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Good job on the Land Speeder Storm!

The sergeant loves it when a plan comes together

I love it when others show appreciation for classic media, instead of denouncing them as "problematic" like too many moronic Millennials. Edited by Bjorn Firewalker

Sounds like you had a lot of fun with this bad boy :smile.:

Looks cool in black with the red stripe.


Thanks! I was thinking straight black for a stealth insertion Black Hawk type thing, but it needed a little hot rod red in there. 


The sergeant loves it when a plan comes together


Haha, I hadn't even thought of that, I guess the pilot can only be HM Murdoch then!


Good job on the Land Speeder Storm!

The sergeant loves it when a plan comes together

I love it when others show appreciation for classic media, instead of denouncing them as "problematic" like too many moronic Millennials.



Thanks! Though watch it with the millenial bashing, I'm one of those! (And it's OT).

Edited by Xenith

Doing a quick tot-up of my painted BA in Battlescribe, after seeing Eggroll's ~34,000 points, I found that I have ~13,500 points of painted, or nearly painted (at least red) Blood Angels. Oh my. I'm going to have to get the out sometime for an army shot! 

Getting back to some red things after painting a lot of nids, I've assembled a 5 man Intercessor squad with Assault bolt rifles which will be Flesh Eaters, and put together my SM Heroes 2 Terminators. I can make a 3 man tactical and 3 man assault term squad, so I need some more bodies to bring these up to 5 men each. 

Pics of the Intercessors - these are converted from assault intercessors and normal Intercessor bolt rifles, with one from the Iron Hands accessory sprue, thunder hammer from the VV kit, and knife from the...Reiver sprue? Either that or Incursors. Few mould lines need cleaning up, especially on the backpacks which were just clipped off without prepping. Serge head is on that piece of sprue for priming with wraithbone.






In he first shot you can also see a terminator captain who's getting demoted to Terminator Sergeant to go with my SM Heroes unit. I already have Karlaen, Donato, the Limited Ed one, I dont need another Terminator captain!

Edited by Xenith

My List

++ Vanguard Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selection**: Blood Angels Successor, Bolter fusillades, Whirlwind of Rage

Battle Size: 2. Incursion (51-100 Total PL / 501-1000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

+ Stratagems +

Stratagem: Angel Ascendant

+ HQ +

Captain in TDA, Chapter master, TH/SS, Shield Eternal, Rites of War, Angel Exemplar (Gift of Foresight).

Sanguinary Priest: Artificer Armour, Astartes Chainsword, Bolt pistol, Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer

+ Troops +

Incursor Squad
. . 4x Incursor, Incursor Sergeant

Infiltrator Squad: Helix gauntlet
. . 4x Infiltrators, Infiltrator Sergeant:

+ Elites +
10x Terminators, asscan, cyclone, 2 chainfists

5x ass terms, 5x LC's (in LR)

5x Ass terms, 4x THSS, 1x LC (in LRC)

5 scouts, serge, chainsword.

Heavy Support

Land raider crusader - multimelta, storm bolter

Land raider - multimelta, storm bolter

His list 8 CP

Ghazkull's Goff boy mob
+ HQ +
Ghazkull + Makari
+ Troops +
2x 10 slugga boyz (in stompa)
10 slugga boys with Ghaz
2x 10 shoota boys
+ Elites +
5 meganobz in trukk with 5++
+ Fast Attack +
+ Heavy Suppor+
Deffdread 3x saws, 1x skorcha
Mek gun, kustom mega blasta
+ Lords of War +

Mission: The 4 Pillars
Primary: Take and Hold
My secondaries: Engage, Homer, Oath of Moment
Opponents' secondaries: Engage, Linebreaker, Mental interogation



On reflection I should have deployed a little further back, but I needed to be up close for oath of moment and to get the terms into combat. Calculated risk.



I won the roll to go first. chapter master put rerolls on the gold raider. Both raider move closer to the orks to bring the guns to bear. crusader fires the mm into the trukk with the megas doing 3-4 damage, all other guns go into the boyz near Ghaz and wipe them - assault cannons still do work vs orks. Land raider puts heavy bolters into the mek gun, killing it with 3 wounds, mm into the trukk, destroying it and killing 2 megas; 4 lascannons into the stompa, 4 hits, 3 wounds, no saves...1,1,3 on damage dice, and had already used my reroll. Tactical terms, priest and captain move and advance towards the centre as there's nothing they can bring their firepower on. infils are on my home objective, incursors on the right flank, scouts in reserve. I'm in 3 quarters for 2 VP. BA2-0Orks

Uh Oh.

