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Bit of an update! Finding some inspiration on painting models started ags ago, I got my Tzaangor shaman and the Cyber Surfgors painted up!


I need a shot of the shaman, but he's in the same death chicken scheme as my Tzaangor. I'm really loving the robot arms on the tzaangor and am considering painting up some more of them.



The surfboards, which are a printed STL I found online, featuring the magical tzeentch explosion symbol, were inspired by one I found online:


SUB SCORCHER STING - ...Lost Surfboards by Mayhem


However in looking for that image I've seen another couple that also might work, and I might go back and make each of them slightly different, being Tzeentch and all...

Shotgun Shot 22 Square Tail Review — Blinksurf® Twin fin surfboard | eBay DIY Surfboard Art Design 3 – Joistik Surfboards by Nick Blair


On another note, I pulled some models out of storage, including these bad boys. Not really playing Chaos that much, and not having a place in a heresy army (maybe as night raptors?) I'm undecided as to keep or sell them. 



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Yea, absolutely iconic models, however being realistic, my chaos hasn't seen the table in a decade, and the weapons aren't idea for night raptors. Or maybe the could be decent chainblades? These guys while chaos models, are objectively less 'chaosy' than the current chaos models, and are less ornate/baroque than some loyalist models. They'd probably be a decent stand in for loyal/traitor units in the heresy. 

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