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Decent enough in 40k too:

* 36", Heavy 18, STR 5, AP -1, D 1


I think the gun has the same stats in HH, stay still and the big gun gets rending, which is tasty. Add 3 heavy bolters to that and you're onto a winner. 


Maybe after I paint all my other FW stuff...

That bit is a re-roll of 1s if it stays still and given my last game*, I'm not surprised I overlooked it :facepalm:

That's a bit of a shame as it overlaps with the captain aura. 


Rereading some of the I:A stuff, there are plenty of tasty models! Can't wait to get my Deredeo built, although I'm thinking the Hellfire Cannonade might be more effective than the Anvilus...a straight 3 damage is insane,

Edited by Xenith

So with ETL fast approaching and a bunch of unmade plastic monsters lurking in my closet, time to build more stuff!

I've had the Command Tanks since about 2016, however the desire to do a good job with them paralysed me. Now I have my FW original BA stuff, I can give them the justice they deserve. First up, the Rhino Primaris (not that kind of Primaris...)





Minimal additional modification or conversion, this model is pretty awesome right out of the box. Just the Angel icon on the back. This will be a damocles/command rhino stand in in 30k also, so not too many scrolls, parchments, seals, etc, and will have the more black/red colour scheme of my HH era compatible models, as opposed to my white/red 40k Angels.

I just hope ETL allows index units this year!

If it doesn't, you should be able to counts as them as a suitable replacement. For example, the Excelsior could be an Achilles as it's the closest in points, the Primaris could be a Damocles or something else.


Yes, that's what I was hoping - I'd figured Primaris-> Damocles, but thanks for the Exelsior-> Achilles idea! The Exelsior is a beast at about 500pts by itself, should be a good leg up in the ETL


I just have to work out whether they get painted red or gold. I'm really leaning towards gold+silver with red accents. 

Edited by Xenith

Really wish you hadn't said that. I was all up for painting my Excelsior red - even got it undercoated white - and now you've made me doubt my choice...


I think what is going to tip the balance is that there's nothing on it to mark it as BA - hence red is the more obvious choice. (I also have plans for a gold one using a third party extra armour kit)

The kitbashed Command Rhino is well done.


Oh man, I wish they were kitbashed, but they're official GW models!




Really wish you hadn't said that. I was all up for painting my Excelsior red - even got it undercoated white - and now you've made me doubt my choice...


I think what is going to tip the balance is that there's nothing on it to mark it as BA - hence red is the more obvious choice. (I also have plans for a gold one using a third party extra armour kit)


Hngh, I really, really wanted the FW extra armour upgrades up put on the command raider, however I think the snazzy front side plates etc won't fit the FW extra armour pack, so didnt pull the trigger in the end. 


I have a can of retributor armour paint just waiting for me to use. I'll be adding a lot more BA iconography, and the gold hull will be accented with white wings on the cupola and grav cannon cowling - it'll look like a fat Sanguinary Guardian. 


That's pretty. I'm wary of 3rd party stuff as I'd like to keep the option open of using my stuff in GW stores and WHW, but the Blood and Skulls Liberator Land Raider tracks are super tempting. 

So I decided to hold off on the Exelsior because of Jolemai's pretty extra armour pics. I really want this tank to look the best it can.

In the meantime, I started slicing up a Betrayal at Calth Contemptor...


Ball joints at the hips


Shaved down the fingers to make them look like the talons.


Green stuff assault cannon in the fist (counts as combi bolter in 40k)


Chest piece and new head


All this while his brother sits in the bath...


Waiting for the GS ball joints to cure, then will start on posing.

Edited by Xenith

So as part of my ETL prep, these are my current offerings/built but unpainted models:


Sicaran Venator: pew pew snazzgun, two lascannon sponsons, heavy bolter - 305

Baal Predator: Twin assault cannons, heavy bolter sponsons, storm bolter - 156

Damocles command rhino: Storm bolter - 122

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought: 2x dreadnought power fists, 2x storm bolters - 219


Total 802pts


In the works is a Land Raider Exelsior 2x twin lascannon, gravcannon and amp counts as Land Raider Achilles: 2x twin multimeltas, quad launcher - 423

So instead of doing FoB stuff I put together that dread. Initially I didnt want to magnetise, but Contemptors are expensive to get another for a second loadout, so this guy has all the options:



He still needs more BA iconography, and I'm thinking a tilt shield to cover up those weak points on the shoulder joint.

In other news, I'm still trying to decide what Chapter to go with for my Primaris Project. I love Flesh Tearers, however I feel that Primaris units don't match their modus operandi. I also love the Mentors/Mentor Legion, and feel that Primaris really shine with a bright, noble colour scheme. So I painted up a test model.


I'm not decided yet. I also have a 30k mk 4 model that I'll be painting up as a Flesh Tearer for a Siege/Scoring era force. FT's will really go well with the Mk4, bonding stud, heavily weathered vibe. There's also a little fluff snippet where the Flesh Eaters were being massacred by Eldar until some Mentors stepped in, turning the tide. Might well base a force round this... Only problem is getting the bright Flesh Eater red.

Well considering your only issue with Flesh Tearer Primaris is the currently avaliable units I don't think that's a legit reason not to start them if you can still wait.


That being said I think the Flesh Tearers colour scheme looks a lot better than the Mentors colour scheme on your test models. :P

  • 4 months later...

Hi all, long time no see!

It's been a long rocky few months involving changes in relationship status, job, and resident country, but I'm starting to settle down a little and think about toy soldiers again.

To that end, it was my birthday recently and I'm a sucker for Terminators so I did a thing:


I got super lucky with these, getting at least 2 of all the normal dudes...and this guy:



I was over the moon, until I opened the second box and pulled this guy:


Then my geller fields failed and I got sucked into the warp.

I'll likely sell or trade away the doubles, maybe keeping 1 - 2 of the interesting poses. I'd really consider these boxes great value. I picked them up for Edited by Xenith

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