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Today in the hobby I....


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For all you people who have a problem launching parts across the room, I recommend that you find a cat to live with you.  Eventually the cat will retrieve the wayward bit, usually leaving it on the bed, either his or yours, or you will see the cat walk by with it in his mouth.  That said, my cat still has a one armed Servitor I had vowed during the ETL this last Summer, but he will bring it out to play eventually.

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Today in the hobby I....


....screwed up an online order to GW which resulted in my Paypal account being debited twice. Phone GW and the lady I spoke to was probably the nicest Customer Service person I've ever dealt with. Didn't make me hold, didn't assume that I was trying to pull a fast one, took my contact details in case she needed to phone me back.... we moan about GW most of the time, but they do know how to run a Customer Service Dept! :thumbsup:

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Today in the hobby I....


....screwed up an online order to GW which resulted in my Paypal account being debited twice. Phone GW and the lady I spoke to was probably the nicest Customer Service person I've ever dealt with. Didn't make me hold, didn't assume that I was trying to pull a fast one, took my contact details in case she needed to phone me back.... we moan about GW most of the time, but they do know how to run a Customer Service Dept! :thumbsup:

That is the one thing they have always done right.  Finecast came close to breaking the Customer Service department but they seem to have persevered.

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Today in the hobby I....


....screwed up an online order to GW which resulted in my Paypal account being debited twice. Phone GW and the lady I spoke to was probably the nicest Customer Service person I've ever dealt with. Didn't make me hold, didn't assume that I was trying to pull a fast one, took my contact details in case she needed to phone me back.... we moan about GW most of the time, but they do know how to run a Customer Service Dept! :thumbsup:

That is the one thing they have always done right.  Finecast came close to breaking the Customer Service department but they seem to have persevered.



Oh, and she also sent me an email later in the morning to tell me that she'd sorted out the problem..... well done GW! :smile.:
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I started another true/taller scale marine similar to this one. 



Don't have a picture yet but it was my first time using a razor saw. New favorite tool! I'm tempted to paint the new guy like an ultramarine. I dunno, I feel like I have to do at least one of the boys in blue. 

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This month in the hobby I got back into the hobby after about an eight year hiatus.  I now have a fully built and painted Stormtalon, and I'm working on a Chapter Master/Captain with a custom Black Templar Shield Eternal.  I'm pretty happy with everything so far and it's good to be back!

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Last night in the hobby I finished the converted combi-weapons for my Sternguard.  I started them before the new kit came out and kept pushing them aside to work on the other half-dozen things I'm doing at one time.  Though after seeing the massive amounts of not-quite-appropriate-for-my-chapter bling on the new kit, I'm happy I'm making them myself anyways.  Might not be as professionally done, but I like having the barrels of the bolters lining up with the ejection port rather than how GW does combis.

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Today in the hobby I highlighted the hurricane bolters for my land raider crusader and emailed Wayland Games to ask where my paint and resin bases are. Now I'll go to bed and start comparing my two editions of Visions of Heresy.

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Today in the hobby, I decided that I can't keep buying stuff that isn't getting painted, so I've decided to get my Dark Angels successor and Bahltimyr Reavers models (from the DV boxset) painted before buying anything else (short of a few things). I've also decided that I need to do a few updates to my Wordpress blog as well...
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@ Marshal Titus. Welcome back! I have also returned after a couple of years break and it's great to have my hobby bench happening again!


@Aquilanus. Yeah, I find it's better to buy models in moderation so as I don't have too big a back log. Patience is the key. I find I don't rush my modelling as much aswell.

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Today in the hobby I....... didn't do a thing but I did get confirmation that my legion Sicaran tank has shipped!


I pray it gets to you faster than your codex, cousin.  :tongue.:


Today in the hobby I played my first game of the new codex (that took 1.5 months to get here). It was a 1500pts I had C:SM(Imperial fists chapter tactics) VS Necrons VS Dark Angels and I came away with a WIN, highlight's of the game was the orbital bombardment from my chapter master exploding X2 Vindicators and basically every round of shooting from my TFC(MVP every game) and X4 ML Dev squad. 

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So, today in the hobby, I've finally taken the time to properly base all of my remaining tactical marines. All 50 of them:


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