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Today in the hobby I....


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DSS7: put a flaming skull on the DW biker and you got Ghost Rider :)

Almost sounds like you are going for a Deathwatch, Legion of the Damned....


I too would like pictures as the skull helmet idea sounds awesome

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Today in the hobby I continued work on my true scale army, building storm bolters using heavy bolters from centurions.


I also hit yet another setback of my XIth legion project by discovering yet again my plot idea has been just recently done elsewhere. hmmm.... 

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TITH put a skull helm on my DW Cassius. And on the Blood Angel also .


Any chance of a look at them? Interested to see a Cassius with helmet outside of my imagination.




DSS7: put a flaming skull on the DW biker and you got Ghost Rider :smile.:

Almost sounds like you are going for a Deathwatch, Legion of the Damned....


I too would like pictures as the skull helmet idea sounds awesome


I chopped the head off the Blood Angel and replaced it with a helm from the Chapter up grade kit . So I should have said it better in my post I used the Skull helm from the FW Night Lords upgrade kit. I loaned my Camera to a friend and it is in Nepal at this moment so no pic at this time sorry.

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Yithi ...


Planned out the construction of a modular 4x8 foot gaming table to be developed in usable stages.


Will build in my friends 4 bay shop Behind his house. ..


Also completed the major part of assembling 5 terminators for my crusade.

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TITHI Put in a forgeworld order some XIII legion shoulder pads (Mk III and IV), a volkite culverin for one of my contemptors, a spartan and a fire raptor

also entered the win a titan competition, fingers crossed


Yithi slacked off and only did some eye lenses on my breachers, painted and magnetized the hull of my tenth leman russ debating upon which variant to make or whether to magnetize the turret as well:wink: 

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Yesterday I finally finished the Hellhound tank that has been primered in pieces for the last year or more. It's fully assembled and painted...but it might need some decals for flair.


I also test painted a catachan jungle fighter model. Still need to paint his base and figure out squad markings. Catachan models will represent my army's combat engineers and tunnel fighters (still a City Fight fan).


Today I plan to paint over the shoulder pads on my Black Templar devistators and sniper scouts to make them "generic black-armored space marine allies" and avoid a paddlin'.

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Today I cracked open my copy of Kill Team. . . and now I have to make an unbound 1500 KT army.


Because I hate myself.

That's kinda big for a Kill Team, isn't it? What are you gonna do with it?



Shove it down my friends throat. . . :D


He has a 1500 Tyrannid ZM force. There will be shenanigans. 

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Today in the hobby I got some absolutely stunning bitz from Anvil Industry, and can't wait to plaster them all over a bunch of marines. :happy.:


And since the sun's out and shining, I think it's finally time to basecoat my Christmas loot too. :laugh.:

Between today and yesterday in the hobby, I lost my temper good and proper with my GW white spray can, which, despite being shaken continuously for about half an hour would only work at point blank range... except for the brief moments it would flare up and coat all my models with a watery, super-thin white that only looks white in all the crevices that I wanted left dark. :down:


Not exactly the best start to my hobby year, but hopefully that's just me getting my bad luck out of the way early. :laugh.:

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TITH, I collected Overkill and a Project Box, and bought the supremacy objectives!


How's your project box? I got one and it was super warped. GW replaced it, but that one was warped as well. Does yours have nice, clean lines? 


YITH, I opened my Deathwatch: Overkill box and started assembling some of the marines, partially. Now I need to figure out how much I need to paint before final assembly. I just want to put them together so I can play! I think I'll build the Cult models all the way and paint later... This discipline is a killer. 

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Today in the hobby I got some absolutely stunning bitz from Anvil Industry, and can't wait to plaster them all over a bunch of marines. ^_^


And since the sun's out and shining, I think it's finally time to basecoat my Christmas loot too. :lol:


Between today and yesterday in the hobby, I lost my temper good and proper with my GW white spray can, which, despite being shaken continuously for about half an hour would only work at point blank range... except for the brief moments it would flare up and coat all my models with a watery, super-thin white that only looks white in all the crevices that I wanted left dark. :down:


Not exactly the best start to my hobby year, but hopefully that's just me getting my bad luck out of the way early. :lol:

Get yourself down to your local halfords... Their white acrylic primer is superb, and it's cheap too.

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Do you turn your cans upside down and spray for a few seconds when you are done with them?

Sounds like there is a little clogging issue,


Get yourself down to your local halfords... Their white acrylic primer is superb, and it's cheap too.

Both fine ideas. I think I'll give the ol' can another chance, and if that doesn't work I've got a shop to go visiting. :happy.:


Truth be told, the freshly-sprayed stuff doesn't look quite as bad now that everything's dried anyway. It might even be easily salvageable with a little luck. :happy.:

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TITH I glued together some Scions for a secondary kill-team, worked on my gift raptor, and I received my Guthrie female heads from Victoria Miniatures.  Not sure if this is common or not with them but my 10 heads also included a pair of legs in the package.  This and the time I got 5 Salamander pads with my order of Night Lords ones from FW mark the two times I've gotten unexpected bits.

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TITH, I collected Overkill and a Project Box, and bought the supremacy objectives!

How's your project box? I got one and it was super warped. GW replaced it, but that one was warped as well. Does yours have nice, clean lines?

It's pretty good all round if I'm honest! I'll grab a photo later, and although the back isn't perfectly flush with the lid- it looks good! I love the functionality of it.


TITH, I finished building my first unit of Skitarii!

Edited by Chaeron
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Started building my NL Cataphractii, and decided to get some undercoating done on my Praetor and an IF veteran so I can actually start working on my chosen colour scheme. Also hugely :censored: off that I thought I'd lost my FW Space Marine Character Conversion pack's weapons sprue with the plasma pistol on it, and as a result gave one of the SM Commander ones to the Praetor. Now a day later and I've just found the pack. The Emperor is not amused with these shenanigans.

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