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The DC captain with teeth of Terra is a sweet idea. Quite a brave choice considering the options available, but all those attacks and with rerolls from death visions too. Very strong potential against MEQ and bigger things too.


Also very sweet to see Blade of Sanguinius working. Bear in mind you can only choose one BA secondary, not one from each category.


A teeny thing and maybe it's a battlescribe glitch but the lost captain with jump pack and shield comes to 140 points. 20 to induct the captain, 10 for a lieutenant so maybe a small mixup there. Also noticed the sang priest listed earlier as 130 points. Unless I've missed something out isn't it 90 + 30 for the jump pack?


Keen to follow more of your batreps in the future!

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The DC captain with teeth of Terra is a sweet idea. Quite a brave choice considering the options available, but all those attacks and with rerolls from death visions too. Very strong potential against MEQ and bigger things too.


Also very sweet to see Blade of Sanguinius working. Bear in mind you can only choose one BA secondary, not one from each category.


A teeny thing and maybe it's a battlescribe glitch but the lost captain with jump pack and shield comes to 140 points. 20 to induct the captain, 10 for a lieutenant so maybe a small mixup there. Also noticed the sang priest listed earlier as 130 points. Unless I've missed something out isn't it 90 + 30 for the jump pack?


Keen to follow more of your batreps in the future!


Good catches thanks! The priest/captain points were adjusted on the fly - The captain didnt have the shield to start with, then I found another 10pts to give him one, must have forgot to add them to the army list when I copied it out - it sits as a +10 at the bottom. Good catch on the BA secondaries also didn't realise they were one only. I would take Oath, but in smaller games there is no central objective really. Maybe in the 2k game I'll play next week.


The Teeth of Terra captain was a funny throwaway - The Priest is the smarter choice, but I was playing against someone using Thousand Sons for the first time. The last thing I wanted was zero casualties and resurrecting attack bikes - I'll save that for the guy that wants the no holds barred game :devil:  Someone in the group was also panicking about some apparently beefy Interrogator Chaplain build that can take Teeth of Terra and the litany for +1 damage. Mean, sor sure, but on a chaplain. I wanted to show BA can already do domething similar. 


Tomorrow I'll be against a Knight player in a 1500 game - this will be tough. I'm not optimising, but want to build on my TAC list. A phobos libby with Null Zone will be an eventual part of my big list, but feels cheesy to take it against a knight-only list. That invun save seems to be all they have :sweat:. Order of the day will be Captain with THammer on bike, Priest, 3x ATB, 2x infiltrators, debating a quadlas devastator squad. THSS Terms might be a way to deal with knights. Fast Armigers are a worry. 

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Managed to get some decent hobby done over the weekend!

  • Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard
  • Lamenters Eliminators
  • Flesh Eaters Invictor Warsuit

Sanguinary Guard


Undercoated in the good weather we had on Sunday, another 4+Ancient takes me to 9 total. These guys mainly have powerfists to give them sone punch (heh) in Melee. The one Silver one is a Flesh Tearer. Unsure why in Silver, it just seemed right to me. He has a broken chapter Icon, and normal, non-rist-mounted plasma pistol to reflect the lack of artifice in the chapter. I'll probably make a take on Sanguard for a few Chapters.




Work on the last 2 in the unit is progressing - yriel yellow is down, the just need shades, highlights and the skin to be done. I'm keeping the guns a matte black because, stealth. I'm really unsure whether to keep these guys with the grey base, or make the basing more stirland battlemire like the rest of my BA.



Work begins apace on a model I've had in a box for over a year. I think it'll be fun and mean to use, and play a role in dominating the mid-board from T1, with the aim of pinning the opponent in their DZ.

