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Today in the hobby I....


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Took apart my horrible Carnifex/Daemon Prince conversion I built ages ago....now I have a Carnifex in pieces, a pair of Balrog wings and a few left-over Maulerfiend parts that I have no idea what to do with!


Also sorely tempted to replace my Chaos Lord's head....

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Took apart my horrible Carnifex/Daemon Prince conversion I built ages ago....now I have a Carnifex in pieces, a pair of Balrog wings and a few left-over Maulerfiend parts that I have no idea what to do with!


Also sorely tempted to replace my Chaos Lord's head....


The worst thing about parts is not knowing what to do with them now that you have them.


I planned out the start of several smaller armies to run as allies for my Templar, or just for fun. Still debating whether I'll ever actually get around to making them.

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Today in the hobby I...


clipped the bits from all my sprues and organized them into a lockable case, succesfully stripped some paint off of vehicle related projects, got another batch soaking and started thinking of ways of making my bike command squad look less like a generic command squad and more like what a reclusiam/chaplain command squad should.

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Today in the hobby I assembled some centurion devestators. Did some converting to them. Trimmed inner and outer toe Stubbs. Used green stuff to slightly heighten waist area so as I could sink a pin through the centre to rotate waist, giving a much more dynamic look. I also removed the power fists at the elbow, trimmed the back off the lascannons and fit them directly to the circular elbow joint. Left off the thigh armour.


They look ALOT less squat and ALOT more dynamic. Waist articulation along with thigh armour removal makes it look like they actually can walk. Also because the guns aren't hanging so close to the ground they look a lot talker.


Now I just have to decide on a head replacement. I'm thinking either the tecarine helmet from the stormtalon pilot, or the mkiv commander helmet with the plume. Decisions.

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Today in the hobby I assembled some centurion devestators. Did some converting to them. Trimmed inner and outer toe Stubbs. Used green stuff to slightly heighten waist area so as I could sink a pin through the centre to rotate waist, giving a much more dynamic look. I also removed the power fists at the elbow, trimmed the back off the lascannons and fit them directly to the circular elbow joint. Left off the thigh armour.


They look ALOT less squat and ALOT more dynamic. Waist articulation along with thigh armour removal makes it look like they actually can walk. Also because the guns aren't hanging so close to the ground they look a lot talker.


Now I just have to decide on a head replacement. I'm thinking either the tecarine helmet from the stormtalon pilot, or the mkiv commander helmet with the plume. Decisions.


Pics!  Pics damn you!  :lol:

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Today in the hobby I finished painting my Predator Annihilator, put my Storm Talon together, and continued to ponder which Chapter Tactics I want to use for my DIY chapter.


Black Templar, or Imperial Fists. Real Marines are sons of Dorn.

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A small step for one man, perhaps, but a giant step if perfection is elusive.


Beware the power of the dark side...


Today in the hobby I decided to paint a lamenter marine. Tomorrow I might get to buy the appropriate/easiest paints...


To be continued......

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Baby steps. 


This hobby can't even handle me, right now.

Pics or it didn't happen :wink:







Contrary to the fact this looks like insane vanity, The First Heretic is only on my printer with the Tac Squad box, the Ltd. Ed. Space Marine Codex, and last month's White Dwarf because I needed to read my original description for Cyrene's hair and eye colour.


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Baby steps. 


This hobby can't even handle me, right now.

Pics or it didn't happen :wink:







Contrary to the fact this looks like insane vanity, The First Heretic is only on my printer with the Tac Squad box, the Ltd. Ed. Space Marine Codex, and last month's White Dwarf because I needed to read my original description for Cyrene's hair and eye colour.




That bronze is looking mighty fine I have to say

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This is the first time I've seen anything painted by ADB.


Looks good - very tidy. Red eyes, green greandes. The whole lot. :lol:


Me on the other hand, today in the hobby, I managed to snap the supporting rod of one of my Emperor's Children jetbikes... :angry: :wallbash:

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At work: continued the slow progress on my first five Scythes of the Emperor. Should have them finished by the weekend.


At home: started the metallics and weathering on my command chimera. Should have that finished in a week or so.

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Went nuts cutting up bits and pieces from the Carnifex and whatnot I mentioned yesterday...with the addition of a few metal plates/Maulerfiend weapons I think I'll be able to make him "count-as" some sort of Defiler.




Also tried to figure out how to make a Daemon Prince with spare parts (including Balrog wings) when he has no back....this one could be interesting.



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Baby steps. 


This hobby can't even handle me, right now.

Yeah, well..  I read first Heretic last week and Savage Weapons this week...  


Cause the hobby cant handle me right now...   Or it is Seasonal Affective Disorder....   I do have a nice B-29 I am doing up for a Christmas pressie and maybe I will get round to doing the DV Libby on bike I have planned...

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Finally fully painted a marine again. I think the last time I fully painted anything to the point where I can set it down and be happy was many months ago. It is only a test mini for another small project.


Also Land Raider isn't any closer to being done.

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Well today I wrote my new list for a nurgle DG army.


That's amazing A D-B you actually painted something, but until those arms heads base and bolters are done you can't pat yourself on the back ;)

Edited by Jaspcat
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 I am rather proud of this kitbash...  I am now ready to field a Power Field Generator right behind the Dark Shroud....  Eff U Tau...




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