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Lorenzen's Abyss: Heresy, Necro & a load of other stuff


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Outside of a few touch ups (things like the pipe on his backpack where paint has rubbed off and the green band on the bottom of his cloak.. which i forgot) he's done!










Hope you all enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed painting him.. now i just need to get him on the battlefield!


Glory to The Pale King!

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Absolutely amazing work there! I applaud you sir for having the most magnificent DG I have seen on the forum! :thumbsup: Keep up the good work! 

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Thanks all of you, I'm glad you like him hes been a lot of fun to paint (hence all the pics of the progress) and Edgar has done a suberb job sculpting so anyone whos opinion has changed of the model im glad because its awesome. :)
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Great work Lorenzen, truly stunning painting, and should be used by FW on their site.


But if this is a competition piece, or even a display piece, you might want to clean up the moldlines on the scythe, sorry man, but they ruin the amazing work you've done, and would count it out of the running automatically.

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This is the best Mortarion I've seen so far. The Paintjob is stunning. I also like the convert you did on his head, sinking it lower into his collar. Makes the model look a lot better. Maybe you could take a closeup of his face?


I have to agree with Sheep though. The mould lines are a bit distracting when you've noticed them. It also looks like he's got one on the front of one of the pipes on the backpack. 

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I find out that to take pictures during the wip helps me with tracking those b.....y mould lines. 

Often I wonder how did I manage to miss them. It´s either that my light is not powerful enough or that my attention was focus somewhere else while working on the mini.

Zenith undercoating is also pretty efficient for revealing these lines. 

Don´t be frustrated 

You can always fix it. 

Still I´m a big fan of what you´re doing !:thumbsup: 

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Going back over him ive found a few idiot mould lines I shudve spotted.. cleanup work has started though there are a few I dont think ill be able to 100% remove due to where they are but well see.. (the little pipes are the worst offenders)


This is the main reason I post pics on here.. critique and a fresh set of eyes. :) ill try and get a shot of his face next time I photograph him (sans mould lines) though the hood + angle of tge head makes it a little awkward.

Edited by Lorenzen
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Ive neglected this thread for a while as ive been playing regular 40k and fantasy a bit more lately.. but I still have a lot of models to finish for the legion.. ive got a selection of tanks and a few character models to paint up next.. so hopefully there will be an update soon. ;)
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  • 1 month later...

Long overdue update.. been busy with other things recently (wood elf army, taurs, wolves, life & motorcycles) but in the end it all comes back to the death guard..


first up i have the very basic start of a "chaplain".. or as far as im concerned the member of the Deathshroud assigned to stay within 49 paces of Mortarion at all times.. Reason i chose Chaplain? well wouldn't you fight harder if you knew your Primarch was near by? (start of Eisenstein for reference)




Im planning on giving him the same armour plating between his legs as the regular shroud and generally try and capture the vibe of the old artwork for them as well.


Next up we have the fast attack choice for when im not running the storm eagle.. A Primaris Lightning.




Stil got a lot of work to do on this with only the basic colours marked in so far.. the stripes on the wings denote the pilot.. (squad leader has a stripe running down the middle of the craft plus ends of wings, pilot 2 has 1 stripe and ends of wings, 3rd has 2 stripes and end of wings etc etc) This was determined because Myself and my Death Guard brother in arms both plan on running a lightning.


awful picture of some grave wardens next..




slowly churning through them, lots of little bits to do like chainfists etc.. will get better pics up soon hopefully.


and finally as he's been lurking in the back of all the pictures..




My Knight Paladin has had more work done to him, including house symbols, bit more weathering etc.. 

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