I also magnetised the guns, which was super easy. *Before you glue them together* Drill out a 1mm guide hole in the little cog-hinge-joint, straight through. I then chose the inside-side of the gun as there was more plastic to drill into. I used a 4mm drill and magnet - the hole is already 2.5mm, just stick the drill in and core out a hole so you can fit a magnet in flush *make sure these are the same polarities on the guns!*. Then on one side of the cog joint, snip off the cone on both sides,, then using the pilot hole, drill through using the 4mm drill bit. Stick the magnet in flush, in the right polarity to stick to the gun. Then just stick the gun to the cog with the magnet, then glue the cog into the upper-arm hole, making sure the gun is pointing the right way forwards. Then glue the two halves of the guns together.


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His list 9CP

House Taranis (6+++), somehow every knight regenerated a wound at the start of the turn - I can't find the rule anywhere.

Knight Crusader - Avenger, RFBC, Warlord, 4+ Ion shield trait (Ion Bulwark), stubber Armour of the Blessed Iron (2+ Armour) Ironstorm (?) rocket pod.

Knight Gallant - Chainsword + relic Fist, +2" to charge trait (Landstrider?), stubber

Knight Warden? - Avenger Gatling, Chainsword, stubber, Ironstorm

Knight Armiger, melta thing, chainglaive, stubber

My list - Batallion - 8CP.

130 - Captain Raxiatel on Bike, Chapter Master, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Visage of Death, Gift of Foresight, Imperium's Sword (-1CP)

120 - Sanguinary Priest, Jump pack, Icon of the Angel, Selfless healer (-2CP)

130 - 5 infiltrators, helix, Angel Ascendant, Quake Bolts.

105 - 5 Tacticals, Storm Bolter, Grav Cannon

115 - 5 Tacticals - Combi plasma, lascannon

150 - 5 Sanguard, 2 axes, 3 swords

145 - 5VV's - 5xSS, 3xPowerfist, 2x PSwords

243 - 5 Assault Terminators - 4x THSS, 1x LC

140 - Venerable Dreadnought - Multimelta, Storm bolter.

165 - 3 Attack Bikes: Multimeltas

Mission: Front-Line Warfare

Primary: Take and Hold

My secondaries: Relentless Assault, Oath of Moment, Titan Slayers

Opponents' secondaries: Attrition, First Strike, Assassinate

I'd never faced knights before so didn't know what to expect, I thought I would be outgunned and outmatched, especally as I was taking a 'take all comers' army. There's some firepower in it, but short range. I forgot to pay the points for the pack on the priest, so one unit of infiltrators was swapped out for a unit of tacticals with grav cannon.

4 objectives were in a square, in the first photo one's just behind the black container in the knight DZ, one is under my tacticals behind the brown pipe, #3 is behind the ruin and #4 is by the brown container.

Deployment was as below, with the Sanguinary Guard going into reserve. The infiltrators are in the obscuring ruin to the front. Top to bottom for the knights are the crusader, gallant, warden then armiger.

I won the roll-off to go first,so here we go, for vengeance, and for the Angel!



My dudes shuffled forwards getting the ATB's into range with the MM's, and everything remaining within the priest and chapter master bubble. Chapter Mastered the ATB's for full rerolls, and the priest put the termies into assault doctrine.


Drawing a bead through the ruin. Cool photo, but the bikes actually targeted the Warden to the right in the photo. The dread shoots the gallant, who rotates ion shields for a 4++, the dead does nothing. The attack bikes the shoot the Warden :wink: Between 3 multimeltas and a load of storm bolters rerolling everything, I put ~20 wounds on the Warden, 2 of which were ignored with the Taranis trait. Quake sergeant shot, and weirdly wounded the gallant, felling him. Infiltrators actually did some work this game - the auto wound on a 6 came into it's own, and they plinked wounds off knights all game, as well as felling stuff and holding objectives.


Knight T1

Armiger moved 14" (yuck) to behind the brown container, just within 3" of that objective. Warden pops the 'act as though on full wounds' strat :sick: moved to the right, gallant forwards, but afraid to charge the death blob in the middle, crusader stayed still. Shooting was ineffectual. 3 tactical marines with lascannon died to the wardens avenger cannon, my positioning with the bolter dudes on the objective meant I removed the lascannon and sergeant first. Won't do that again. Failed morale then passed attrition saw one guy from that unit remaining. Gallant and crusader could draw a bead on the ATB's killing one through a combination of D3 damage rolls, 6+++ from the priest and T5. Rocket pod from the crusader shot the infiltrators, suffered 1 failed save which was ignored due to hard working helix.


