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Loving these models, especially the extensive freehand! The feathered effect on the 1st page is really cool. 

I quite like that the DC are fairly plain. I don't know if it was intentional or not but it makes sense that you wouldn't bother making super ornate armour for someone who's sole purpose is to die horribly in the Emperor's name!

As for your more recent work, good call on Karlaen, the original model is just horribly posed. And Lemartes looks ace with his wings, very modernised with a top notch paint job too. Still I think there's room for some freehand on his knee :wink:


Thanks, Asgard - The DC were made using the old kits instead of the newer as I wanted space for freehand: the next batch will incorporate some newer sculpts, but hopefully still some blank space! I wont use full new kit: As you ca see from Lemartes, the only space for freehand is his knee! I will be doing some kind of design on the thruster of his jump pack, though, Maybe some scrollwork, or a large skull.


Ah, you pre-empted me on the red knee pad - that will get a BA symbol, like my Reclusiarch




His croisux is so tiny haha, probably just the angle though.


Scout bikers are cool. I'd never take our though, even if FC is cool.


And that's why I want to take them, haha. They're a silly, never used unit, but 6 outflanking frag or krak grenades might do a little damage to something, vehicle or animal. 

Edited by Xenith


If you ever have to ask, the answer is moar death company?


You do have a point.


I've recently found out that Ushtarador and I go to the same FLGS, who have a double tourney on in March. We might make a go of a Double-Angel force.


With that I mind, I need a working, friendly 750 pt list.



My 750pt list goes like this:



(105) Chaplain, Jump Pack


(200) 10x Tacticals, Heavy Flamer, Flamer, Rhino

(200) 10x Tacticals, Heavy Flamer, Flamer, Rhino


(105) 1x Predator Destructor, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Overcharged Engines


(140) 5x Death Company, Jump Packs, 1x Power Fist


I haven't played it in quite a while though, as I have a friend who only has 500pts of Space Wolves and another friend who refuses to play with less than 1500pts. My collection is somewhere in the middle, I have enough models to make almost 2500pts but I can't really make an effective army past about 1250. I'm currently painting MOAR DEATH COMPANY so I can field the Strike Force Mortalis... still need to get another DC dread on the go, but silly me decided an Imperial Knight would be a better buy.


Reasons I can't field an effective army. /sigh

  • 1 month later...

So more on the scouts!

2nd squad sergeant - Both arms are magnetised, and he has a powerfist, or can swap out for the bike sergeants combi grav.gallery_58096_11702_10852.jpg[/url]

10th Co 2nd and 7th Squads reporting for paint.


Edited by Xenith

Oh yes, it was someone on here who's idea I totally stole. The bikers have normal heads bar the serge, but the shotgun scouts all have other heads, including a Calth one that looks awesome. 


With the mohawk, I was going for a bit of a retro look. That, and the BA's scouts are generally psychopathic. 

Current Status:

2nd and 7th Squads


2nd Squad sergeant


I thought that the plastic scouts were massive compared to the old metals ones, they cartainly seem that way, but it might just be because I put them on 32mm bases...This pic of the serge and random metal scout shows they aren't too diferent at all.


Stumbling across by buddy Skink's DA thread, I realised how bad he makes my look with his prolific painting output. He finished a company in half a year, and here I am averaging 20 guys a year.

No more!

2016 pledge, I will finish the 4th company before the end of the year.

The exact number of models I need to do this have been added to the first post, but its a daunting task. 4 tactical squads, and one each of dev and assault squads, then the second half of a dev squad and captain, for a total of 66 marines.

That is, however only 6 bodies per month for 12 months.

I can do this.

Edited by Xenith

Base colours all blocked out on the shotgun scouts, just washes and highlights to go.

I think I've come to terms that painting scouts is like some kind of pennance. There's so much detail, it takes ages, and these plastic sculpts aren't the best. When I get done with this lot, I'll be happy to get back to power armour.




The bikers are coming along also. I got bored of all the red, so started dabbling with squad markings.

Squads 1 - 6 will be infantry bearing bp/ccw, shotguns, bolters etc, 7 and 8 bikers. 9 and 10, snipers.

Edited by Xenith

I love shotguns aestheticly but from a numbers point of view (especially as they are BS3) they lose out to bp/ccw for me.


You get two S4 ap6, hit on 4+ shots then two S5 ap- Hit on 4+ attacks on the charge.


But with default load out you get a S4 ap5 Hit on 4+ shot, then 3 S5 ap- Hit on 4+ in combat, but also an extra S4 hit in subsequent rounds.


But rule of cool they're sweet.

I love shotguns aestheticly but from a numbers point of view (especially as they are BS3) they lose out to bp/ccw for me.


You get two S4 ap6, hit on 4+ shots then two S5 ap- Hit on 4+ attacks on the charge.


But with default load out you get a S4 ap5 Hit on 4+ shot, then 3 S5 ap- Hit on 4+ in combat, but also an extra S4 hit in subsequent rounds.


But rule of cool they're sweet.


Yea, I'm hoping that our scouts eventually go back up to WS/BS4. The shotfun is essentially an additional S4 attack at I10....that might see me fail a charge...


I'm eventually going to make a bolter squad too, so I can use them in place of tacticals. When they get to BS4, they're going to be awesome, especially when so much stuff ignores 3+ saves these days.

Got the 2nd scout squad markings done.

Next is back to the 4th company and a flamer, heavy flamer, hand flamer, power weapon tactical squad.

I'm unsure whether to go power axe, maul or sword. Maybe axe to deal with anything 3 flamers couldn't deal with.



And so onto the beginnings of the 2nd squad, 4th co.

Flamer, heavy flamer, hand flamer, power weapon.






The power weapon will count as either a maul (hammer head) or axe (pick head) dependent on how the mood takes me.

I'll have something for it - I have another 64 marines to paint by the end of the year, after all, but all of June is mostly a write off.


If going from undercoated to tabletop standard is acceptable for the challenge, then I should be able to get involved :smile.:


I do have Dante, Sanguinor, etc. Maybe I'll hold them back for this.

Edited by Xenith

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