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Since finishing those vindicators, I have played around a little with typhus corrosion and ryza rust, which are both awesome paints, and I think provide a pretty realistic looking rust.







I think I'm happiest with the middle one - the hardest part is getting the rust to be in a random, natural shape. The others are a bit too...rounded and regular for me.

Painting it was simple:

stipple boltgun metal all around the area you want to be rusty

Stipple typhus corrosion in the centre of this area - leave to dry. Add another layer if needed to build up the texture

stipple ryza rust in the centre of the corrosion, leaving a small rim of corrosion to the outer edge

lightly drybrush ryza rust in the centre ontothe texture provided by the corrosion. You can keep adding more rust to build the orange colour to a level you are happy with.

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  • 1 month later...

So i managed to get my hands on a blight hauler as a Christmas gift. I absolutely love this model.

I made a start on him today, this is about an hour's work from black primer


As you can see, he's going with my Iron Warriors, as will the other new Death Guard stuff when I get more.

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That just looks fantastic!


I'm really tempted to get some of those and run them as Helbrutes as I am not going to play DG.


That's...actually a really good idea, and I'm upset I didn't think of it first!


Loadout is a little mismatched for a brute, but decent. 


It's a really beautiful and easy to paint model. This was probably 4 hours start to finish.

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I honestly saw you post this on the IW thread in the CSM forum and slowly formed the idea when I saw your thread here.


I know in my group WYSIWYG isn't the biggest deal but I don't think conversions will be too difficult. Except an arm growing out the side with a big old fist may look funky. My only concern is the height on this guy compared to an actual helbrute.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I honestly saw you post this on the IW thread in the CSM forum and slowly formed the idea when I saw your thread here.


I know in my group WYSIWYG isn't the biggest deal but I don't think conversions will be too difficult. Except an arm growing out the side with a big old fist may look funky. My only concern is the height on this guy compared to an actual helbrute.


I'll try and get a photo of the hauler next to a dread sometime. I really dont think it will be an issue, theyre about the same mass, the hauler is actually bigger, so it's defnitely not modelling for advantage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished the base on the Blight Hauler, time for a photo dump, enjoy!










This model was a joy to put together and paint, and represents maybe 4 - 5 hours modelling time in total. I'm looking forward to the rest of the Dark Imperium Death Guard.

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That looks great! excellent work on the skin! :smile.:


Never would have expected the blight hauler to look so good in iron warrior colours, great work! The puddle of slime is a nice nod to it's nurgley roots.


Mind sharing how you painted the skin?


Thanks both! The skin was actually super easy - the old cadian fleshtone all over (bugmans glow now?) in 2 coats until opaque, then a heavy wash of reikland fleshshade all over. And that's it. I went back and applied leviathan purple in single washes to some deep recesses and around the pocks and boils, and multiple coats of leviathan on the organic looking pipes and things to make them fleshy, with a purple tinge. 


Otherwise, all the other textures like rust are standard GW technical paint: typhus corrosion -> successive stippling with Ryza rust.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

So anyone that has been in the Thousand Sons Subforum recently knows I'm tentatively probing reinvigorating my Sons, a new warband, new colour scheme.

This is my proof of concept model:







The model is converted from mostly Space Wolf parts, rather fittingly. Sprayed black, bascoated leadbelcher, blue filled in (macragge blue?), then detailed. All in all probably 90mins painting. I'm pretty happy with the scheme, mostly about how fast it was!

I've also finished off my Tzaangors, will get some photos up soon.

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