5 points for an objective held, 2 points for holding the centre on oath of moment.

Chapter master buffs the bikes, priest resurrects the dead ATB :devil:. This was the game changer, where I decided to split my forces. Risky, but paid off. Termies vanguard and dread push further into the centre lining up a T3 charge, the sanguard drop behind them in cover.

Melta wing flanks with the captain and priest right to try and finish off the warden. One ATB shoots the armiger within 12" doing 1 wound. Dread and 2 Attack bikes fire at the warden, who rotates shields. They do bad, hitting well but failing to really wound. I knock 4 wounds off from 6 admittedly long range mm shots. I need to focus fire properly. The 2 wound knight was then headshotted by the infiltrators, who rolled a few 6's to hit, with -1 AP from tactical doctrine, 2 saves failed, wounds not ignored, and then the knight went down! This was the bad part - taranis has a strat to return a knight with d3 wounds on a 4+ unless it explodes. So we were looking at a knight getting back up again...until my opponent rolled a 6, the knight exploding and wounding the armiger. No getting back up for you!

Knight T2

1 objective so 5 points. Failed attrition and First Strike. The armiger runs around the container to try and engage the bikes, the gallant weirdly runs to the left to claim that objective, crusader shuffles a bit. Armiger shoots the ATB,s doing not much, gallant stubbers the lone tac marine on my objective, wounding twice but saved. Crusader iron strike missiles the tacs, 6 shots, 4 hits, 4 wounds, 3 dead, leaving the squad with only a wounded grav cannoneer. Passes morale though.

Armiger charges the bikes, doing the cleave move, I think 4A, S12, D3, so not enough to kill bikes outright. 3 wounds go through killing one bike and wounding another. Attacks back do squat.

Picture: End of knight T2 movement phase.


After charge moves, knight T2.



15 points for holding more, 2 points for holding centre, 2 points for killing a VEHICLE and not failing a morale.

Time to bring down the hammer.

Captain chapter mastered the ATB's, the priest brought the dead one back and healed the other. Assault doctrine on the captain. The ATB's then fell back onto the right objective, supported by the captain and priest, using the hit and run strat to fire after fallback. 6 rerolling meltas within 6" nuked the armiger which exploded wounding the bikes, 2w on both priest and captain.

On the left, it wad big game hunting time. Unsure how I'd do without reroll support, but the terms moved straight at the gallant, and onto the objective, vanguard jumped to the north of him, sanguard to the south. Dread moved into multi range of the crusader. I then did a sneaky and guerilla warfared the infiltrators from the ruin, now the dread was there for oaths. at the end of my move, they dropped into the opposing DZ to get relentless assault.

Shooting, dread MM into the crusader, doing nothing. Quake bolt into the gallant, felling it.

Assault, terms, sanguard and VV's go into the gallant. THammers get 17 attack hitting on 3+ wounding on 3+, some lucky rolling sees 7 wounds go through, 21 6+++ saves later and 18 wounds are taken. Lightning claws knock another 2 off, then the sanguinary guard swords hit on 2+, wound on 4+, finish the thing off, no explosion. I consolidate towards the crusader. Strat to res the knight gets played a 4 rolled, and the knight gets back up next to my sanguard...uh oh.



Knight T3

The risen gallant regens a wound. crusader moves to the infiltrators, shoots everything into the termies but bounces off. Missile pod kills the last marine from the lascannon unit.

crusader charges the infiltrators with it's stompy feet, some unlucky rolling causes 3 wounds, 1 saved, one failed wound ignored due to the helix, the other gets a 1 on the D3 damage. Infiltrators live.

gallant charges the sanguard, splatting 4 of them with the paragon gauntlet. He then uses death grip on the now one model unit, attempting to squeeze the last guy to death....but misses. The Sanguinary guard, now royally pissed off, hits back 5 times, 4's to wound, 3 go through and the knight is dead again. What a hero.