Ork T1, stompa moves towards the raiders, shoots the gold one and charges the nearest. all other guns go into the terms, doing nothing. Mega whatever kannon gets like 13 shots, 5 hits, 5 wounds, no saves, 23 damage and boom. No dead. Charge on the crusader goes off on an 8, overwatch does nothing, kill choppagets ~5 wounds through for 45 damage (!). Weirdboy da jumps the megas to behind my infiltrators, does nothing through the smokescreen. Makari holds home objective, shootas advance on my incursors. Orks are in 4 q's for 3vp, I've killed a unit and failed no tests for oath for 2VP.. BA4-3Orks





I'm on 2 objectives for 10. Keenly feeling the loss of 2 land raiders in as many minutes, that stompa has to go. All 20 TDA models advance on it. Priest heals and revives one, puts the captain and 10 man unit into assault doctrine. master gives rerolls to 10 man unit. Scouts stay off board for a turn as shootas as weirdboy are too close and they'll just get shot up. Tactical terms shoot ghaz for 3 wounds and krak missile the stompa for 7. Priest krak grenades the stompa for 3 (!). Everything charges the stompa. Tactical terms go in for ~20 damage (as I forgot the extra attack for savage echoes), stompa interrupts and does nothing to the thunder hammers, thunder hammers go next and finish it off. 20 boys jump out. TH terms consolidate into one unit of boys. I'm in 3 quarters for 2 BA16-3Orks




Orks on 1 objective for 5. Dread tellyports next to my infiltrators for linebreaker. megas and dread then charge infils, killing them all with a fight again strat taking that objective. Ghaz calls a waagh, shoots my terms for nothing, then charges in. Overwatch puts 2 wounds on Ghaz. My opponent fought with the megas first, so I interrupted to fight with the terms before ghazkull, putting 4 wounds onto him. Ghaz gets like 10 attacks, rolls 4 sixes getting him extra hits, so 14 hits gets 10 wounds, i fail 7 for 6 dead tactical terms with 6+++ from the priest. Nob in the boys mob then power klaws one leaving a single model in the unit who cannot pass morale. Orks in 4 quarters for 3. I killed a unit giving me 1 for Oaths. BA17-10Orks




At the time we counted the orks on the objective as holding it as they had obsec. I forgot my captain had rites of war, so I should have got 5pts for this turn, but we counted 0. Priest heals a THSS term and revives one. captain puts rerolls on claws. Captain and claws multicharge ghaz and the boyz, 3 terms into ghazkull who is on 3 wounds. Claws get lots of attacks in assault doctrine. 19 attacks rerolling hits and wounds with exploding 6's into ghazkull finished him off, 12 into the boyz wipes them. Priest kills a couple of orks, then the THSS terms finish them. Incursors move toward the objective in the right, shoot some boys killing none, then charge. 4 incursors put out 17 attacks, which is awesome, they kill 7. Scouts came on in opposing DZ and start to tele homer. I'm in 3 quarters for 2. BA19-10Orks

Ork T3

2 objectives for 10. Dread moves towards terms and flames them for nothing, but get linebreaker. Boys wipe the incursors, weirdboy mentally interrogates my captain for 3 then charges in and dies. Orks in 3 quarters for 2. I killed a unit and didnt fail a morale giving me 2 for oaths. BA21-29Orks

At this point we call it, as it's getting late. Orks are ahead so they get the win! I think if we'd played on, I would have brought it back though. Orks had ~315 pts left on the table to my 735. Captain would have cleared the deffdread in my T4 to deny linebreaker, while the scouts would keep repairing the homer, and then move to contest the ork home objective.

Overall a good fun game with a lot of death. Next time I'll definitely bring more terminators instead of land raiders!

