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I try to do that also, but I was saving some of the plain torsos for another project, hence these guys get the all star treatment!

If they were a standard SM tactical squad, they would be done by now - I'll know this for next time I'm painting to a deadline, nevertheless, here are some WIP shots.

Group Shot


Sergeant and Squad Leader


Sergeant Venutian


Edited by Xenith

Heh, thank GW: That is a single coat of plain Tallarn flesh, with a tiny drop of water, over a black undercoat.

I'm going to hit it with Flesh Wash, then rehighlight with tallarn and cadian, then rakarth flesh. Maybe a second shade under the eyes and on the mouth.

Here's an image with bolter. I'm really please with the look this guy has, so he got promoted to squad leader. I'm unsure if I should give him a combi weapon (for aesthetics) or not...


Edited by Xenith


I paint mine a bit darker, but I think the flesh shade will pick up with that, and then highlight in a lighter flesh tone, and then ultra edge highlight in a bleach bone. 


And when I do lighter skin;


Ok, so a couple of folks have expressed interest in a tutorial for free-handing skulls, so I'm happy to oblige.

As I'm currently painting 1st tactical squad, the background is black. This method can easily be used for 2nd co with a blue background, or done in white for a traditionalist honour guard marking.

Step 1

Paint the knee pad black


Step 2:

Paint a skull


For a more detailed methodology:

Step 1

Paint the knee pad black


Step 2: Draw A circle

The next stages are a circle and triangle, to define the basic shape of the skull. It doesnt really matter what order you do these in.


Step 3: Draw a Triangle.

Draw an isosceles trianle, with the top point roughly in the centre of the circle. This makes the upper jaw


Step 4: Temple and jaws

Knock the corners off the triangle with the base colour paint to make them more rounded. Where the triangle meets the circle, add smaller circles on both sides to represent the temple bones, so pronounced on GW transfers.


Step 5: Teeth

Add fine, irregular vertical lines to the base of the triangle


Step 6: Teeth 2

Then, use the base paint to redefine the bottom of the triangle, cutting the teeth from the main skull


Step 7: Nose

Using a very fine brush, water down some black paint and draw two diagonal lines, forming 2 sides of a triangle to make the nose hole. These can be messy, and then tidied up with white afterwards


Step 8: Eye sockets

Paint 2 blobs just above the nose. I usually angle these towards the nose, but you could do them more rounded, or more angled to look angrier. I usually mess up the right hand eye, and have to have several goes at painting it, with the model at different angles. Try a few different position and styles. then go with whatever works best for you personally!




Edited by Xenith

Xenith, the idea about the raven-hammer looks stunning! Such a nice weapon, and the double-usage is also pretty cool without having to magnetise anything(real corvus hammer would be better though :D )


I could see myself using the weapon on my stuff as well, if you don't mind. :)



Thanks dude, that's really useful.




Hey, no problem, the tute is a little rough, but hopefully useful enough for people to have a go!



Xenith, the idea about the raven-hammer looks stunning! Such a nice weapon, and the double-usage is also pretty cool without having to magnetise anything(real corvus hammer would be better though :biggrin.: )


I could see myself using the weapon on my stuff as well, if you don't mind. :smile.:




Haha, yes, if we could use the rules for those...I figure the 2 heads are just for that, realistically, mashing, and penetrating armour. Of course I dont mind, use loads. My DC will be getting a hammer, and the power baseball bat that comes with the DA set.




I paint mine a bit darker, but I think the flesh shade will pick up with that, and then highlight in a lighter flesh tone, and then ultra edge highlight in a bleach bone. 


And when I do lighter skin;


Dont-be-hatin, What is the head bit for the scout? I need those on my scouts asap :smile.:

It's been a slog, involving a house move on top of a 60 hour work week, but the tacticals are done*!


*To ETL standard. Insignia and heraldry will be added at a later date

Edited by Xenith

I'm flattered! I'll draw a few more at some point. Maybe a Blood Drop tute.


ETL Progress



Must do better.


The main bulk is out of the way, the 2 tanks will not take long, but the detailing on the vanguard worries me. They are point heavy, though, which is good.

ETL Update:

Librarian and Razorback done to ETL tabletop standard - they will get more highlights and freehand later. The librarian turned out well considering how badly the meph red spray messed him up. the back of the model still has a bit of a texture...


Here's a gods awful pic of the razor



More Razorback pics: I've painted the aquilla gold and added some dags.



Edited by Xenith

Nice progres xenith, despite all hte moving and work it looks great


I kinda digg the yellow las/plas barrel ends. Makes it look kinda old school.

I better tryr out that skull tutorial at some point.

And for god sakes remove that brush hair from the razorback at some point :P


Keep up the great work! Whats next in your wow?

Hey, thanks!


Brush hair? On the front right panel? That's actually a knife cut, you can see a couple more down that side of the tank... This razor started life as an eBay rhino, so had a little 'battle damage'. When I get the time (after ETL?) I'll be painting it as actual damage, and adding some weathering- I haven't weathered a tank...ever... And I want to try.


Up next is corbulo, a Baal and 6 vanguard. I want to get these done by mid next week to review vow. Time is short as I have a work trip and vacation from the 22nd into the 22nd July, so miss a month of ETL!

Edited by Xenith

Haha. I know, right, all that time off, and nothing to paint! Anyway, work continues apace. I skipped the vanguard and fancied tackling corbulo an the Baal. The Baal is 75% there, it just needs washes and some highlights


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