Knight v Sanguinary Guard showdown.



Hold more +15, hold centre +2, VEHICLE kill +1, no failed morale +1, relentless +4

The game was pretty much over by this point. The crusader was backed into a corner, and my forces were closing in. Priest heals ATB's and himself, but they're were out of range of everything, so turbo boosted 20" towards the opposing DZ objective, claiming it. priest did their best to keep up.

Eveything abandoned the objectives to go knight hunting. Infiltrators fell back to let the other stuff in. Vanvets and sanguard charge and do maybe 14 damage.

Knight T4

Stompy stompy. Most things fail to damage only having 2A in the second round of combat.


+15 for hold more, +4 relentless +2 table centre, +1 no morale fails

Captain heals, bikes turboboost termies move into charge range of the crusader. Termies charge in an finish the job.

Game to BA.

The last turn as the knight died. In total I lost 9 tactical marines and 4 Sanguinary Guard for killing 4 TITANIC models and a Armiger.



My Objectives:

Take and Hold - 40 (5+5+15+15)

Relentless Assault - 12 (4+4+4)

Oath of Moment - 15 (5x2 + 5x1 + 4x1)

Titan Slayers - 15 (4Knights Killed)

Painted - 10

Total - 92

Opponents' Objectives:

T&H - 5

Assassinate - 0

Attrition - 0

First Strike - 0

Painted - 10

Total - 15


A more one sided game than it would have appeared. My opponent's secondaries were poor choices, and I'll have to start advising on these some more. HI think it was also a mistake to split the forces so early. He could have focussed on two objectives and shot me to pieces for three turns if he'd stuck together and focussed on a single unit, however with my speed it was pretty easy to isolate and ride down lone knights. If I was the knight player I'd have stuck all three in the middle then surrounded that centre building all supporting one another, with the gallant charging in ASAP to try and whittle the terminators down before they get the T3 bonuses from Echoes. If the gallant had stuck with the warden on the right flank, then he could have charged the bikes in t2/3 smushing them. No coming back when you wipe the unit.

I didn't start scoring relentless until T3, so I need a way to deal with that better. Guerilla tactics is amazing, but I need another unit to hold ground. The tacticals were a let down, not doing much damage then dying. They will get swapped out for more primaris, but possibly Phobos so I have some flexibility with them. Either another unit of Infils, or maybe incursors. 5 Autobolter intercessors might also work to hold the centre. Alternatively I could do a double patrol instead of the Batallion, drop 100pts of troops to get some scouts to get into the opposing DZ in T2. I'm also toying with a drop pod or Landspeeder Storm for this.

The terminators were great, shrugging off firepower and hammering stuff to death. Unsure of the ideal unit size, I'd rather field ten than eight and split into two. I might add another hammer and claws to the unit for 5/2 split and see how that works.

The priest did admirably, bringing 2 ATB's back, easily paying for himself over the game. The captain never got into combat, and never needed to. The dread was an odball choice in the list and did very little, mainly as I needed him in the middle for Oath of Moment. Twin las might have been a better choice, or I'm tempted to switch for a whirlwind to access suppression fire.

The list feels pretty strong at the moment, admittedly in not the most competitive environment. I'd be tempted to try and switch the 3 ATB's for 2 ATV's to gain Transhuman, but then I can't res with the priest, so it's much of a muchness.

I also forgot a bunch of strats again. I really need to get these cards and lay them all out in the game.

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House Taranis (6+++),  somehow every knight regenerated a wound at the start of the turn - I can't find the rule anywhere.


I think that this rule is in the Knight Psychic Awakening book (Engine War?). Mechanicus Knights Regen 1 wound at the start of the owning player's turn. Questoris Knights get +1" Advance and Charge (which does not stack with Land Strider but is hilarious with House Terryn and "Full Tilt").

