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Elmo's seemingly constant WIP


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Here is the ETL start picture


Ravenwing Command Squad (5 , 250 pts)
Ravenwing Company Banner
Ravenwing Apothecary
Ravenwing Champion


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Right - just managed to clear out the two meatsacks I was working on so I can now get down to the ETLII....


If you are interested the meatsacks are in the IG forum :ph34r.:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Time has passed fast with very little achieved due to trips abroad and a heavy work schedule.


I am happy to report that some progress has been made on the bikes and the plan is to get my head down over the painting table and to have finished these by the end of next week - fingers crossed.


Here is the work so far.





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Thanks Bryan and Typher :woot:


You may have noticed I don't do shiney very often.... grim dark future an' all.


The mix between the new RW bikes and the old SM bikes was more of a cash decision as I did not want to buy another cmd box :whistling:

I also have 8 DV bikes left over so they will be appearing in various mixes with the older bikes but 1 is reserved for the Chaplain conversion I have planned.


The drilled out exhausts started as "I wonder what would happen if I....." and has now become my standard.

I just cant paint circles so drilling them out is easier :teehee:


My next head scratching moment is when I will get round to converting 2 plasma pistols to fit on one of the older bikes instead of the bolters. I was going to convert 4 but have now gone down the grenade launcher path instead.


I have noticed that the new rider legs are shorter than the old SM biker legs, they just don't reach the foot rests - damn you GW!

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REALLY!? :laugh.: Now that is a REALLY strange part of the model to change!


I tried to put a pair of the new legs on an old bike and there was a gap of approx 2 mm. Cuban heels needed?


Very nice indeed. The brown leather seats look very comfy too :wink:


Looking forward to seeing them finished!


Bring out the comfy chair!


My RW have also been issued with smoking jackets, cigars and a glass of brandy.  :wink.: 

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Glad to see you're back brother Elmo :tu: sorry I took so long to post some witty nonsense on your thread :P it's been

a busy week away on course for the last week and family catchup in the weekend.


OT: Really nice leather look on the seats, the screens are cool too!

Are you going for a dark metal look on the bike trim? I hope so, my RWBK/CS bikes will be the same as I'm not a real fan of the gold trim (it has its place, just not on my bikes).


Lovin' the new Avatar :teehee:

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Welcome back too Stobz :thumbsup:  Real life sometimes really gets in the way....


The plan is to stick with the dark metal (Boltgun with black ink wash) rather than gold. I am also not a great fan of shiney colours on the Ravenwing. I will be sticking to black and white in the main with a couple of details picked out in other colours.


The new avatar is making up for a busy few weeks where my morale was a little low - but now I'm back.

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Nothing like as much progress as I had hoped :whistling:  - complete by next weekend honest!




I have gone for the stone effect rather than the more common gold bling - I just don't think that the RW do bling. I have tried to keep all the colours muted with various washes and inks and I think it is working well.


The Apothecary will be in black armour with the following bits in white:  helmet, one shoulder pad, LH knee and parts of the backpack and redactor tool thingie.


The bases need a little more work but it is mainly the upper torso and heads to do now.

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Cheeky :)


Elmo in this case is based around a TV series called Brush Strokes which had a character called Elmo as the landlord in the local pub. A couple of guys I used to work with thought it would be funny to call me this as both the character and I had a similar dress sense at the time (1 shirt!) and it has stuck ;)


I always get mistaken for the little red hand puppet but thats life.....

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A quick update....


I have now completed one of the models, the Apothecary :biggrin.:


The other four are almost done - just the standard and 3 arms to complete so unless there are any major upsets my 1st vow will be complete by Friday (pictures uploaded then as usual)


I will be trying to squeeze a couple of single figures in for my next vow.

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After a 4 hour painting marathon (up to midnight) I have finally finished my first vow! Pictures to follow later (can't upload photos at work - the boss is funny that way :whistling: )


The RW Standard took about 2 hours on its own and I still think that I could do a little more on it. The bikes need weathering at some time in the far future but for now it will do!


Started thinking about what next and a Chaplain and or Techmarine on bikes are looking good at the moment.


Edit: May convert the DV Company Master into Azrael as well.

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Here are the promised photos (not the best quality as the camera appears to be sulking)














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Thanks Brothers :biggrin.:


@Liberame - You could just paint the sun and rays on your banner in alternate blood red and scab red then give it a devlan mud wash. That would help make your angel of death stand out and is a quick fix ;)


I have almost convinced myself to go for the Chappi and Techmarine on bikes next to finish off the HQ element of the RW.


I will have to have a look to see if the DV Chappi can be persuaded to fit onto the DV RW sgts legs :blink.:

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A very nice squad great job with all the details, wasnt sure to post in this thread or the other one but this one had more pics :biggrin.: btw is the gloriam painted in metallics or white it looks shiney.


Great stuff!



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