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Solid weekend of modelling. I did mainly Tyranid stuff to reinforce my swarm, but as part of operation "paint the contents of a 40k new edition boxed set before the next edition" I made up some Outriders. I really want to use these and Eradicators while they're still meta-relevant, and before they get nerfed into the ground in 2 years.


So I've been dabbling with some MkIV...he's nowhere near finished, but I've been testing out a contrast paint scheme for Heresy Era Blood Angels. I could do with some feedback, if you please!

This is BA Red over Wraithbone, with a evil sunz edge highlight. Metallics are not done yet. rather than the old black flames, etc, I was considering a yellow spot colour, and maybe making them Raldoron's Hell Riders. This guy was fast to do, and I think looks ok, but maybe suffers from 'too much red' syndrome. What do you think? I'm going for a bit of a brighter red than my 40k Blood Angels, to give them that bright, noble aspect of hope that they represent in 30k.





Edited by Xenith

I really like that red and have to say, you're definitely doing the Contrasts paints right :thumbsup: 

For flames, I would say that you either make them real-like, or (prferably imo) you make them stylised. 
If stylised, then keep them simple, waving togues, like the WHFB Phoenix Guard cloaks


He’s not finished, but I like the red so far.


I think the yellow flames and the white checks you did on the jump pack also look great.


If you’re worried about there being too much red, maybe consider doing some shoulder pads or knee pads in whites, yellows or blacks.

The helmet crest might also be a good place to get some subtle variation on some models.


It’s down to your individual taste and to whether you prefer uniformity or a more varied look between the models, but a small amount of those components being painted in different colors could help break up the red.


However, I don’t necessarily think the model is too red.

Thanks for the feedback! I got the metals on there, and I think it looks a whole lot better. Seeing as how fast this guy was to paint, it bodes well for a possible heresy force :devil:


And a quick update on teh 4th company in project 'get them done before 2021, I've been painting the 2nd squad. You last seen the grey models here:

So I've been making a push to finally get my 4th company finished - this is rounding off the 2nd and 5th tactical squads to have 10 men, then adding a final heavy weapon marine to the 9th Dev squad. Part of the delay in building the company has been me dithering over fluff adherent 10 man units, and crunch-driven 5 man units being optimal for firepower. I solved this by giving each of my later squad leaders an alternate, magnetised loadout, so each unit can be actually taken as 2 tactical squads using 2 force org slots, and have double the weapons.

This is my progress over the last week or so. I still need to add accessories to a lot of them. I put some effort into the squad leaders, and I'm largely happy with the 5th squad, but the second squad feels a little bland to me. I need to give the marines some more character.

4th Company, Second Squad.

Tactical squad Terranostro can combat squad into: Squad 1: Combi melta, power sword, melta; Squad 2: Bolter, power sword, multimelta.

Squad currently features 2 Dark Vengeance marines. I may swap these out for something more dynamically posed and second these to a reserve company.





Squad Leader with combat blade and magged bolter arm. I actually love this combination of bits and can see him subbing in as a Lt in some games.


There's been some changes to the line up after some rifling through my bitz boxes, namely banishing the Dark Vengeance models, who will go to a reserve company somewhere. I've included 2 running models here to try and make the unit a little more dynamic - this includes the multi melta marine. I've also started individualising them, something I intend to go back and do for all the marines. This is also my first attempt at a black skin tone on the mk4 marine, which is just cygor brown over wraithbone. I think I should have diluted with lahmian but it seems ok for now, and maybe the first black blood angel I've seen :sweat:




Thanks for looking!

Thanks! Yea, it's tricky to keep coming up with new ideas, but can really be as simple as halving a knee or shoulder pad then painting it a different colour - I took a lot of inspiration from the Space Hulk terminators with their unique heraldry, along with a few older BA blogs that I think have no disappeared fromthe interwebs. 

Progress on Squad 2. They're pretty tabletop ready. I always love the bit when you stick all the sub assemblies together and get a feel for the whole model. Still needs detailing like on the lenses, purity seals, and highlights on the guns (and barrels drilled).







Edited by Xenith
  • 3 weeks later...

Managed to get a game in last night, maybe the last of 2020, against the same BA opponent. He's getting more shrewd tactically as he learns, but maybe is missing some list building synergy. I wrote 2 armies up as I thought I'd be playing someone else with nids: A joke 1st company force, and a more take all comers objective grabbing force. I gave my opponent the choice, which he returned to me. I went with the TDA list for a laugh.

1000pt Incursion.

His list

Lib dread - WARLORD, wings of sanguinius, blood boil, artisan of Baal (halberd).

Chaplain: figure of death, death company.

5 Assault intercessors: plasma pistol

5 Tactical terminators

3 Outriders

3 Plasma Inceptors

Contemptor Dread - Kheres

My list - Combat Patrol - 6CP.

TDA Chaplain, storm bolter, relic crozius, WARLORD, Gift of Foresight. Litany of Hate, litany of focus (+1 to hit with ranged).

10 Tactical Terminators: Cyclone, asscan

10 assault terminators: 4x TH/SS; 6x LC's.

5 Tactical Marines: Grav Cannon, Storm Bolter

Mission: Ransack

Primary: Domination

My secondaries: Engage, while we stand (Chaplain, Cyclone termie, asscan termie), Ransack.

