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Spent about two and a half hours last night painting a face and habit Not 100% sure if I need to go a touch darker on the shadows on the left side of her face or not.



Still a ways to go but I'm trying to work on capturing light in my paint jobs.

Edited by Fulkes

The Repulsor hull is taking longer than expected. Today I spent a good three hours touching up the black after getting the metalwork totally done yesterday, then blocked out all the white areas with a couple of coats of pale grey, and started drybrushing some highlights into the black.


This evening has been the turning point though. Before, it looked ugly after multiple rounds of drybrushing and washes, whereas now, those effects are confined to where they need to be, and look great, with everything else nice and neat.


How many times have you bought that model man? :laugh.:


Like..... Wow.


The model looks cool though!

Thanks! If it makes it any better, I didn't buy it this time - somebody gifted it to me! ^^

It does make it better.... But isn't that like your third Alpharius model? :laugh.:



Hey, now he's got an Alpharius, an Omegon and two Praetors. :biggrin.:

After yesterday's less encouraging Repulsor update, today I made huge progress. Everything on the hull is done bar the final edge highlights on the black and the script on purity seals, scrolls etc.


Base and turrets have been completed for a while. Once it's all done, there'll be nice photos over in my fighting company's thread, along with some of the Whirlwind I did last month.


EDIT: Change of plan - watching election coverage on what's looking to be an interesting night (I'm going to avoid getting any more political than that so as not to foul of forum rules). Given I'm up, I might as well paint, so all insignia/other freehand is done, and the final highlight is done on the front half of the hull. Going to take a quick break, grab a drink, and then crack on with the back half.


EDIT THE SECOND: The Repulsor is done. Fancy photos in good light will follow tomorrow.

Edited by SufficientAnonymity

TITH my laziness with magnetizing has come to get me. I should have bought more 5mm magnets instead of using smaller ones for the quad lascannons on my spartan. Too hard to drill out to fix now, so the mounts I just glued- but the quads can still be removed and pivot around, just not up and down or complete removal of the mount like on my falchion. 

Someone is selling most of 3rd to 7th edition codices and rulebooks on eBay... Currently going for £10 with 1 day left...


...but where's the fun in that?


Tempted. Very tempted. TITH I contemplated existence.

Edited by DBadger

TITHI Finished magnetizing my smurf foot captain for everything in the codex aside from a jump pack, also got the new codex and smurf supplement finally delivered:censored: late deliveries


Tomorrow i plan on getting some more magnets from e(vil) bay:wink:

I finished my second Repulsor yesterday, and took some decent photos today. Individual unit shots are over in my showcase thread linked in my sig, but here's the full crusade armoury:



TITH, I have work, so I can't do much until later, but I've got a solid plan for a conversion, come 2020.

I'm taking more than a little inspiration from one Prometian Painting and his "Skullreavers" - a biker counts-as he's done with Juggernauts and old CSM parts, among other things. Plan is to do what he did for the first one he built, use the pelvis native to the Skullcrusher Juggernaut model, a pair of legs from a 'Zerker model for each, the body, power pack (with the exception of one guy, who will use the power pack off of the Aspiring Champion so he gets a melta) and head off of 'Zerkers, as well as arm-mounted storm bolters and probably polearms (polearm poses at the least) off of Grey Knights models. The lore explanation is the Grey Knights don't always win. I'll have a plethora of nice Force weapons and other bits for later stuff, too, and mmmmmmaybe build a GK Kill Team from the same box.

Sounds like he needs to build a Legion of Alpharius models to play in 30k.

Don't tempt me, I've had this idea brewing in my head for a while now: a whole kill-team of Alphari, all based on a different primarch.

YITH I made more progress on the Canoness after relainting her face yet again to try and better balance the shadows I'm putting on the left side of her face. I then worked on her armour before rougjing in the gold NMM, but the gold needs redoing so it's not done. After I fix the gold next up is the corset and robes so I can glue on her front collar.




That was probably the best feeling.

Isn't it? Man the first time I put 100% painted models down I was so happy. Now I can't wait to get 100% of the same army on the table (I switched colors with 8th dropped but run the same rules).

TITH I had my first game with my Night Lords..... and my first game with a 100% painted army on the table.




That was probably the best feeling.

Congrats on a fully-painted army on the field! I remember the feeling. It is the best feeling.

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