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I will also be stealing that pose! Definitely captured the sense of motion even without dicing up the feet. Has to be one of the coolest dread poses I've seen beside maybe some contemptors (I really like contemptors) Edited by Brother Lemartes
  • 4 weeks later...

Dread is undercoated, and my devastator squads are blocked in and shaded: PROGRESS!


Pics up soon, hopefully. 




So, rather than spamming the Army Building zone with multiple lists, here's an idea for a Lost Brotherhood with Lucifer Task force:


125 DC Chaplain

125 DC Chaplain

115 5xDC, packs

115 5xDC Packs

115 5xDC, power sword

160 DCD, drop pod


50 Techmarine

240 Land Raider Redeemer

145 Tri Las Pred, Dozer Blade

145 Tri Las Pred, Dozer Blade

120 Baal Pred, Flamestorm, Dozer


1455. A little room for other stuff at 1500pts.


Foot DC go with the Techmarine in the raider. Wall of  AV 13 protects the death company.

Alternatively, swap the servo arm for a jump pack and put the tech with a DC unit to give them scout. 

Edited by Xenith

I'm actually trying to run a very similar list for a game this weekend. I just have the DC fitted with more special weapons due to how they are modeled, not for any specific reason. Probably should take less power fists at this point level, but I want to use the guys I have ready. I also plan on using a 2nd Baal with Assault cannon/bolter sponsons, but that is just due to what I have available.


I'll be up against a decurion, so I might get wrecked by the gauss... But I'll be sure to let everyone know how it went!

So there's a few fewer free points than I though, due to the need to have 1+ command choice meaning minimum 2 DC Chaplains. I Wish you could use regular chaplains in this. 


Hmm. Might need to rework.


I see the tanks as doing the brunt of the heavy lifting here. The Annihilators could be swapped for auto las destructors, saving 50pts, and the redeemer maybe upgraded to a phobos?


I need to think what I need more, S6 AP3 scotuing templates or TL L ascannons.

Edited by Xenith
This will probably not work out, but I'm planning on saving some points by not giving the DC dread a pod. I'm hoping the extra 6in move and hiding behind AV 13 will work out, but we'll see. My necron opponent is pretty fearful of my dread after our last outing, so it may lead to him ignoring the side the Dread is on allowing me to cap some objectives... It will probably just be gaussed to death though...

Removing Necrons from the equation (screw Gauss...) in general, having no pod is somewhat viable. You shore up a side of the field with a Dread who could potentially be 18" forward after turn one with a good run move, so has a potential 30" threat range (minimum 15").

125 DC Chaplain

125 DC Chaplain

115 5xDC, packs

115 5xDC Packs

115 5xDC, power sword

160 DCD, drop pod


50 Techmarine

250 Land Raider Phobos

120 Auto Las Pred, Dozer Blade

100 Dakka Pred, Dozer

120 Baal Pred, Flamestorm, Dozer


1395. A little room for other stuff at 1500pts.

And a quick WIP sho of the Devastators


They're actually a lot more done than the photo suggests. I just need to do final detailing, highlights, maybe some freehand, then glue them together.

Never painting a 10 man unit at once again.


Never painting a 10 man unit at once again.

What's worse about one ten man squad compared to two five man (half squads)?



Your rewards are spread more evenly to keep motivation levels high! Fully painting 5, and having them table ready, then starting on the next one drip feeds the good feeling, while this feels like a never ending slog.


With less details on the models, I can crank out a 10 man squad in a weekend (like my previous assault squad), while these guys...even with red spray base coat it's taking forever, 



Ah! Still gotta send you those banners you asked for!

Yes please! You can see that squad leader on the front left that needs something else to mark him out for snipers. 
Edited by Xenith

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