Opponents' secondaries: Engage, raise banners, attrition.


lib dread, outriders in the middle, intercessors to the top, contemptor to the bottom. Chaplain, inceptors and terminators in reserve. Pointed out this was probably a mistake in such a small game, but opponent wanted to. I deployed my tacs on the bottom, both combat squadded and put the ass terms in the middle, and the big tac term squad stayed together and went at the top objective.

My opponent won the roll off for T1 (havent one one since 7th ed) but elected to go second.


My turn 1.

Gain CP, Chaplain fires off litany of focus. Tac terms move up and onto top objective, ass. terms move forward behind the containers, but hold that objective, tacs remain still. LOS is poor, so tactical terms and chaplain have to split fire, most into the assault intercessors, killing 2, 2 krak missiles into the contemptor doing 1 wound, storm bolters into the outriders, doing a wound. Not much from 10 storm bolters, an asscan and a cyclone. Tactical grav cannon fires into the lib dread, 3 hits, 2 wounds, 2 failed saves and doing 4 damage.

Opponent turn 1

outriders get to containers, shoot tacticals killing 2, charge TH terms, killing one, losing one in return. Contemptor moves forwards, shoots TH terms, doesnt do anything. assault intercessors start to raise the banner. Libdread moves then wings's to the tactical terms (!) blood boild for 2 mortals, then charges. He overestimated what they can do, and didnt realise "Only In Death" now has to be on a character that hasnt attacked. He still managed to kill 4. Terminators attack back, and the amazing squad serge gets 4 attacks, 3 hits, 3 wounds, 3 failed saves to put the libdread on 1W. Powerfists finish it off, no explosion.

My T2

15pts for holding 3 objectives to my opponent's 2. Litany of focus goes off. Tac terms move forward to try and get into opposing table quarter for engage and draw LOS to the contemptor. Claw terms surround the bikes. Krak missiles do nothing, storm bolters kill 2 assault intercessors. Claw terms charge in and get 5+ Attacks each, hittng on 3+, wounding on 4+ rerolling, wiping the bikers. It's looking pretty grim as my opponent has only 2 models left on the board.

End my T2



Chaplain comes in 9" from the tacticals, upon some guidance from me. Out of range for the infernus pistol, charges in, natural 12. Kills one tac marine. Terms drop down on the contemptor objective and raise the banner, then use the action+shoot stratagem - shooting the TH/SS terms, a triple one on saves and one goes down. Plasma ceptors come down by my tactical terms and open up They choose not to overcharge, and kill 2 terms, before charging in, hoping to do mortals. I choose to overwatch, hitting on 5+ from litany of focus and knock 2 wounds off one. Hammer of wrath popped, but zero mortals from 6 rolls from that and their innate ability. Their attacks do nothing, and predictably the terminators wipe them out in return. Bit of a waste.

Action shot


Venerable Rasoul


End opponent turn 2 movement phase


Uh oh.


Terminators sighted.


My T3

Litany of focus goes off with a reroll. THSS terms go after opposing tac terms, charge, kill 2. My tac terms move into opponents table quarter to get a bead on the contmeptor, kraks miss, storm bolters fail to kill the last intercessors, chaplain then takes aim and puts 2w on the intercessor serge with his golden storm bolter, clearing that objective. LC terms go after the chaplain, fail the charge. Opponent attacks with terms, killing one of the THSS, my taxticals attack next, miraculously putting 3w onto the chapain, who then kills another.


Contemptor advances to backfield objective, terms kill another of mine. Chaplain does kills the last tactical.

Game called. 11 terminators and a chaplain remaining to 3 terms, chaplain and contemptor.

End T3.



Mission: Ransack

Primary: Domination

My secondaries: Engage, while we stand (Chaplain, Cyclone termie, asscan termie), Ransack.

Opponents' secondaries: Engage, raise banners, attrition.

My Objectives:

Domination - 15

Engage - 2

Ransack - 0

WWSWF - 15

Total - 32

Opponents' Objectives:

Domination - 15

Engage - 2

Attrition - 4

Raide the Banners - 5

Total - 26

So far my Blood Angels are undefeated in 9th ed, despite using some weird lists. Lets see how long this lasts!

Edited by Xenith
  • 2 weeks later...
Happy to say that last night I put the finishing touches on they last 10 tactical marines for the company, taking me to a full company's worth, just in time for the end of the year, woop! I'll get some photos up soon to show off the company.

I present to you the 4th Company of the Blood Angels Chapter [fanfare]:



Squads 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9


Squads 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10


Captain de Bosola inspecting the ranks



Awesome! Congratulations Xenith. What an amazing sight to see a whole company of well painted blood angels mustering for war!

Do you have a battlemat or something and some pieces of terrain maybe? Would love to see them arranged in a diorama style picture.

Awesome! Congratulations Xenith. What an amazing sight to see a whole company of well painted blood angels mustering for war!

Do you have a battlemat or something and some pieces of terrain maybe? Would love to see them arranged in a diorama style picture.


 Thanks Rhavien - that's next on the agenda, I've wanted a battlemat for a little while and that patterned desk doesnt really do them justice. I'll have to do some action shots at some point. 


Congratulations, brother! You make our Father proud!


That through-the-ranks shot with banners is AWESOME! :wub:


Thanls Majkhel! It just seemed to work! As you can see, a few sergeants havent earned their battle honours yet, but now the company is finished to TT standard, I'll be going back and freehanding banners and heraldry and stuff, as well as trying to make the bases a little more uniform. This has taken a while to put together, and GW has changed their paint range 2-3 times since I started this force. You can see Squads 3 &4 are painted with old Blood Red and Red Ink for a more glossy finish. 

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