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XIV Dragoon, VII Grand Company, IV Legion (13Jun2015)


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killing Drake-Knight Da'tien of the Salamanders Legion.


My name is Ind'igo Monto'ya, you killed my drake knight, prepare to die.

on a side note, whats a drake knight? did you just make it up, if so.......Stolen! he looks better than he did yesterday.

he IS the first to die though, don't make the ruleshappy.png

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Been about two pages without a proper mini update, so here we go:

Sergeant Myndova, 1st Platoon (Breach). Cited for 1 MBT and 3 LBT kills during the Siege of Antietam IV. Personally led his platoon in breaking the God-Gate of the Devil's Den, and killing Drake-Knight Da'tien of the Salamanders Legion.


Quickly, quickly now, there's still time to post him up on the Captains Challenge, you know, the one you requested.... msn-wink.gif

(I know he's "only" a Sgt, but he's a viable Captain build)

Captains Completions HERE,



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Christ, don't you folks sleep? lol.

Dude love the power fist biggrin.png

Is that tyberos the red wakes fist?

Indeed it is; my counts-as powerfist and melta bombs. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out myself. Dare I say, it actually looks better without the claws.

Mr. Heathens sir. You sir, are a BEAST. In the bestestest since of the word.

You really need to stop doing such awesome heresy models. Because I'm gonna end up doing that censored.gif Second Legion project I've been thinking about!

Don't do it, man. Let the II sleep. However, there's always more room in this muddy, corpse-filled trench with the IV. ;) Thanks for the comment.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Coming from one of the high lords of conversions, that's quite the compliment. Thank you!

Man, that things as absolutely gorgeous. I love it.

Shows off the ugly yet oh so beautiful brutality of the IV Legion.

That was what I was going for, glad it translated. Looking forward to seeing what you get done in your Garon Crusade thread.

Man, that is nice. i like the upward pointing helm and Iron warrior shin guards. Can't wait to see what else you got in store.

Lots, my friend. Lots. Thank you.

killing Drake-Knight Da'tien of the Salamanders Legion.


My name is Ind'igo Monto'ya, you killed my drake knight, prepare to die.

on a side note, whats a drake knight? did you just make it up, if so.......Stolen! he looks better than he did yesterday.

he IS the first to die though, don't make the ruleshappy.png

Just made it up on the go, dude. And if you want him dead, you're gonna have to do more than threaten....

Quickly, quickly now, there's still time to post him up on the Captains Challenge, you know, the one you requested.... msn-wink.gif

(I know he's "only" a Sgt, but he's a viable Captain build)

Captains Completions HERE,



Done. Now, I better win, lol.

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One. A crippled old man, whose name will not be uttered on pain of death.


There is no man loyal to the Emperor in my Battalion. Dragoon-Captain Mahdra would have had those individuals taking non-existent breaches long before the Heresy erupted. Why, you ask?


You'll just have to be patient and find out.

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Christ, don't you folks sleep? lol.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Coming from one of the high lords of conversions, that's quite the compliment. Thank you!


I've suffered from insomnia off and on since I was 18, and average 4-5 hours of sleep a night, so... no, I don't sleep much.


A High Lord of Conversions. That has a nice ring to it. :) 


But yes, it was a compliment and an honest one. You don't need a ton of fancy sculpting work to have a great looking model - it's just there to push ideas you have that there are no parts for. There is no substitute for a selection of parts and a carefully chosen pose that conveys a sense of personality and history to a little toy soldier. Sculpting work can enhance that, but never replace it. As the saying goes, you can't polish a turd.


One of my art teachers told me that the gifted artists, of whatever medium, left an intangible "hand print" of themselves on their work that could easily be identified at a glance and which transcended style. It brought inanimate objects to life, in a sense.


In my opinion, we have quite a few of these on the board, and I'd include you in that group. Veteran Sergeant, Lorenzen, Doghouse, GuitaRasmus, Brother Heinrich, and many, many others my sleep deprived brain can't remember right now are also easily identifiable by that same intangible imprint they leave on their work.


Keep it up! And get us some pics of the other side of that shield, damn it!

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Christ, don't you folks sleep? lol.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Coming from one of the high lords of conversions, that's quite the compliment. Thank you!

I've suffered from insomnia off and on since I was 18, and average 4-5 hours of sleep a night, so... no, I don't sleep much.

A High Lord of Conversions. That has a nice ring to it. smile.png

But yes, it was a compliment and an honest one. You don't need a ton of fancy sculpting work to have a great looking model - it's just there to push ideas you have that there are no parts for. There is no substitute for a selection of parts and a carefully chosen pose that conveys a sense of personality and history to a little toy soldier. Sculpting work can enhance that, but never replace it. As the saying goes, you can't polish a turd.

One of my art teachers told me that the gifted artists, of whatever medium, left an intangible "hand print" of themselves on their work that could easily be identified at a glance and which transcended style. It brought inanimate objects to life, in a sense.

In my opinion, we have quite a few of these on the board, and I'd include you in that group. Veteran Sergeant, Lorenzen, Doghouse, GuitaRasmus, Brother Heinrich, and many, many others my sleep deprived brain can't remember right now are also easily identifiable by that same intangible imprint they leave on their work.

Keep it up! And get us some pics of the other side of that shield, damn it!

Fair enough about the sleep. Ten years active duty killed any chance of me getting more than 6 hrs in a row, so I know how you feel.