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That'll be it then! I didn't question it as several other armies like Nids and Eldar have similar options, but it's pretty strong. Unfortunately for my opponent it also fixed my strategy to focus down one knight at a time until dead - without the regen I'd have been tempted to split fire to weaken them, or keep my forces together. 




Given that SG can get +1 to-Hit both from the Ancient and Heirs of Azkellon, fists seem like a good bet.


Being honest, not having the model I've barely looked at the ancients rules so didn't know the banner did that - this is indeed very good!


Edit: Added a debrief to the above batrep

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Posting here as the army list section is a little slow. I've revised the army to the following. I'm comfortable with these units, perhaps lacking in psychic ability or units to perform actions with the bikes, but everything is pretty hitty.


Thoughts? There's a spare 10pts to use, and I'm thinking of quake bolts on the infiltrator serge. 


The secondaries I'm thinking of are 


Relentless assault, Oath of Moment, other, scenario dependant. The list lacks units to be in the opposing DZ turn 1, unless I get a charge. Death co would fix this, alternatively a drop pod. With petals open and 2 comapny vets inside, this could be a real spoiler unit in a terrain laden 1000pt game.   



++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selection**: Blood Angels

Battle Size: 2. Incursion (51-100 Total PL / 501-1000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Gametype: Matched

+ Stratagems +

Relics of the Chapter: Number of Extra Relics

+ HQ +

Captain on Bike: 5. Gift of Foresight, Storm shield, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter, Thunder hammer, Visage of Death

Sanguinary Priest: 2. Artisan of War, Artificer Armour, Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Jump Pack, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Angel Exemplar, Teeth of Terra, Warlord

+ Troops +

Infiltrator Squad: Helix gauntlet
. 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine
. Infiltrator Sergeant

+ Elites +

Sanguinary Guard
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe

Vanguard Veteran Squad: Jump Pack
. Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Power sword, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Power fist, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran: Power fist, Storm shield
. Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Power fist, Storm shield

+ Fast Attack +

Attack Bike Squad
. Attack Bike: Multi-melta
. Attack Bike: Multi-melta
. Attack Bike: Multi-melta

+ Heavy Support +

Whirlwind: Whirlwind castellan launcher

++ Total: [56 PL, 3CP, 990pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe
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Also, since I absolutely know there's going to be some kind of Daemomette-bomb in the game, along with small 30x44" tables, Armour indomitus on the bike captain plus Angels Sacrifice might be a useful play, tanking a lot of daemonette attacks on the biker captain with a 1+/3++/6+++ with a reroll. The Whirlwind could also help there, but daemonettes move fast and it'll likely be a first turn charge from them. Against daemonettes I could put sanguard in strat reserve, deploy on my back line and bait the charge, then have the SG walk on into combat my turn 2. 

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Some progress over the weekend!

Sanguinary Guard

Progress on 3 BA guard, one FT guard and the Ancient. Spray is down and Retributor/leadbelcher bases are there, and I gave them an overbrush of stormhost silver. Next is blocking out some colours.



So the squad are pretty much done bar the basing. I even had a go at, and messed up, the full chapter badge. I know what I did wrong and will do better if and when I do another, for now I didnt bother correcting this as it'll be hidden under the cloak - the good bit is visible and that's all I need.





Next up is my indomitus stuff that I want to finish before 2022. I havent done the multimelta conversion yet, so Eradicators are still on the workbench, but the Bladeguard and Judiciar are primed. The Baldeguard will feature one Blood Angel, one Flesh Tearer, one Angel Sanguine and one Flesh Eater. The Judiciar will be a Flesh Eater.


Invictor Warsuit

Got the invictor built last week and primed at the weekend. As I sprayed the sub-assemblies, I realised I'd made an accidental Cruor blade. The silver legs and red top I think look amazing, and I definitely see more of these guys in my future, definitely a bladeguard, maybe another unit.


