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Zenith: these are NIIIICE!


Thanks! More pics to come, been slack in uploading recently.


On another note, the final individual scores from the tourney came back, and I was placed 32nd out of just under 300 in terms of total battle points, and the Thousand Sons player with the second highest total - I was only 3 points away from the top TS player. Definitely super pleased with that, considering it was my first tournement against some serious meta lists and broken codexes, I kind of want to try it again! 

  • 1 month later...

After some dallyances with spess elves when the Eldar codex was released, I've finally got my hands on the parts I needed to complete a conversion that's been rolling around in my head for a while - Tzaangor Enlightened, based on these I found on Reddit:


I in no way have enough discs ti make that unit, however I had another idea...BEHOLD!


Three radical Surfgors.




The models I took the inspiration from used the Tzaangor arms, painstakingly cutting away the hands on the Mech-muskets, but ain't nobody got time for that, so I lopped their arms off entirely to create some cybersurfergors, with mechanical arms for stability and precision while they soar around the battlefield.

Edit: I should probably infill the little...leaf symbols...on these - I found them online, however I thought they were funny.

Edited by Xenith
  • 2 weeks later...

I finished a cheeky BeLakor over the weekend. I've had this model since near release in ~2003, been too afraid to tackle it for years - despite my skill progressing, I still had the idea in my head I didnt have the skill to paint it, so this was also a mental barrier to overcome and has, I hope, given me a lot more confidence in my ability.

He was painted following Peachy's method on WHTV, basically successive grey drybrushes. This model is quite different texturally to the new one, so not all methods worked the same way, and I think we have different drybrushing ability - mine looked a bit stark in the end, so I knocked it back with a glaze of 50/50 basilicanum/medium all over the body to tone down the highlights a little, followed by an extreme highlight of codex (now administratum?) grey on the body. Straps are mournfang + snakebite leather contrast, metals are straight leadbelcher, hit with a basilicanum shade+glaze, then a stormhost highlight. The hooks etc got hit with typhus corrosion to make them a bit more gribbly, in contrast to the original where they were bright and clean, the golds are retributor with a guilliman flesh wash.

Base is my tortured wraithbone to fit in with my thousand sons - spray with wraithbone, then a heavy wash of 50/50 skelly horde/medium, mud is battlemire washed with agrax, then successively lighter drybrushes of mournfang, XV-88 then karak stone.


Slight cross post from my Nid blog, but I picked up this weeks Imperium mag in tesco - lucky find! I have a few bits and bobs from the Forgefire set (whatever it was called, 2 armigers, tech priest and skitarii) which might form the basis of some dark mechanicum.


  • 1 month later...

I've had to break out the old Lost and the Damned book to translate Chaos runes for something big I've been working on...

I know the top rows are letters, but I can't seem to find the bottom ones. Any ideas? 


I've wondered the same thing. I'm not sure if those ones actually have a defined meaning or if they're just there to look cool, but there are a couple that look like they match ones on the page behind (the chaos weapon and face of a bloodletter, maybe a few others)

  • 1 month later...

Had my first game of Kill Team last night, and it was pretty fun - nowhere near as scary or unfamiliar as the triangles and circles woud make it seem, and relatively easy to pick up if you are a gamer. My opponent used two standard squads, ad-mech and dark eldar, however I'm inspired by this, and warband/levelling rules to continue with my Silver Sons kill team - I need to dig up the White Dwarf that had the rules in and see what kind of force I can make. 

  • 4 weeks later...

As you may have seen I'd been working on a Chaos Knight for the past little while, among other things. I finished him about a month ago, and only getting round to sharing now: Enjoy!



Thanks :D 

Good catch on the shield, that was the last part of the model to get done as I didnt have any inspiration for it - the whole thing really needs some weathering, what you see now is just nuln washes etc, however the decals need some beating up and chipping, same with the shield. 

  • 1 month later...

