subsequent oath. You must now complete a special task before the end of January for the Sep, Oct and Nov pearls to be yours. Well done and nice work.


furioso-prime: Timely addition pushing the completions higher than 50%




Total participants = 63 Oathkeepers = 35 (55.5%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 46 12 04 62 10(16.1%) 52 (83.9%)
DECEMBER 49 14 00 63 00(0%) 35 (55.5%)


+ + + Brothers, The New Year Dawns + + +


+ + + Mission Target for December >90% Completion! + + +


+ + + Will You Keep the Faith & Walk the Path + + +


+ + + Keep our Honour in the Librarium Painting CHallenge 2013 + + +



Well it's time for some bravery so here it is.

I Razblood make this extra vow for December of 5 Tactical Marines including Plasma Cannon to bring my squad up to 10 men and 210 points.

I will complete this vow by 23:59hours of the 31st December with a photo of said Marines in a completed state.

Here are the contents of the vow at this time.


I am entering the PtR. I am vowing a Pre/Heresy whirlwind for The December Vow.

THE GREAT CRUSADE (FW Betrayal Crusade Army List):

FW HH:Book 1 Betrayal unit Legion artillary tank Squadron

Whirlwind points cost 75 no options.




I do realize that this picture does not have the twinlinked bolter in it. I forgot that it was a wargear item and didn't put it in the pic. It will be shown in the finished model which should be done over the weekend.


Who would have thought that we would have forgotten how to make a stormbolter a normal item on a whirlwind in 10k years :)


Also I saw that in the LPC that we can have our December vow for the PtR used for it too. I will be doing that :( but i will be checking with SG if it's ok to use this one as it's the HH thing...

speeking of the LPC, we are showing up over there in great form. I estimate we have 60% of the current vows!

C'MON brothers we can do it again. we are used to painting by now...............right?


I would like to see more names in the LPC *cough* arkley*cough*

I have finally completed my September Vow


I, SnaRf.za hereby vow to complete the following for the months indicated:

October: 10-Man Tactical Squad: Chainsword, Flamer, Missle Launcher (180 Pts)

November: 10-Man Tactical Squad: Plasma Pistol + Chainsword, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon (210 Pts)

December:10-Man Tactical Squad: Plasma Pistol + Chainsword, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon (210 Pts)


I further await instructions from the Inner Circle as to my additional tasks to redeem my honour.






October, including the Secret Redemption Task:






Well met brothers, as December ends the fury of the Dark Angels finds renewed strength.


Harleqvin: Nice oath to start things off for you. Remember that on completion you will receive an additional white pearl for completing a legion era unit.


Grotsmasha: Very nice squad. I was a little worried with your earlier post about not being able to complete! There will be no failures in December!!!


Arkley: COngrats on completing your second oath which seals the BHoA submission for which you get two additional White Pearls to that already earned for the December oath.


Grandmaster Springman: Good to see you step back in to the Path to Redemption. I look forward to your completion and I hope you will redeemd your September Oath in time and fill up the October and November slots by the many avenues open to the unforgiven. Good luck.


SnaRf.za: Whooaaa, hold on to your horses...Redemption coming through. What a massive oath and congrats on completing your September oath. I would suggest you complete the December oath firts and lock it in and then concentrate on the Oct and Nov oaths. Your Special Task has been PMed to you. Great re-entry!


elphillo: Nice work on the completions. Your special task has been sent to you to lock in the September oath.




Total participants = 66 Oathkeepers = 35 (53.5%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 46 12 04 62 10(16.1%) 52 (83.9%)
DECEMBER 49 15 02 66 00(0%) 35 (53.5%)


+ + + Brothers, The New Year Dawns + + +


+ + + Mission Target for December >90% Completion! + + +


+ + + Will You Keep the Faith & Walk the Path + + +


+ + + Keep our Honour in the Librarium Painting CHallenge 2013 + + +



+ + + 48 Hours for Redemption in 2012 + + +




Cerroneth: Amazing! Ten oaths completed for the month of December. I hope your spirit remains strong for the coming battles. I know so as I note your LPC 2013 oath too. You have now completed 9 additional oaths in December and one in November making a sum total of ten additional oaths completed, which gains you one additional white pearl.


Razblood: Fast and furious for a newcomer to the competition. Nice work on your second oath and your LPC Vow.


Cypher102 and Sviar: Two more veterans complete their oaths. Cypher102, the terminators look as wonderful as usual. Sviar the tactical squad is excellent. I have converted your links to images.




Total participants = 66 Oathkeepers = 37 (56%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 46 12 04 62 10(16.1%) 52 (83.9%)
DECEMBER 49 15 02 66 00(0%) 37 (56%)


+ + + Brothers, The New Year Dawns + + +


+ + + Mission Target for December >90% Completion! + + +


+ + + Will You Keep the Faith & Walk the Path + + +


+ + + Keep our Honour in the Librarium Painting Challenge 2013 + + +





It looks as tho I will return for January...


SG if I do a squad of my DIY chapter for January will that give me my extra pearl for December?


Well, if you do a DIY squad for January and that is compliant with Codex DA then it will earn you a single white pearl for January.


To earn an additional white pearl you need to do one of the following:


1. complete 1000 points of BFG as your January & Feb Vow

2. complete 1000 points of EPIC as your January & feb vow

3. Write up the Chapter History of your DIY chapter and submit it to the Brotherhood of Angels thread (this gets you two extra white pearls)

4. do 10 additional oaths in January and February

5. Do a HH Legion Crusade Army Unit in legion colours


But wait till January and there will be more exciting ways of gaining additional white pearls.... so no fear you should be well set to get your Black Peral at the end of Feb!!:)




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