Things to take away about the new orks:

  • they're pretty powerful, have plenty of ways of getting more attacks/shots, and stuff to get +1 to hit.
  • Choppas are now nasty. Goffs get buckets of attacks, and ap-1 will ruin your day.
  • Stompas are riduculous. The chain weapon thing apparently did a flat 9 damage, 6 attacks hitting on 3+. It needed a lot to put down, lascannons just aren't up to the job, at the moment I can't think of a unit that could get through it in one round, shy of another stompa.
  • Boltguns just didnt seem to do a lot to boys, outside my initial fusilade from the crusader. More shots or more S needed. As ever, assault cannons seem a good solution to orks.
Edited by Xenith

Great report. Interesting to see how Orks play with the new Codex.


Dread tellyports next to my infiltrators for linebreaker. megas and dread then charge infils, killing them all with a fight again strat taking that objective.

I am curious, how did the Dread tellyport close enough to the Infiltrators to charge them. I would have thought their Omniscramblers would have kept them safe from such shennanigens.

Great report. Interesting to see how Orks play with the new Codex.


Dread tellyports next to my infiltrators for linebreaker. megas and dread then charge infils, killing them all with a fight again strat taking that objective.

I am curious, how did the Dread tellyport close enough to the Infiltrators to charge them. I would have thought their Omniscramblers would have kept them safe from such shennanigens.




I managed to get my hands on one of the easy to build redemptors at a great price last week, so I'm pretty happy my Dreadnought addiction can continue - I need to convert the fragstorms to Storm Bolters, the flamer to an onslaught gatling cannon, then cut up the heavy onslaught arm to magnetise it in case I get my hands on a macro plasma incinerator option at some point, but looking forward to the project. Redemptors seem decent now, the above loadout gets 28 shots at close range, and the fist puts out average 5 damage at S14, which is ace, and will solve a lot of issues I face. 

I converted my Redemptor from the ETB version and it came out quite well. I decided to stick with the Fragstorms as they were the fiddliest thing to convert for the least gain. With more horde units starting to appear in the meta, I think Fragstorms are worth another look.


Edited by Karhedron

I converted my Redemptor from the ETB version and it came out quite well. I decided to stick with the Fragstorms as they were the fiddliest thing to convert for the least gain. With more horde units starting to appear in the meta, I think Fragstorms are worth another look.



Looks great! My thought is that the dread wants to be in combat here the Fragstorms can't be fired. I think the frags do better than the bolters against units of 11+, but anything below that bolters get more shots on average at <13". 

  • 2 weeks later...

I finally started with my Primaris Mephiston, after basically 6 months of being primered - I really couldnt decide between plasma pistol and wipey hand. I made him with the pistol, but in the end I ripped it off and went with hand to echo the art - I don't envisage him getting much table time, so make him look as cool as possible!


Despite starting the armour with normal mephiston red, I think I'm going to do the flensed musclature with Blood Angels Red contrast to try and get the shiny effect you see on the art, it'll have a somewhat satiny finish, so also reflecting the flayed muscle aspect of the armour. The dress will be Flesh Tearers red, built up over a few layers to try and stop pooling, then some freehand. 

Good for you to start Mephy! It will be millions of glazes for me, so really curious to see how you handle him with contrasts. You definitely gained a lot of experience on the Nids :biggrin.:


Haha, for sure. I'm really considering putting a yellow contrast glaze straight down the middle of the chest plates to go under the blood angels red...but I'm maybe not daring enough to experiment on a character model. 


I've finally got the SM heroes out of the boxes and onto the spray painting stick. I haven't made full units with them yet, but these guys will reinforce existing units until I can convert some more models - Squad Victorno has 2x THSS and 1xLC so could do with another of each, while the tactical unit has the captain proxying as a serge, 2x SB/PF then a CML - they assault cannon can go into reserve, meaning I need one more SB/PF, and maybe get a chainfist somewhere in there also.


The captain gets to be gold, and my friend also gave me a 3d print of a dead termie in chair, ala Space Hulk, which will also be gold and get the objective marker treatment.


In other news, Meph has sat undercoated on my desk for the best part of a year, so I set out to get er done over the long weekend. I thought I'd get some modelling projects in also, but when I started Meph, I just couldnt stop. This is the best part of 3 - 11pm On Saturday, with varnishing on Sunday.




Overall, I'm super pleased with how he came out. He's a little rushed, but I think looks decent for it!

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