I also did some work on the base for the Invictor, and made two similar ones for the other two Eliminators:


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Why is on SG undercoated silver?


Hey Quixus, havent seen you in a while,how's it going?


One is Silver as they're a Flesh Tearer Sanguinary Guard. I don't know if this is canon or not, but something about it felt right. I don't see FT's as being as ostentatious as other Chapters, but they still need a way to single out the honoured within the Chapter. You can also see that it's an ornate, but also stripped back version of normal SG armour, a reliquary instead of the sculpted abs, normal pistol instead of the wrist mounted version on the rest. I see him as kind of an exchange student in the wake of teh Devastation of Baal, successor chapters kind of leaving an Honour Guard for Dante. 

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If you're doing regular painting, why not consider the 12M Challenge over in The Forge?

Dunno, I don't really need the motivation to get painting - I blog enough on here. Do BA win something if they paint more?

I got another 2 games in, my opponent wanted to practive for the tournament and wanted a 'hard mode' no holds barred game. I wasn't taking anything beyond the normal, but was wondering what I'd be facing.

His list 2CP

Bladed Cog Patrol (6++ or +1 invun)

Abominant, WARLORD 4++ relic, -1 damage warlord trait (Adds up to a 3+ invun, -2 damage, ignore wounds on a 5+, T5, 5 wounds...)

Magus Mass hypnosis, mind control, Crouchling (-1CP)

5 acolytes


Tyranids Patrol (-2cp) Regen and +1 to hit for monsters adaptations

Old One Eye

9 Warriors, 2x scytals, ignore ap -1 and -2 morph (-1CP)

10 Termagants

6 Hive Guard

Patrol - 8CP.

130 - Sanguinary Priest, WARLORD, Jump pack, Selfless healer, Exemplar>Artisan>Arty Armour, Teeth of Terra.

Librarian, Chief Librarian, Psychic Mastery, Force Sword, Null Zone, Veil of Time, Might of Heroes,

105 - 5 Incursors Angel Ascendant, Quake Bolts.

5 Death Co, Packs, 2 fists, Sword, Maul

300 - 10VV's - 1xTHSS, 3xPowerfistSS, 4x PSwordsSS, 1x LCSS, 1x LCChainsword

165 - 3 Attack Bikes: Multimeltas

Mission: Forward Push

Primary: Take and Hold

My secondaries: Relentless Assault, Oath of Moment, Assassinate

Opponents' secondaries: Engage, Repair Homers, Mission Objective

10 VV's as this was the best way to get as many hard as nails CC units into a list. They combat squadded to cover more board. DC forlorned forwards, but strung out to try and get assaut doctrine from the priest T1. Hive fleet went first, killing 2DC so they couldnt be doctrined, and out of range for resuscitation when they all moved forwards. Warriors advance and metabolic overdrive to the objective held by the incursors, OOE moves east going after the incursors, but opening up room for a charge into the termagants and magus from the DC. No charges(?!)

I started holding 2 objectives, then the VV's went forward to hold #5 in the below photo, main blob went forwards. Veil of time cast on the main VVs. priest, libby and VVS jump forward and charge the warriors, killing to a bug, OOE heroically intervenes into the incursors, killing 4 and consolidating into the libby and last incursor, libby then slaps a bunch of wounds off him with the force sword, leaving OOE with 4. OOE was pretty nasty, he gets extra attacks on a roll of 6+ (not unmodified 6's), then got +1 to hit from the hivefleet, +1 from alpha leader, +1 from carnifec charge, meaning he hit on a 2+ and got an extra attack for each roll of 3+. Mad. DC charge gants and magus, splatting the latter and killing a few of the former.

Cult T2. Abominant drops on my home objective, kellermorph drops 12" from the priest and shoots, causing 2 wounds. HG shoot the vanguard, killing one. OOE kills the libby and the incursor. DC kill more gants.


