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Today in the hobby I....


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Two into each seat (actually they're two long ones that go right through the middle bit into the chairs on either side), one in the under plate up into the middle bit, one from each engine pod into the chair backs.


It wasn't pinned at all when my brother did it (we were kids, pinning was a bit beyond our repertoire back then). It might be overkill, but figured I wanted to do it once and do it for good! ;)


Was still easier than the first of the two metal Thunderfire cannons I've built. Yay for multi-part metal models! :)

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Today in the hobby I put everything away into boxes because my Gundam Mastergrade 1/100 scale Tallgeese II limited edition shipped. I have been looking forward to this one, and I hope that my recent experimenting with airbrushing rhinos and land raiders has paid off. I find static scale models are a lot less forgiving than 40k minis that often try to look battle-worn or at least dynamic as if in the throws of combat. 

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Last night in the hobby, I pinged a wood elf head I was converting to go on my warpsmith across the room and into the bottom of my ratcage just before applying the last layer of paint that would finish the head. The good news is that the rats only have the top of a three-section cage. The bad news is that there's no way in hell I can get into the bottom section (which is used for storage) without disassembling the whole damn cage.


At that point, easier to start again with another head. ><


I also packed away most of my bits-sprues and currently not-in-use models (like Tichi-Huichi's Raiders and my scratchbuilt Tomb Spyders) in preparation for moving in a couple of months... aiya, but my study looks empty.


Anyone got experience in painting in conservatories? Is the light good enough, or does the heat cause issues?

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The Skavens hungered for the head of the elf-thing! You could not tricks them with your conversion, no no!

Thanquol strikes again :) I always assumed the denizens of 40k beyond his power, but he sneak-struck at a Warpsmith of Chaos without squirting the musk of fear! Truly are the Skaven to be feared :D


Today in the hobby I finalised my Death Guard army list and lamented my lack of paint money.

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Today in the Hobby I started learning how to pin. I'm still uncertain as to how structurally sound it will be, so I'm double drilling and pinning to make sure my larger pieces stay in place. Here's to hoping I don't :cuss up this thunderhawk gunship. After that, I will then begin pinning my Scibor Jetbikes for my custodes(they are the size of rhino's....)

Also, cracking idea OP. Threads like this promote a proper community

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It wasn't today, but recently I received the vast majority of the parts needed to make a counts-as Chaplain on bike using a WHF Lizard army Cold One for my Rainbow Warriors.  Am still waiting for two bitz companies to get ThunderWolf Cavalry legs back in stock.  I also have to work out how I'm going to represent the bikes twin bolters on the model (I might use a Storm Bolter that comes with the Commander kit and have it slung on his mounts neck using the strap that comes with it).  Am also rethinking using an Undead death mask for the Chaplain's helmet as it's a lot smaller than I thought as well. 


Possibly the most complex kitbash I've done for any of my armies yet.

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Today in the hobby I put built my first terminator assault squad, with blu tac to hold on their arms as the magnets have yet to arrive so I can switch out their weapons. I would have had them finished by now had I not ordered the magnets so cheap, then realised they were being posted from CHINA... Been waiting for almost three weeks. FML. Serves me right for being a tight arse.


Today in the hobby I also bought a nice terminator chaplain to go along with the squad in my land raider.

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Today in the hobby...


I under coated in black spray paint, 5 Tactical marines and a Techmarine. Then realised i was security locked out of my flat :wallbash: back in now with help from on-site caretaker and his ability to break in peoples homes!!

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Today in the hobby, I realised that it is very fun to model Space Marines doing non-space marine things. Like sit on a rock, or do parkour.








-edit- the font was really small, and that bugged me.

Edited by spedley13
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Today in the hobby, I got my MAGNETS and used them to great effect very happy chappy with a set of assault terminators with magnets and weapons I can change, and perhaps down the line get normal terminator weapons and put magnets in them too!


Tomorrow in the hobby I plan to undercoat and start to paint my first ever TERMINATOR!!

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