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The art of sisters


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There are no such beings as very precise Genestealers or Chaoscultists, those mad beings are put to the torch. So that only leaves ritualistic scars....Or jealous Sisters, i am not that much aware what they do when shoes are on sale in the 41st millenium (if such a thing still excists :P)

I've wanted something like this for so long (well, about a year, I guess, since I've only been playing Sisters that long).

Anyhow, this is from the 2E codex. I was looking at a pdf of the book (but I do have a physical copy on the way as we speak :biggrin.::biggrin.::biggrin.: ).


I guess it would be better in my opinion if it was all in Latin, but now I have something I can point to and sat "my Sisters are singing this" (even though this isn't necessarily meant as a song, anything can be set to a tune).

I'm thinking Mensur, perhaps? Ritualised blade combat, revolving largely around enduring pain and technical proficiency in the weapon, with scars acting as a badge of honour regarding participation in said duels.

There are dueling schools in Germany that still favour naked blades and honour scars

I've wanted something like this for so long (well, about a year, I guess, since I've only been playing Sisters that long).

Anyhow, this is from the 2E codex. I was looking at a pdf of the book (but I do have a physical copy on the way as we speak :biggrin.::biggrin.::biggrin.: ).


I guess it would be better in my opinion if it was all in Latin, but now I have something I can point to and sat "my Sisters are singing this" (even though this isn't necessarily meant as a song, anything can be set to a tune).

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Well, I find the Soulstorm sound bites thrown in there a little cringy. I'm happy to see that prayer set to a tune, but that's the thing, it's kinda set to a tune, then overlaid with a song it doesn't fit with. The dissonance is disturbing. I was thinking more along the lines of chant (which is what the vocals basically where, but with only one voice), but this isn't particularly pleasant to listen to. That may be what they where going for, but it's not exactly what I wanted.


I reeeeealy want to like it, but I'm not sure I do.

  • 2 weeks later...

First real contribution! I hope it's not a repeat . . . and I got it from someone else.



Coming to this thread very late, and with no specific artwork in hand, but if I may chime in:


I have never played SoB outside of the Soulstorm game back in the day. However, I think they are one of the most interesting parts of the 40k universe. It would be so easy for the setting to mock them or for them to be depicted with......how should we say.....6+ or worse armor, yet they stand on their own quite a bit. I think GW did a remarkably good job depicting female characters in an Ellen Ripley sort of way: their femininity is crucial to who they are yet they are not reduced to token-ness or the the scantily clad eye relief that is present in 90% of video games these days. Ok, so you got the Sisters Repentia, but by modern standards the entire Adepta Sororitas would be made up of Repentias and....how should we say....no armor saves at all. I hope part of the long gap in updating them is that GW has discovered what a good job they did (perhaps without realizing it) that is to this day a bit ahead of its time. 

Coming to this thread very late, and with no specific artwork in hand, but if I may chime in:


I have never played SoB outside of the Soulstorm game back in the day. However, I think they are one of the most interesting parts of the 40k universe. It would be so easy for the setting to mock them or for them to be depicted with......how should we say.....6+ or worse armor, yet they stand on their own quite a bit. I think GW did a remarkably good job depicting female characters in an Ellen Ripley sort of way: their femininity is crucial to who they are yet they are not reduced to token-ness or the the scantily clad eye relief that is present in 90% of video games these days. Ok, so you got the Sisters Repentia, but by modern standards the entire Adepta Sororitas would be made up of Repentias and....how should we say....no armor saves at all. I hope part of the long gap in updating them is that GW has discovered what a good job they did (perhaps without realizing it) that is to this day a bit ahead of its time. 

You might have hit the nail right on the head here. Sisters have a lot of AGENCY. That's indeed uncommon nowadays.

Coming to this thread very late, and with no specific artwork in hand, but if I may chime in:


I have never played SoB outside of the Soulstorm game back in the day. However, I think they are one of the most interesting parts of the 40k universe. It would be so easy for the setting to mock them or for them to be depicted with......how should we say.....6+ or worse armor, yet they stand on their own quite a bit. I think GW did a remarkably good job depicting female characters in an Ellen Ripley sort of way: their femininity is crucial to who they are yet they are not reduced to token-ness or the the scantily clad eye relief that is present in 90% of video games these days. Ok, so you got the Sisters Repentia, but by modern standards the entire Adepta Sororitas would be made up of Repentias and....how should we say....no armor saves at all. I hope part of the long gap in updating them is that GW has discovered what a good job they did (perhaps without realizing it) that is to this day a bit ahead of its time. 

You have to give GW credits on this indeed, even though the Sister models are 17 or so years old, also there newer stuff doesnt have the scantily clad women in it, examples of these are the Sisters of Averlorn or even the Dark Eldar Witch models. 1 has actuall armour and the other doesnt follow suit on there greatest warrior but is pretty covered up in the armour department (even though the armour itself doesnt provide protection).

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this has been posted here before, so sorry if it was, but I don't have time to go through almost 50 pages of artwork and hyperlinks right now (at a later date, though, I'll come back and Ctrl+S everything...) but this is now one of my favorite pieces of art, ever.


All that's left..., by StoryKillinger on DeviantArt: http://storykillinger.deviantart.com/art/All-that-s-left-482791768

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not super sure I want to share this but, as you may have noticed by my signature, I am currently playing Sister Superior Inellia in a Deathwatch campaign, and I felt somewhat inspired to try and draw her (in vestments - no way I'm drawing power armour).

I don't draw. I don't even doodle. When I do draw, I don't ever draw faces, but this time I did.

So, under the hidden content tag below is my pencil drawing. If you are unaware (which I assume most of you are), Inellia is albino, and a member of the Order of the Valorous Heart, hence the pale skin and black robes. Her left for arm is bionic (she cut it off; it's a bit of a story), and she's carrying an inferno pistol.

With several reservations, here we go:

Hidden Content


I fancy that little squiggle to the right of her feet to be a combination of the letters "S" "O" and "D" (representing my username)

her eyes are yellow . . . SHE'S OBVIOUSLY A MUTANT IMPOSTOR! Heresy!


Is it a stretch? Yes. Did I have to say it? Yes. :tongue.:

reminds me of that scene at the beginning of 5th element, where regular humans glow under blacklight.


Maybe yellow is just a regular eye color variation on some worlds in the 41st millennium?


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