I really do appreciate your comments, though I don't feel my skill level is anywhere near the B&C members you mentioned. I strive, though, I strive.

Which side of the shield? The front's pretty boring, the back was a Sanguniary guard arm, bolter shaved off, and a sword hand glued straight, with the grip blended into that armoured cuff, so that it looks more like a nice high-tech shield bracer.

THat sgt is pure badass, when do we get to see him with paint on? I'm totally stealing all your ideas for my own IV btw msn-wink.gif

Ah, paint. Um... it really depends on how hard my pain meds are kicking in, or if they ain't doing the trick at all. If either is the case, my hands get really ,really shaky. I've been getting done what I can, but it's slow going. And feel free to steal, I'm always glad to inspire!

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Power Fist and Siege Shield. A man's wargear of choice if there's ever been one. Well done, sir.

Ah, the man, the myth, the legend himself. Glad you've been liking what I'm making, brother. Hopefully it will inspire a few more Iron Warrior sketches one day, lol. 


Truth be told, I printed out your drawings of Pramus, Travon Lacantides, and the Consecrator assault captain and put them on the wall above my desk for this project. They've given me much inspiration, and I thank you for that.

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Power Fist and Siege Shield. A man's wargear of choice if there's ever been one. Well done, sir.

Ah, the man, the myth, the legend himself. Glad you've been liking what I'm making, brother. Hopefully it will inspire a few more Iron Warrior sketches one day, lol. 


Truth be told, I printed out your drawings of Pramus, Travon Lacantides, and the Consecrator assault captain and put them on the wall above my desk for this project. They've given me much inspiration, and I thank you for that.


Where can I get said drawings? I too would like to be inspired

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You did, mate, the thread is fun as hell to read, all modesty aside. I just thought to point Angels to a more direct path.


On the boarding shield: You don't see nearly enough around the webz. Sword/Fist/Gun/Puppt n'Board is the real deal. Moar!

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So this is where the Godless Mob has been hiding. I thought you had quit because of the centurion debacle.


Great stuff as always. Love the fancy razorwire cutter on the guy on page 1. You really know how to get into character for each of your forces.


Looking forward to more.

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Been about two pages without a proper mini update, so here we go:

Sergeant Myndova, 1st Platoon (Breach). Cited for 1 MBT and 3 LBT kills during the Siege of Antietam IV. Personally led his platoon in breaking the God-Gate of the Devil's Den, and killing Drake-Knight Da'tien of the Salamanders Legion.


so, I was thinking about this guy today. I was mulling over this whole drake-knight thing. I think the Drake-Knights(who say nee!) are going to be Veterans and V. sgts.

and I was thinking, I am going to make Da'Tien's successor. so (if you Dare) maybe you should make a Sally-esque trophy on him, something small, that the new Drake Knight has sworn to return to the Legion as a matter of personal honor. I like the Rivalry between our forces you started(if that wasn't your intention, too late!). whatcha think. don't feel obligated to do something thats takes away from your work. I wouldn't want that and would forbid it if I thought for a second it would.

also, that idea of a XVIIIth Legionaire protecting a "normal" is great and after thinking about it it's in my Que. what was that Poet thing again that Horus wanted killed?

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Every time I delve into one of heathen's project logs, I always find myself inspired to try and emulate his level of dedication to assembling individual Marines. I suppose imitation is the nicest form of flattery. Really inspiring stuff, I'll be following this log with avid attention, since I'm doing some Iron Warriors myself.



Even if my 30k Iron Warriors are led by a certain Warsmith who's name isn't to be mentioned on pain of death.

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No trophies, only tools. The only reason Saginaw is running around with a broken Imperial Fist Templar sword is because it serves a purpose. It's a tool, nothing more. If it broke further, Saginaw would simply toss it away in the mud, and that would be that. Trophies are not really my Dragoons' thing. Killing with emotionless attacks and cold eyes is their thing. Heartless as hell.


But yeah, I made that snippet of fluff to provoke you. :P


And they were called Iterators.

Every time I delve into one of heathen's project logs, I always find myself inspired to try and emulate his level of dedication to assembling individual Marines. I suppose imitation is the nicest form of flattery. Really inspiring stuff, I'll be following this log with avid attention, since I'm doing some Iron Warriors myself.



Even if my 30k Iron Warriors are led by a certain Warsmith who's name isn't to be mentioned on pain of death.

Looking forward to it, traitor. Glad I can inspire your weakness. :P

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No trophies, only tools. The only reason Saginaw is running around with a broken Imperial Fist Templar sword is because it serves a purpose. It's a tool, nothing more. If it broke further, Saginaw would simply toss it away in the mud, and that would be that. Trophies are not really my Dragoons' thing. Killing with emotionless attacks and cold eyes is their thing. Heartless as hell.

But yeah, I made that snippet of fluff to provoke you. tongue.png

And they were called Iterators.

Ok, then with that(and the Templar Sword) How about a hammer? I have a Pair of war hammers that I am using as Counts as Combat Blades.they belong to two brothers in the legion from Nocturne. Da' Tien and Da' Tier. they where a gift from their father. Da' Tier is the Drake-Knight successor. His Honor Demands the satisfaction of his brothers hammer(called Dol' Abrah, or skullbanes) returned to Nocturne.

how about that? I even have the bit for you. and it has the twin tailed fireball symbol of their settlement.

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