Main VV's jump forward ready to fist the kellermorph, the others into th HG, priest into the HG. VV#2 jump across to finish off OOE, ATB's peel off backward to harry the abominant, doing nothing (3+ invun, -2 damage, ignore wounds on a 5+, T5, 5 wounds...). VV's kill all they touch, opponent only has the abominant and 5 acolytes left. We call it.

Blood Angel Deployment


Tyranid Cults Deployment


Models eye view, lots of LOS blocking stuff, good for both sides!


End of my T2.


Results end of T2 (end of T5):

My Objectives:

Take and Hold - 5+5 (40)

Relentless Assault - 8 (15)

Oath of Moment - 8 (13)

Assassinate - 12

Painted - 10

Total - 48 (90)

Opponents' Objectives:

T&H - 5

Engage - 2

Homers - 0

Mission - 8

Painted - 10

Total - 25 (25)


His list 2CP

Bladed Cog Patrol (6++ or +1 invun)

Abominant, WARLORD 4++ relic, -1 damage warlord trait

Magus Mass hypnosis, mind control, Crouchling (-1CP)

5 acolytes


Tyranids Patrol (-2cp) Regen and +1 to hit for monsters adaptations

Old One Eye

9 Warriors, 2x scytals, ignore ap -1 and -2 morph (-1CP)

10 Termagants

6 Hive Guard

My list - Batallion - 3CP.

130 - Captain Raxiatel on Bike, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Visage of Death, Gift of Foresight (-2CP)

130 - Sanguinary Priest, WARLORD Jump pack, Selfless healer, Exemplar (arty armour), Teeth of Terra (-1 CP)

130 - 5 infiltrators, helix, Angel Ascendant, Quake Bolts.

145 - 5 Death Co, Packs, 2 fists

150 - 5 Sanguard, 2 axes, 3 swords

165 - 3 Attack Bikes: Multimeltas

150 - 3 Outriders

Mission: Cross-Fire

Primary: Take and Hold

My secondaries: Relentless Assault, Oath of Moment, Assassinate

Opponents' secondaries: Linebreaker, repair homers, mental interrogation

This one was pretty brutal. I switched the list up so my opponent could see some other stuff, using the list I did against the thousand sons, but using the priest instead of the second captain so as not to gimp myself too much. Lots of terrain also. I was in the bottom left quarter opponent top right. My death co Forlorned onto the southeast objective, while the infiltrators deployed on the northwest, t1 my attack bikes strung out, but holding the southwest. Hive guard failed to kill my DC, so I was holding 3/4 objectives at the start of my T2, in the middle of the board for oaths, etc. OOE tried to go for the DC, but they jumped over him and hit the HG. MM's killed 9 warriors over 2 turns, kellermorph dropped in to try and assassinate the priest, causing a 2 wounds one of which I ignored. Abominant charged from his DZ into the outriders, I forgot to transhuman, but with only 3A he missed a lot and knocked 3w off a bike, which was then healed next turn. My T2, 5 combat doctrine SG charged in and minced him...but only just. Hard to break through that defence. An attack bike was killed T1 by the HG, then resurrected T2.

End of GSC T2 he had OOE, the Kellermorph, 2 HG and 5 acolytes left, I'd lost 5 DC. We called it there.

Results end of T2 (End of T5):

My Objectives:

T&H - 15 (45)

Relentless Assault - 4 (15)

Oath of Moment - 6 (15)

Assassinate - 6 (12)

Painted - 10

Total - 41 (97)

Opponents' Objectives:

T&H - 5 (10)

Linebreaker - 0

Homers - 0

Mental Interrogation - 3

Painted - 10

Total - 18 (23)

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A bit one sided actually, but my opponent had a bit of an awakening as to the strength of their army. Good catch - these point costs were just half remembered, I thought the priest pack was 25..., the actual lists were made in battlescribe first so were all ok in there.
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So after some more theory hammer and playing around, i was trying to decide whether to go with a Librarian or Captain in the list. The captain offers some hardcore beatdown, but limited attacks. The Librarian can negate stuff like 4++ invuns...but my reasoning is that I can also do that with more attacks. For the 150pts of librarian to negate a 4++, I can get another 5 sanguard. In theory, the same number of wounds should go through, but doesnt rely on nullzone (cant deny the witch a powerfist). I also want three threat units, which means something that can combat squad so DC are out, despite the fun of forlorn fury. My army thus looks something like this:


