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Copy/Pasting from my post in the ETL Thread:

My 4th (and final) vow is complete. I had wanted to get through these guys quickly and make another vow, but ultimately they were too much fun to paint and I got carried away.
So, my final offering:
Jump pack detail
The Sanguinor
Jump pack detail
Vial Detail
It’s been a(n exhausting) blast, but I’ve never painted so much, so quickly, while only sacrificing a little in quality. I think I’ve put it where it counts.
I come out of this knowing I am capable of painting 1000pts per month, and with almost 2500 pts of freshly Blood Angels for the collection.
Thanks to Semper for running this, and Reclusiarch Jolemai hor hassling, harassing, poking and prodding.
Til next year!
In the meantime, I'll be assembling all the models I painted during ETL for a group photo session, and then getting straight into the Feast of Blades in a week or so - if you havent already added your champion's püainted photo, do so asap!
Edited by Xenith
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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice, what happened to the pommel and the rest of the hilt of his sword?



Is his force sword missing a pommel?


I get it, I need to fix the pommel!  :wink:


It's a second hand model, and I didnt have an immediate solution, I'll be going back and adding a poimmel to him at some point, it does look strange.

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  • 2 weeks later...

++ I...still...function...++

- Kaspar the Destroyer, upon recovery of his revered suit and sarcophagus after the purging of Scoris XIV

Cassor the Damned, aka "Kaspar the Destroyer", as he will be known in my army.



Smashed together from the original metal Furioso kit and a the plastic Furioso for the torso. Legs cut apart at the hip and knee to make the striding forward pose, hydraulics repositioned, spacer at the waist to add height, guitar wire in the shoulders to hide the join.

Cassor has a set loadout, so the fixed metal furioso stormbolter DCCW arm goes to Cassor, and the plastic furioso ones will go to another (red) Furioso, which will be a mash up of the Furioso and Ven Dread kits.

The spare metal torso from the old Furioso kit will get plastic ven dread arms to form some kind of Hellfire dread, TL Lascannons or assault cannon, with either ML or TLAC. I have too much stuff.

Edited by Xenith
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