You might have seen that I'm going full speed ahead on painting up an Alpha Legion army for Heresy, however I do have other armies and getting models to pull double duty is pragmatic! I've been looking at adding Rewards of Treason unit to my Alphas, but I also want to boost by Thousand Sons to have 10 Scarab Occult, so kitbashing some Sekhmet seems the order of the day! I've wanted to convert some Cataphractii Scara Occult for a while as I think they'll look ace, so here's my test conversion:




I've basically just trimmed down the raised collar/arch on the cataphractii, then trimmed the gorget part off the SoT headdress (I have spares...) and mashed the two together. There's a small gap between the back of the headdress and the hunchback armour that I was concerned about, but then the shoulderpads went on and hid the gap, so all good! Arms are magged also so I can switch between weapons when they're pretending to be Sekhmet - SoT's can only take one weapon anyway so their actual physical armament doesn't matter so much. I'll also have to convert an AL Cataphractii sorcerer to lead the unit in 40k and as a centurian in 30k. 

Edited by Xenith
  • 1 month later...

With some questions on progress on thr Sekhmet from my local group, and desperately wanting more terms for both my Heresy Alpha Legion and 40k Thousand Sons, I got on and built the rest of the Sekhmet/SoT's, with an Aspiring Sorcerer.


Overall, I don't think there's much, if anything I'd change about this build. They're not as...ornate...as the official SoT's however I think their bulk will make up for it. SoT's only have one weapon option also, so the fists should never be questioned. 




Scarab Occult Sorcerer/Sekhmet Preceptor/Alpha Legion Librarian Consul, head of the Hydra. He needs a good name. I'm thinking Shamaat Something. 


  • 3 weeks later...

I counted up all the models painted for the Dark Gods in 2022, and this is what I got to:


5 Scarab Occult

5 man Flamer Rubrics +1 bolter

Enchanted Blue Soulreaper Rubric, Silver Sons Mk4 Soulreaper Rubric*


Infernal Master*

2 Chaos Spawn

Chaos Knight Desecrator*



Not bad for a year's painting, considering what I've managed to add to my Eldar, Tyranids and Alpha Legion as well! There might be a couple more thing that I'm missing - the start of 2022 was a rush as I got drafted to a team tournament essentially last minute and had a lot of stuff to get ready for my Thousand Sons ASAP to get them to 2k fully painted and competitive. 


*forgot to add photos here. 


  • 4 weeks later...

2022 family photo time!


Thisis mainly the rubrics spawn and hellbrute, then additional soul reapers painted to get me to a semi decent 2k army, then also the xmas present of the knight and gift of belakor from too long ago! I'm pretty pleased with the aspiring sorcerer conversion, made from the monopose CSM champion from Shadowspear. 



Edited by Xenith
  • 8 months later...

So with the new Mk3 being released, my initial thought to keep my Alphas as pure Mk6 has gone out the window and I'm enjoying the new scale - this means I have a bunch (maybe 10 models worth + some torsos and heads) of old Mk3 in my bitz box that was originally going to go to my blood angels (and 5 still might) however might go to reinfore my Iron warriors. I haven't added anything to them for a long time, however most of my army is from 3rd ed and onwards, where the models were significantly less mutated and just more spiky marines, whcih by 2023 standard is pretty normal if you look at things like the Night Lords - official FW loyalist night lords are far more 'chaotic' looking than my old 40k chaos iron warriors, so what I'm thinking is to have a parade of my Iron warriors and get a bunch of 32mm base adapters and array them for use in 30k also - they should fit right in. The Mk3 will also look great as IW, and be in scale with my older stuff. 

Edited by Xenith
  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I found a knackered predator on Ebay that I managed to get for £20. Bonkers money these days, they used to be like £10, but hey ho, bit more of a rescue than I thought, with the MoT on the front, this one will go to my Thousand Sons for some added firepower...unsure if it will be in pre or post rubric colours yet...possibly pre so I can use it in heresy...




3 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

That's surprisingly expensive! :sad: 


Yea, I see a lot of people getting bargains, but I honestly havent seen a pred go for under £25 posted in a while. I guess they're maybe quite good in 10th?

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