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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I...


...tried to sneak in one last hobby day before christmas festivities began with both my family as well as at my fiance's parent's houses.  I've never been one for the holidays, they are a particularly stressful time for me- so taking a "mental health day" both at the gym and at the hobby table has somewhat steeled my nerves for the next 2 days and the lead in to the new year.


Got a foot transplant done on my bike captain model, got a foot from a resin legion of the damned model with skeleton toes onto my bike chaplain (need to find a lotd with the opposite skellie foot now to complete that job), filed off a lot of the boney bits on the lotd i got early for xmas to prep them for general crusader use,  performed a torso transplant on a model, performed a head replacement on another lotd model, and started mapping out bits I need to order to help finish up projects I have laying around and reducing my backlog 


A pretty productive day; if I do say so myself.  

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Today in the Hobby, after punching things in several 'I'll never get it done!' moments, I finally finished painting my mushrooms. One o'clock in the morning counts as today, doesn't it?


Thankfully, I got them wrapped and even varnished in time. Quite chuffed with myself.

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Today in the hobby finished painting my Deathwatch Space Wolf, Deathwatch Son of Medusa, and Deathwatch Flesh Tearer. I also tried out the new Blood for the Blood God technical paint on the Flesh Tearer.  In my excitement, I may have gotten carried away.

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Managed to take back my room/hobby station for the evening since my visiting sister and her boyfriend have vacated for the evening- so got some work done on my christmas (and first ever) land raider!  That is, when I wasn't being assaulted by their new puppy who is determined to eat the thing! 


Am I going crazy or did the land raider used to have wheels like the rhinos? Or did they always have these flat tread mounts?

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Put together 3 more RW Black Knights even though the soul crushing futility of painting black and white means that I may never paint them....



Sits and stares at Stormblade waiting for missing plastic sprues even though the resin is close to flawless....

Edited by Brother dean
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Today in the hobby, I finished assembling the Assault Marines my daughter bought me for Christmas and started assembling the remaining torsos for use in a dev squad.


[EDIT] I also ordered parts to finish building the devs. Not bad for an hour's worth of work.

Edited by Peredyne
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Today I had a nostalgic breakdown while looking at my Imperial Fists from three years ago.



Today in the hobby shoveled snow and looked at the computer screen all day .


I envy you. Here in the town of my birth it's dry like a desert with not a single snowflake in sight.

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After watching the wind blow my dustbin up the street, I decided that undercoating some marines probably wouldn't end well.


Snapped a modelling scalpel blade while cleaning up a FW Iron Hands squad. The larger half of the blade became embedded in the side of my left hand. I shall be reporting to the Iron Father for my replacement hand soon. 

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I succumbed to temptation and bought the Ravenor Omnibus and Pariah at the local Waterstones. Already devouring the former book.


I also managed to acquire some brush cleaner, paper for a wet palette, plasticard rods, some new brushes (non-GW ones. Yay!) and a cutting pad.


My wallet aches and yet my spirits soar. Strange feeling :teehee:

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Pariah will make you lose your :cuss at the end. Like, throwing the book across the room, pointing at it and screaming "That :cuss did NOT just happen!!!!!".You've been warned.


Wife got me a nook, and I just finished a reading spree of every HH short, and Unremembered Empire. Narek of the Word is now and forever my favorite BL character of all time, bar none.


Yeah, I said it.

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