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I am so ready for Indomitus*, I'm really looking forward to getting this box and the models - the Bladeguard look ace, but unsure what colours - I'm thinking Angels Sanguine. The two in particular that stand out for me are the captain and Chaplain - BA armies need a good chaplain, I'd just love one with a jump option. The chappy screams Flesh Tearers to me. 









*apart from having a grey backlog a mile high

  On 6/19/2020 at 7:27 AM, Jolemai said:

Only a mile? You're such a rookie, mate :tongue.:


haha, I'm not going to say how wide it is :wink:


  On 6/19/2020 at 7:31 AM, Panzer said:

I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on the Captain as well.


Yes, three head variations apparently? I hope there's one with fully enclosed face with eye lenses. A primaris captain with 3++, or whatever the "Relic Shield" does will be tasty. Might need a Primaris Transport now.


  On 6/19/2020 at 8:29 AM, Majkhel said:

Hah, I think I see several good spots for adding some blood drops and wings onto these :tongue.:


I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them!

So a quick run through of how I magenetised the stormcannons on the Stalker model. These come without pegs, so just kind of sit on top. Any movement of the tank will see them fall off, but thankfully remedied with a little magnetisation. Nothing complex.

You'll need:

  • 4x 4mmx 2mm or 3mm magnets.
  • 4mm drill bit
  • super glue
  • +/- green stuff

These are the 4x2mm magnets I used, along with some 4x1 mm's I'll be using for Adeptus Titanicus.


++Please note that the photos were taken after the magnetising was done and are for illustrative purposes only, they dont match the tex exactly, but show what you should be looking at after each step.++

Assemble the stalker as normal, there is nothing special needed in this regard.

Take your 4mm drill bit and ream out the holes in the stalker weapon platforms. These are already something like 3.9mm so it wont take much.

Loosely fit 2 magnets only just inside this hole, stacked on top on one another. Dont push them in at this stage. Gently dry fit the stormcannon and it should be sitting just above the actual final location due to the raised magnets,


Add a drop of superglue to the top of the magnet stack, then push the stormcannon assembly into place. The stormcannon will contact the glue and stick to the magnet, and the downward pressure will force the lower magnet into the hole, fixing it.

Leave for 1-2 mins until youre sure the glue has set.


Lift up the stormcannon and put some glue round te edges of he magnet to fix in place and/or use greenstuff to wedge it in.


add a ring of superglue around the base of the magnet in the weapon mount. If you used 4x3mm magnets, then the lower one will be pretty much flush with the mount. I used 4x2mm so it's slightly raised.

You now have secure stormcannons on your Stalker!

Edited by Xenith

In other news, I've (hopefully) entered the LCP for the Angels fo Baal (better late than never).

  On 6/23/2020 at 10:50 AM, Xenith said:

Is it too late to enter?

I, Xenith, vow to complete One Phobos Lbrarian and One Phobos Lieutenant for the Glory of the Blood Angels SubForum on or by the 15th of August 2020, or bare the Badge of Shame until year's end.

Starting pic.


Following Wade Pryce on Twitter, he posted this old school 3rd ed artwork of the Flesh Tearers. These old B&W pieces are still awesome.


Edited by Xenith
  On 6/23/2020 at 5:45 PM, SnorriSnorrison said:

Nice vow! The Phobos Librarian is actually a pretty cool model.

Yea, I'm really liking it, if you can get past the 'I'm thinking of your card' pose. But then you can't really get away with any pose on the librarians.

On that note, him and the lieutenant have been undercoated:


Librarian Valdez will be of the Flesh Eaters while the Lieutenant is a Flesh Tearer to go with the Incursors. There's also a cheeky red and black marine in the background as a test model...

In other news, I've got my display cabinet up in the new place, so am getting models in it - currently lockdown completions and WIP's...along with some of my better pieces for display.


Super productive week for me!



  • made and undercoated 5 assault marines
  • Made and undercoated one vanguard vet that was too flasy to be a squad leader in the previous unit.
  • Finished making and undercoated the Stalker/Hunter
  • Undercoated the Rhino Primaris
  • Undercoated the Phobos Librarian and Lieutenant. 
  On 6/27/2020 at 2:02 PM, Midnightmare said:

There is not much on them, which I kind of like - it’s almost like home brew with official colours!

Oh yes, just a few snippets of cool lore - I'll be going in a different direction to your guys, lore wise, bit still with that beaten up look that you've perfected.

Edited by Xenith

Some photos, I need to get more up to date ones:

The second half of Squad Marsellus, with home made Eviscerators:


An Angel Sanguine that I painted up yesterday for funsies. I'll make a whole unit eventually.






Here's a better pic of him in my cabinet


And the fisty vanguard squad I finished up:







That gives me 11 painted vanguard in total with a mix of special weapons. I think I need some cheapos with just chainswords next, some with storm shields.

Edited by Xenith
  On 6/29/2020 at 2:46 PM, SnorriSnorrison said:

Dude, I love the Angels Sanguine Intercessor! Really nice paintjob, also on the Vanguard!

Thanks @SnorriSnorrison! I've always been a fan of the AS paint scheme, but never tried to pull it iff before!

  On 6/29/2020 at 9:14 PM, Midnightmare said:

Love the AS dude, easily one of the best schemes in 40k!

The Deathwatch pad is a nice touch on the veteran to; great looking squad :thumbsup:

Agreed! Thanks, I like to try and work the odd deathwatch dude into my units, especially the vets.

WIP update of the FT Phobos Lieutenant


Unsure whether to go with the original head or the Sanguinary guard headswap I gave him

Librarian time!


The Flesh Eater is getting painted. I really, really struggled with choosing colours for this guy. I almost went with him in normal FE colours, but in the end releneted and accidentally painted him blue. Grey over-robe is cameleoline and will get blended into the base. I want to either brighten the armour up to the old enchated blue, or darken it down to near black to look more sinister and make the red stand out.

Very quick work on this one, mostly contrast paints, probably half an hour paint time all in all, when you subtract the dithering. I'm annoyed at the tide mark on the bottom of the robe. I let the contrast paint pool, it was a little thik when I noticed it and i told myself *no, dont play with it as it dries, you'll get a tide mark', but I did anyway and now theres a ring. I'm going to go back and try to sand it down or shave it off as it'll show up through the next layers.

Edited by Xenith

Progress on the LPC Characters - After 2 nights of work, the libby is basically done, just needing aethermantic blue on the force sword and his base to be finished and weathered up. The Flesh Tearer LT needs highlights and his backpack done. I also want to paint the grip on the bolter in a marble/ivory colour to show it's special. These new soldiers can still have a ataste of the artistic.


Edited by Xenith

I finished these guys off on Friday night, I'm super pleased with them, and am happy to say my Lockdown Painting Challenge vow is completed, and I now have another 2 HQ choices.

Codicier Esteban Valdez, The Mind Eater


Unnamed Vanguard Lieutenant, Flesh Tearers


I also cleaned my display cabinet over the weekend and took a took a quick snap of everything I've completed so far in lockdown: 45 models at time of taking, since then I've finished these two characters an another 8 termagants.


Finished (56 models)

Blood Angels (23 models)

1x Phobos Librarian

1x Phobos Lt

5x Incursors

5x Infiltrators

5x Reivers

5x Vanguard Vets

1x Intercessor

Chaos (25 models)

5x Scarab Occult Terminators

20x Chaos Cultists

Tyranids (8models)

8x Termagants with Devourers


1x Land Raider Crusader

1x Stalker tank

1x Rhino Primaris

Edited by Xenith

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