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  On 5/13/2020 at 8:02 AM, Bullets said:

I love your conversions,they look fantastic!

Maybe a bit too much light on your photos,I am sure they are even better looking from close up.

Thanks Bullets! That makes me really happy. Chaos is so much fun to convert, and I'm trying to go down the line of weird and silly, yet practical.

Getting some paint onto the Silver Sons Scarabs:



Boy are these guys detailed. The silver this time is leadbelcher, 4:4:1 ultramarines blue:contrast medium:basilicanum grey wash all over, then a drybrush with stormhost silver. I'm reallly likeing how bright the silver is against the dark blue - way more than in the pictures!

So I've put some more time into the Scarabs over the weelend and I'm pretty pleased with how they're turning out!

Rocketman with the blue finished




Doing the crests on these is finicky as hell, whoever designed them clearly didnt put thought into how they would be painted. I think this is maybe why TS havent had another release, they're too great a painting challenge, much like harlequins. I have to go back and add another layer of yellow to brighten then touch up the black, recess shade, and then redo the silver.


Once I'd got a couple of layers of yellow down and some corax white on the tabards.


I messed around with the eyes - I thought they might look good with green eyes, however they didnt really stand out against the dark dark armour. The red really does stand out though.


Close up. This is just: evil sunz painted in and around the eye, wild rider red in the eye and highlight under eye armour, fire dragon bright in a smaller area, final corax white extreme highlight.


Thanks for looking!

Edited by Xenith

I had another painting sesh last night and made some progress on the SOT's, who are nearly there, just needing highlights and basing. I'll be leaving most of the ornamentation as silver - who am I to pollute their machinations with lesser metals? I had a go at the runes on the bolters, some worked, some didnt, I'll likely go back and retry a couple. For now I've highlighted the helms and stuck on the crests. You can still see some dodgy painting, but that is the curse of Thousand Sons models, theyre pretty fine detailed and hard to access. Basilicanum grey in the crest recesses should do it.

For some reason my phone camera only seems to take clear pictures when the flash is on. Hopefully these are better.

Group shot


Red eyes


You can also see the glowing runes on the inferno combi in the background.


Things to finish are:

  • Tidy up metal trim and crests
  • sorcerors cloak outside - what colour, purple?
  • redo runes on bolters to match the good one
  • highlights
  • basing
  • random details in copper
  • weathering?

Thanks for looking!

Edited by Xenith

Good job! Not wanting to mess too much with your paint-scheme, but purple might also work for the eyes... ;)
Although this "infernal" red definitely looks good.

As for the phone camera, it happens some times and with flash, they often get shorter exposure time. Which means stabilisation is not as important. have you tried making the pictures with phone stabilised? Preferably without touching it.

  On 5/20/2020 at 6:10 PM, Majkhel said:

Good job! Not wanting to mess too much with your paint-scheme, but purple might also work for the eyes... :wink:

Although this "infernal" red definitely looks good.

As for the phone camera, it happens some times and with flash, they often get shorter exposure time. Which means stabilisation is not as important. have you tried making the pictures with phone stabilised? Preferably without touching it.

Thanks for the info, I'll have to mess with the camera settings a little. Unsure if it's the stabilisation. Think I just need a new phone. My old wiko was ok, the new one is a better phone, but worse camera for some reason...

In other news, I got my hands on some of GreenStuff Worlds chaos icons, quite incredible for something like

  • 2 weeks later...

Wanting to do something a little different for the bases on my Thousand Sons, I got my hands on a Greenstuff World textured rolling pin, with the Eldar pattern on them. Playing around with some milliput, I got this:


This is my first time working with milliput, and it's pretty sticky - any suggestions on how to use it best are appreciated - oil or vaseline on the roller? Could I leave it to cure for a little while then use the roller?

I intend to let this dry, then break it up into chunks to represent wraithbone slabs, which will then be covered with my usual stirland mud. The idea being that all of my armies are on the same world for varying reasons...

Edited by Xenith
  • 3 weeks later...

Being super productive in Lockdown I've finished off the rest of the Dark Vegeance cultists among other things:



They look super yellow under the flash but theyre actually pretty muted.


I also got the eldar rolling pin working and made some ruined wraithbone bases for my scarabs:







I'm really really happy with how these came out, and will be doing this style of base on all my Thousand Sons from here on in. I just need to come up with the name of the planet that all my armies are batling over :biggrin.:

Thanks for looking!

  On 6/29/2020 at 7:57 PM, Bjorn Firewalker said:

Good job on the Thousand Sons.

Thanks Bjorn, always appreciate your time on looking through things and your feedback!

I picked these up yesterday. Very naughty as I have such a huge backlog, but my more immediate project needs some new CSM bodies to get off the ground.


I got the emperors children sonic blaster upgrade pack a little while ago to make some Alpha Legion noise marines, but I didnt want to use the old bodies - 6 of these guys will be offered to the lord of Excess, but I'm unsure whether I'll go with painting them as Iron Warriors, Emperors Children, or Alpha Legion.

I also have a Shadowspear multipart CSM unit, who I want to mix these in with - I'll need 3 dudes and the asp champ and one to have as a rotor cannon model to add a 5 man unit to my Iron Warriors.

The last few multipart csm I want to make into Thousand Sons. Using this version of the twisted warp bodies will make a nice alternative from the Mk4 TS bodies. I'm looking forward to bashing these kits together!

It's great to be messing around with my Chaos again after they have languished in the shadows the last half decade. I have a few fun conversions planned that I've gradually accumulated the bits for over the last years...but then they got put into storage when I moved country and I never got round to doing them. When I get my next lot of Blood Angels done I'll be turning my beady eye back to Chaos and reinforcing the ranks of the damned. 

  • 1 month later...

I managed to get a couple of cheap predators frm ebay - one will probably reinforce my Blood Angels, but the other is earmarked for chaos, most probably my Thousand Sons as the Iron Warriors have enough fun toys They're currently painted a a blue and yellow marine chapter so one could say it's fate.


Currently AC/HB loadout, but some quick conversion work should let me run them with AC/LC for some much needed anti tank in a Thousand Sons army. 

  • 4 weeks later...
  On 8/19/2020 at 3:24 PM, Jukkiz said:

Those icons are very nice but sometimes pain to get glued on without too much glue spillage

Thanks for the tip! I'l' try to avoid over-glueing, they're pretty finely detailed!

Going through and organising my bits and spares boxes, I've finally re-united my old TS metal heads with the spares from the new plastics, and I'm looking forward to making some more combined models.

A pile of heads worthy of Russ.


Scale between old and new heads:


The new are far superior and closer to the original model, however I kind of like the uniformity of the metals. Though they're mk 7. I might have to reserve them for new 'converts' to the Silver Sons' cause.

Unsure what to do with these guys, this'll make 4 of them that I own now. I guess one can get a warpflame pistol and be in Silver Sons colours, I need to check if sorcerors can even take swords...


  On 9/11/2020 at 12:56 PM, Quixus said:

If you do not know what do do with them, send them to me :wink:

Sorcerers and aspiring sorcerers can take force swords.

Can they now?! I see that sorcerers can but don't see an option for Aspiring ones - is it Legends only?

I'm looking at uograding my phone to get a better camera for model photos - this was taken on the GF's and is way better, might invest!


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