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Over the weekend in the hobby I probably managed one of my fastest turnarounds. Parts arrived on Saturday, managed to get them built and painted by the end of Sunday.


Haven't reassembled my lightbox yet so bad pic instead.


Nice "little" (500 points) reinforcement for my Custodes;


Adeptus Custodes Saggitarum Guard

TITH I watched Richard Grey's painting tutorials (sadly only available via his Patreon so it's hard to see what he's offering unless you know his work really well) as I'm trying to learn things.


And I've recognized what's bothering me with how I paint: basically I fall back on using my midtones a lot, which doesn't really lend well to trying to match the ideas in my head. I'm working out ways to better fix that for how I want to paint.

TITH I tested out the new badger airbrush I bought a few weeks back by priming a acolyte iconward. Gonna dive back in to painting after Christmas and hoping I can set up a painting space at work as I’ll have my own office :whistling:

Went into my overdraft because it turns out eBay take a while to take payment. D'oh.


But I did buy 2nd ed Imperial Guard and Angels of Death, hardback Leviathan, nine books (mostly WFB including Champions of Chaos and AoS grand order Chaos), 6th Imperial Knights, Planetary Onslaught, 40k Rogue Trader for a tenner, and limited edition Codex Eldar (7th? I think) for a fiver.


Most interested in Rogue Trader of course. Completionism and all that.

Edited by DBadger

I packed up my hobby stuff and models because we are buying our first house. I'm stoked to be able to have a hobby room at last!


That is the perfect time for a bar/mini fridge to magically appear to put in the hobby room. :whistling:

Edited by MegaVolt87

TITH I finished Necropolis - really solid read, and pretty intense and emotional in places.


Given I've been travelling for work this week, and so away from my collection, I've been having a bit of a think about my New Year goals more. I've been flipping back and forth for ages with different ideas - Land Raiders, tanks but not Land Raiders, truescale Terminators, truescale Grimaldus, going against my earlier decision to use as few Phobos marines as possible etc etc etc.


Well, I think I've finally settled on a plan. The Predator I picked up cheap earlier in the week will be the last tank for a while, then I'll work on upgrading all my bases. Right now they're all a fairly basic dirt with black edges. I think I want brown grass tufts, patches of snow and some ruins on some of my larger bases. If I'm feeling motivated, I'll do all the edges in beige, too.

TITH I officially filled an entire Ikea Billy bookcase with codices.


Until I get a bigger place, they're not really in the order I'd like them, just what would fit best.



Shelf 1: 1st to 5th editions; Apocalypse 4th sits above them





Shelf 2: 6th and 7th edition codices



Shelf 3: 6th and 7th edition rulebooks, campaigns and special editions



Shelf 4: 6th and 7th ed overspills, dust-covered specials like Clan Raukaan, WFB books, AoS books, and misc GW books



Shelf 5: 8th edition, Imperial Armour, and some White Dwarfs (there are many more WDs on the floor...)


8th ed has the least because I refuse to pay more than a tenner including postage for them.

Edited by DBadger

As part of my base upgrade project, I laid my whole army out so I could work through them, and it occurred to me that I haven't posted a photo of all of them together yet. Photos on one of my nice cameras, rather than on my phone will follow once complete.



TITHI... Blew the dust off my repaintening thread, with some recent army pics and a new Tactical Squad.


"Repaintening" - I like it (awesome work, by the way). Maybe I'll have to rename my current project to "the rebasening" in homage.

tithi saw my nephews face when he ripped the wrapping off of his first tank (predator), then had to tell him i hadn't brought the glue or tools round, his joy turned to sorrow as fast as buying a new ferrarri and immediately crashing it, but only until i told him we could build it and paint it on boxing day:biggrin.:

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