++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selection**: Blood Angels

Battle Size: 2. Incursion (51-100 Total PL / 501-1000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

+ Stratagems +

Stratagem: Angel Ascendant

+ HQ +

Sanguinary Priest: 2. Artisan of War, Artificer Armour, Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Jump Pack, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Angel Exemplar, Teeth of Terra, Warlord

+ Troops +

Infiltrator Squad: Helix gauntlet
. . 4x Infiltrator: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Marksman bolt carbine
. . Infiltrator Sergeant: Quake Bolts

+ Elites +

Sanguinary Guard
. . Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword
. . Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword
. . Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. . Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine axe, Inferno pistol
. . Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist
. . Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist
. . Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist
. . Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Power fist

Vanguard Veteran Squad: Jump Pack
. . 4x Vanguard Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. . 2x Vanguard Veteran: Power sword, Storm shield

. . 3x Vanguard Veteran: Power fist, Storm shield
. . Vanguard Veteran Sergeant: Storm shield, Thunder hammer

+ Fast Attack +

Attack Bike Squad
. . 3x Attack Bike: Multi-melta

++ Total: [50 PL, 4CP, 999pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe


I could also swap the SG unit out for 9DC with the following:

Death Company Marines: Jump Pack
. . Death Company Marine: Power fist
. . Death Company Marine: Power fist
. . Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol, Power axe
. . Death Company Marine: Thunder hammer
. . Death Company Marine
. . . . Bolt pistol and chainsword
. . Death Company Marine
. . . . Bolt pistol and chainsword
. . Death Company Marine
. . . . Bolt pistol and chainsword
. . Death Company Marine
. . . . Bolt pistol and chainsword
. . Death Company Marine
. . . . Bolt pistol and chainsword



Edited by Xenith
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Still dabbling with variant colour schemes for sucessors, I had this thought last night:


I'm always a fan of a helmet stripe. As the Flesh Tearers are black on tope due to ash settling on their armour, supposedly, these guys have black legs due to wading through charred remains of some mysterious populace. My thoughts for Chapter name are somehting along the lines of The Crypt Stalkers, Charnel Reavers. No idea of a Chapter Badge yet, but probably something Skully.

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Honestly?  Red and black for BA successors is kind of boring.  It's been done, like, fifty times before.  Think outside the box, go crazy.  Not all UM successors are blue, and arguably the most interesting BA ones are yellow.  So why not do something that has absolutely no blood iconography/color? 


Off the top of my mind:


Knights of Purgatory: A chapter that is all about ruing their lost humanity, so they are all white and consider their power armor their shrouds.  The goal is to die while still wearing the white, for succumbing to the Death Company and donning the black is the equivalent of losing the soul they were granted by Sanguinius.


The Black Spiral: A chapter where the lowliest marines start out with golden armor and as they rise in veterancy their heraldry slowly turns black bit by bit in order to symbolize how far they drifted towards the edge of damnation.  Their chapter master wears total black power armor, and black armor with absolutely no markings is where they all dream of ending up eventually: the Death Company, where they become one with the essence of Sanguinius.


I don't know.  Just my 2c.

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Appiah is making an excellent point! I didn't realise how locked I was in the red/black-theme when contemplating successors, until I read that.
Heck,, it took me quite some time and effort to devise an interesting scheme for Sisters of Battle and I still ended up with some red in it (but I started devising from basically the Order of the Bloody Rose scheme, so I feel redeemed).

Still, I like the black legs and an idea of stubbornly wading through something (perhaps the Rage itself?)
A black-gold scheme also sounds fun - strong wasp-like contrast, obvious message of "danger".

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