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Today in the hobby I....


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Hopefully, we aren't looking at the same thing... :smile.:


*Eyes Heathens suspiciously*




WIIIIIIIIIIIIIN! One Rhino, Twelve Marines and a Dread (not sure if all weapon options are included, but I still have most of the ones from my two other Dreads, so I'm not too fussed :happy.: ) are mine at less than half the retail price! Okay, I'll have to get the paint stripper out, but it'll be worth it :happy.: I've got next week to get them done (along with two other ebay wins).


The objective of having a Company of GW's most mocked Chapter ever is closer to completion! :laugh.:


Just seen two auctions for 10 RTB01 Marines (same vendor), so am watching them like a hawk now (ends Sunday, so will be watching the Superbowl and them at the same! :laugh.: )

They arrived this morning. The Marines was actually 10 in number (got mixed up with another auction I was looking at) and they like the Dread, are AoBR ones. All definitely need stripping and repainting (the Rhino is going to be a challenge as I'm not sure I can get it separated without damage, although I'm relieved it was glued with super glue than plastic cement. I also need a bigger container to stick it in for stripping. An excuse to buy a bigger tub of ice cream I think :laugh.: ). I wasn't expecting these until next week, so pleasantly surprised :happy.:


Just waiting on some KR foam (the vehicle/80 model tray combo) to arrive so I can finally transport them around in relative safety!

Edited by Aquilanus
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PAYDAY AT LAST. After much eyeing up and careful deliberation, I ordered.. the praetor set, the apothecary set, and went scrounging on bits and kits for conversion bits. As for the legion... I hear they mostly come out at night. Mostly.
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Today in the hobby I got more Tacticals painted, they are in my log, also I got back on the fiction horse and posted the start of a short in the Fan Fiction section. The Fellblade keeps whispering for me to paint it, but I want to get my Tacticals done first. 

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Today in the hobby I finished my first swamp terrain.


Which  was pretty cool, but what I liked the best was the bunker you made. Very cool looking and functional. Is it made from pressboard (MDF) or foamboard?

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Today in the hobby i dumped all my night lords and word bearers in fairy power spray treatment and ordered loads of bits from puppetswar/maxmini/evilcraft to give birth to true sons of chaos - The Sons of Malice

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Today I finished painting my first Crimson Fist for my 2014 project. Once the gloss finish dries on the model, I'll start the decal work. This project is going to be different in that rather than painting assembly line style, I'm painting each model as an individual, allowing me more time to work on the details. Basecoat, two layers of highlights and then a wash to pull the blue together, then I go through and do the details like the metal bits, the crimson fist, the holsters and pouches and the helmet lenses. Decal details will be the chapter badge, the squad insignia and number and the army badge.
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Today in the hobby, I've been investigating a way of making my own Chapter symbols using gs and thin plastic sheeting. It's all just theory at the moment, but I'm quite excited by the prospect. The idea came from a random fb post on how to make wolf pelts using templates. The rest as they say is history. I just need to get a few things together and try it now...
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Today in the hobby I.... ...let out an angered, animalisitic growl so deep it would make the singer of cannibal corpse :cuss his pants when I began removing the bare metal foil I applied from my storm talon canopy... And all my red tamiya tint work along with it. Looks like I'm going to have to paint the cage instead once the new tint coat dries. Sometimes the 1 step forward 2 steps back progress that occurs in this hobby drives me up the wall
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Today in the hobby I....continued to paint the trim on my Mauler/Forgefiend. This alone is taking me ages! Certainly don't envy the Helldrake owners haha.

On the plus side, I'm pretty happy with how mounting the Hades cannons on his shoulders worked out, and I managed to finish all the contents from my half of Dark Vengeance (finally!)

Really should find and update my WiP thread at some point....

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Today in the hobby I've been pretty productive in tidying, I basically cleaned out one of the cases I bought full of stuff, and tried to put it in piles of: ready to paint, needs repair or needs to be stripped. Then spent a good while mending and building those bits, and stuff I've stripped recently - but my current stripping piles extend to the lid and base of the Dark Vengeance box, amongst several others... I think a lot of that may become a summer job!

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Today in the hobby I finished building my Centurions. Now I'm waiting for the humidity to drop a tad so I can get the base coats done.


Also, I did research (collected images) on Sisters of Silence for my Terra/Prospero thread.

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Today in the hobby (ish), whilst waiting for my car to get it's MOT done today, I picked up Soul Hunter at the local library. I'm just over half way through. Why the feth did I leave it for so long?! :blink.: (car passed - just :dry.: )
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Today in the hobby I...


Managed to put my three layers of blue onto 23 Tactical Marines, nearly 8 tedious hours spent after work on that. I feel kinda weird afterwards. These being my old ones I put together :cusstily so I just want them painted and done.


I also finally came up with a pose/premise I am happy with for my new Tactical Squad and so just need to glue together my fourth Marine for that one!


The day before that I played a match in our 40k coup tournament, managed to beat Tau 7 to 4! So atleast it wasn't a third loss. (Lost to IG and other SM)

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Today in the hobby I assembled Centurions for the first time.  Good thing I only need four, because they're like drop pods all over again.  Not especially difficult, but they are anything but a joy to construct. And I usually like building things.

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Today in the hobby I started some of the sculpting on a Sisters of Silence figure. She is mostly made up from a DE Scourge (not sure of the name, the one with the wings).


One of the challenges will be finding/building a sword to scale with the figure.


Fun stuff :)

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Today in the hobby I started some of the sculpting on a Sisters of Silence figure. She is mostly made up from a DE Scourge (not sure of the name, the one with the wings).


One of the challenges will be finding/building a sword to scale with the figure.


Fun stuff :smile.:

I must keep an eye out for any WIP topic on this! :happy.:
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