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I also realised I hadn't made a 2023 hobby goal for the Blood Angels - last year was hard on them as I was all guns blazing into a tournament with my Thousand Sons in February, so had to bring them up to 2000pts, then in March my local club had a tourney that I wanted to take the worst 8th ed nids army possible to, so had to paint up my raveners and more termegants to go with my Tervigon, Eldar was released in April, and I wanted to finish off some units for them, and then Heresy was released in July, and I've been painting Alpha Legion ever since! I do have the SM Heroes 2 Terminators sat primed in foam waiting for attention, I think that was my goal for the year, one Termie per month to get them done, as well as getting the rest of Indomitus finished before the release of 10th.


On that, my progress is:

Captain - Undercoated


Judiciar- Undercoated

Bladeguard Ancient - Assembled

Bladeguard Vets

5 Assault intercessors

5 Assault intercessors - Undercoated

3 Eradicators

12 SM Heroes - Undercoated


So 8 models to paint before June, and another 12 to paint before the end of 2023.

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I reviewed the thing again and definitely the Pyreblaster marine is not Veteran - standard Fire Support marking, 8th squad, judging by the trim - 2nd or 6th Company (hard to tell with the lighting, but definitely not 1st Company, which has it white)





About the HB - that's the best I could source. Definitely a HB (Heavy Intercessor style) and probably on a Sternguard Veteran equivalent (white pauldron, white helmet with some extra optics)
So we don't know if we get those for Troops squads yet.





Edited by Majkhel
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Desperately trying to assemble and paint all my Indomitus models before the new edition, I think I've found a use for the Bladeguard Ancient:




Still very WIP, and with some blank spaces for decals. I'm looking for some speaker type things for the top of the chassis? He'll also get the Vendread Lascannons, when I assemble them, plasma as a cool placeholder. 

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16 hours ago, Xenith said:

....I think I've found a use for the Bladeguard Ancient

He's inside?? That's cool! Easy fit or you had to trim something? :laugh:

Seriously though that's a nice conversion! Cherubim-level in terms of number of wings on a model :thumbsup:
Have you pinned the big contraption to the hull?

Edited by Majkhel
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10 hours ago, Jolemai said:

Very nice



1 hour ago, Majkhel said:

He's inside?? That's cool! Easy fit or you had to trim something? :laugh:

Seriously though that's a nice conversion! Cherubim-level in terms of number of wings on a model :thumbsup:
Have you pinned the big contraption to the hull?


:whistling: I should have chopped him up and put him in there! I actually did the Priest conversion that someone else (I think including yourself?) have done before and stuck a grail in his hand. The banner is pinned but not glued so I can remove for transport, I'm not that much of a masochist! I had to trim the left hand purity seas down a bit regrettably, they were really long and gorgeous looking but they didn't sit properly on the hull of the dread so I cut them back. The banner still sits at a bit of an angle where the current seals hit the top of the chassis, so I need to add a small collar or something to the pole, so it sits fractionally higher so it's straight. 

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On 3/29/2023 at 6:50 PM, Arkangilos said:

Hahaha, fire support using fire weapons :laugh:


Well it looks fantastic!




Quick update:




That's my Indomitus pile of Potential log, I'm almost there, but with little time to dedicate to the Bangles until early may, it's going to be a race to the finish to get them done for the release of 10th! I got the ancient sprayed today, the ass ints will be drybrushed death co, and the captain is gold, so should be fast! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently I now have 23 days to finish my Indomitus project of finishing one editions starter set models before the new edition drops. So far I have never achieved this, however this time I'm close! I've been working on my assault intercessors/ death company, who just need basing, ad now pulled my finger out and worked on my Judiciar, who'se been lying in a case undercoated for maybe 2 years?




This is now how my Indomitus project tracker stands:



So close! The captain and ancient are both undercoated and ready to go, judiciar just needs basing with the DC, then we're good! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Judicar is all painted and based, and now onto the captain, just him and the Bladeguard Ancient to go!




I ended up going with gold on this one, he'll be a Blood Angels Captain, probably of the 5th company, rather than a Flesh Eater. I do need to paint up an actual Flesh Eaters Captain model though. Maybe the plasma pistol and power sword one? This guy was just screaming to be in gold with that head swap, which is out of character for my FE's. 

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Ganging up on me eh? Ok, I'll submit to peer pressure - here's the pretty much done Judiciar and the WIP on the captain.


I've pretty much doe the judiciar (judicar?) who maybe needs a highlight on the sword, red pad and finishing the hour glass with some sane effects.


The Campatin has just had the main colours blocked out - at this point I'm unsure whether he should be a Flesh Tearer or Captain Sendini of the Blood Angels 5th Co! 


The alternatives are:

Blood Angels 5th Company Captain Sendini - Keeper of the Arsenal

Flesh Eaters 2nd Company Captain Constantin, the Steadfast


What do you reckon?



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I managed to get some more work done on the captain over the weekend - he's at a state where I'd call him tabletop ready, so I'm happy to call him done for now and get working on the Sanguinary Ancient.


This has mostly been detail work - so getting the shading and highlights in after I'd blocked in the main colours. I went over the tabard first with blood angels red, then a shade of flesh tearers contrast into the recesses, then a highlight of wazdakka red for a more burgundy colour as opposed to the bright reds I used elsewhere. The armour got a thick recess shade of guilliman flesh, which I think looks amazing on gold and is super fast, and a thick coat gives a nice gradient to the recesses. I could maybe add some magos purple into the shaows to make it pop even more. The gold then got a thin highlight of iron hands steel (lovely paint) and then will maybe get an extreme highlight of runefang or something. 




The gains are marginal from the last whole model photo, but with a side-by-side comparison you should be able to see what's been added. 


I still have no idea how to do the sword though. Silver is out. So is red. I'm thinking maybe green or deep blue with lightning bolts?



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