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  • 3 weeks later...
I have already begun the next project... over the summer as part of the ETL I plan to paint up the Dark Angels 3rd Company including:


6 Tactical Squads

2 Assault Squads with Jump Packs

2 Heavy weapon Squads

3 Pyskers

3 Chaplains

a Chapter Master

Company Hero (to keep the pesky puppies away)

and a Techmarine.



At the moment I am short 20 jump packs and 16 sets of legs so I will be taking a visit to Anvil Industry for a shopping binge later :thumbsup:


There is still quite a lot of cleaning up and converting to do as many models, especially Sgts and characters are from the DV set, before I base spray but I plan to be ready to start painting in 2 weeks which is just in time for the ETL :)  and should be complete by mid August... fingers crossed. 


Here is the photographic proof ;)







I will vow the Company first then the characters as time remaining allows so as not to forfeit my points...


Edit... Legs and jump packs now ordered :)

  On 4/30/2016 at 9:56 AM, Epher said:

That is an impressive amount of marines! I cannot wait to see the results!

About 3 months hopefully :smile.:

Then they can be added to my 1st, 2nd, 4th & 10th which only means I have half a chapter to do :wink:


Edited by elmo

I have been busy finishing off a Tau project to clear the table in readiness for the ETL and once that was done I managed to get a few conversions done.



Today I will be mainly priming Tacticals. Still waiting for my Anvil order of legs but once that arrives I will have enough figures for the Company but I am short 4 x HW :(

  On 5/7/2016 at 12:59 PM, Brother Arkley said:

What hws are you short and you UK based?

Germany based and any hw less plasma and heavy bolters as I have 5 of each at the moment :(


I may have to buy a box of devastators

  On 5/7/2016 at 1:31 PM, GreyRavenC said:

wow, how many of those sergeants do you have? Nice conversions, Except from the pose, I wouldn't have noticed they were from the same model.


Edit: What are HW's?

I got my hands on 5 DV boxes as my son collects chaos so 5 :)


Hw are heavy weapons.

  On 5/7/2016 at 5:29 PM, Brother Arkley said:

I totally misunderstood :S


I can offer you 1 Heavy Bolter, 3 Missile Launchers, 1 Multi Melta and 1 Lascannon

Gimme, gimme gimme....


Send me a pm for costs :)


The 3rd is getting there

3rd Company starting to assemble.

Now primed in Chaos black then Army Painter Angel Green.


Waiting for 15 sets of legs and Jump packs from Anvil industry at the moment to make the 100 + HQ

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