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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I: Finally decided to bite the bullet and repair/paint my squad of Deathwing Knights. For some reason the joins on the models are weak as can be so they've received a liberal application of Liquid Green Stuff.


Tomorrow in the hobby I: Will be undercoating a Perfidious Relic and finishing the entire squad.

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I have decided to go to the dark side and restart my CSM Black Legion army ( Emperor save my soul !! ) .


He ain't and neither will we. HERETIC!

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I finish building five noise marine bikers and converted a Doomrider mini for my new white scar count as.  Also I just bought 10 bikes for $50 and 5 cataphractii terminator and a contemptor for $60.  A good day for buying! 

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Today in the Hobby, I created an entire back story and rules set for the 11th Legion project I want to start in the summer time, got my forgeworld confirmation that my Malevolents new toy has been shipped and I finished off my Deathwatch Kill Team. Yeaaaaaah!~

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Today in the hobby I ordered some more brown paints so I can do consistent weathering effects on brown cloaks without it being functionally invisible.


And forgot to order the grey.


Or any turquoise.


Or any new brushes.



Well, if anyone needs me I'll be over here, bouncing my head off this handy desk.:sweat:

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I'm repainting my 2005 Death Guard with the new technical paints. They  were originally painted like the mid-80s box art but I no longer liked the bright red bolters and felt they needed to be rusty, hence the repainting of the bolters with Bolt Gun Metal and Mithril Silver last night and application of Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust tonight. The Tinbits and bronze backpacks and metal trim on shoulder pads and legs also got the TC and RR treatment. The models look much better but will be getting repainting of highlights and details like the skulls and burgle 'dots' on the bolters tomorrow.

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...made lots of slits in my fingers :biggrin.:


Ok ok, so I struggle not to fine clean things without a few thumb attacks...


On a positive note, I finally, after years I may add, built my second two DG Nurgle dreads from FW.  They, along with the entire small DG force, have been sat in a box for several years waiting for my motivation.  I have also made a start tonight on building my 6 termicides and 4 oblits from the FW DG Termi models, and I finished my last 9 DG marines for a total of 4x 7 with 2 spare specials.  Plenty done, but I need to come up with 3x term power axes and convert some combi plas.

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I work in a charity shop on a Saturday. Every couple of months the local railway station donates all the unclaimed lost property to us. It's a wacky job - opening up 30+ black bags of people's stuff. Dozens and dozens of expensive coats. Always lots of watches and laptop bags (we don't get the laptops). Then you get gross things, such as baby clothes with sick on or a bag with mouldy crisps inside it. Halfway through all this I opened a bag and, with a whunk of promise, found some poor kid's lost GW carry case he hadn't claimed.


... So, today in the hobby I started cleaning up a metal Techmarine, two veterans, an Emperor's Champion and a finecast Chaplain. I also scraped the mold lines off a scout squad with sniper rifles. Meanwhile, my friend started Orkifying a Vindicator. Those xenos scum have such simplistic pleasures.

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Last month in the hobby I.....


Left my carry case at the train station. I was gutted It had my favourite techmarine, my Emperors Champion and a lovely Chaplain. I cant believe I did this I hope if someone finds it they take it to the local GW where I might be able to get it back.


Failing that I hope they cut their fingers off removing the mold lines on my scouts!!!!!


Hahahahahah :whistling::whistling::whistling:

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I just couldn't resist Brother :biggrin.:


Better that the miniatures get put to good use rather than being scattered on the railway track.


PS: I wonder if the poor kid lost his case on the same day his local GW shut down. God I hope he is still alive, I'm starting to worry about him now.

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Today in the hobby I looked through my unassembled sprues and realised I have about 40 troops 2 dps 1 rhino 1 stormravn and a land raider :confused: . Then they're probably going to relaese SW from FW this year, how the hell do I explain that to the missus :no:  

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It'd been coming on for a while. I don't think anyone was that depressed about it. Although you may continue to simmer in your worry for a minute. It gives me a lovely feeling of vengeance. :biggrin.:


It's fantastic actually. I've had this half-idea running through my head for a conversion using the EC model. Then one pops up! Good use. Yeeeees.


Can't speak for the xenos though.

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