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Let The Galaxy Burn! Balefire Legion: 40k again!


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Why would you mount it on the back? Isn't his flayed skin purely a frontal, apron kinda thing? It seems to me it's made up of the skin of the upper body of a man. 


well its in the front, what i meant was whats holding it in place? so its like a apron in the front but how is it fastened in the back?

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Sorry if you closed the book on this Thaimer but have you consider making the Possessed backpack into a duel exhaust? That could be cool and give a unique profile. He's already leagues above so I think you have the artistic license to do whatever you like at this point. Great work!
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Looking at the third artwork (which i think looks closer to your current model than the second artwork), the flayed skin looks like its attached slightly above the waist. I think rivets would look nice for attaching, another possible idea would be attaching with meat hooks. If you were looking for reference pictures about the slung bolter, Nemac Vradon has a nice picture in his Night Lords thread on pg11. 

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Why would you mount it on the back? Isn't his flayed skin purely a frontal, apron kinda thing? It seems to me it's made up of the skin of the upper body of a man. 


well its in the front, what i meant was whats holding it in place? so its like a apron in the front but how is it fastened in the back?



I'd have it just nailed/pinned onto his armour; check out the terror squad and FW Night Lord stuff for ideas. I certainly wouldn't have it tied like an apron... ;) I also wouldn't go too literal with the art work, it'd look odd having half a man swinging from the hips.......


Option 1 seems a solid choice, I appreciate he's not a total cripple and can still put up a fight, but you really need to encapsulate the twisted and broken nature of him in the pose.

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Sorry if you closed the book on this Thaimer but have you consider making the Possessed backpack into a duel exhaust? That could be cool and give a unique profile. He's already leagues above so I think you have the artistic license to do whatever you like at this point. Great work!

havent made a final decision yet on the backpack, currently im making one and if thats no good ill kill my possesed backpack and use that.


Looking at the third artwork (which i think looks closer to your current model than the second artwork), the flayed skin looks like its attached slightly above the waist. I think rivets would look nice for attaching, another possible idea would be attaching with meat hooks. If you were looking for reference pictures about the slung bolter, Nemac Vradon has a nice picture in his Night Lords thread on pg11.


meat hooks sounds awsome ut think it might be too small for me to do it justice, and i had a look at nemacs thread and its a really good example but wish he had a picture from the other side;)




Why would you mount it on the back? Isn't his flayed skin purely a frontal, apron kinda thing? It seems to me it's made up of the skin of the upper body of a man.



well its in the front, what i meant was whats holding it in place? so its like a apron in the front but how is it fastened in the back?


I'd have it just nailed/pinned onto his armour; check out the terror squad and FW Night Lord stuff for ideas. I certainly wouldn't have it tied like an apron... ;) I also wouldn't go too literal with the art work, it'd look odd having half a man swinging from the hips.......


Option 1 seems a solid choice, I appreciate he's not a total cripple and can still put up a fight, but you really need to encapsulate the twisted and broken nature of him in the pose.

i had a look at the nightlords on FW and most of them just hint that they are pinned down, so i will try to do something similar.



i made a ton of progress today and very eager to show it off when i get home.

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If it helps the meat hooks are from this part from the CSM sprues:




Ignore the red lines, they were to show something previously. I will also try and get another picture from the other side if that would also help :)



that be really helpful Nemac, and i been digging through my bitz box for that spike but havent found one yet.


the baner arm is so close to done all its missing is the elbow spikes, but ill share it with you anyways



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Beautiful work! It's amazing how you can get all the rivets to look so uniform and clean. If you actually do want to use hooks the CSM terminator trophy racks have quite a few hooks. Using a paperclip or solid wire (not multi stranded) could work too.



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That banner arm is looking incredible!


I'd like to offer one particular consideration when it comes to reproducing the artwork: I get why you are trying to stay as close to the art as possible, but I'd like to point out that it can make sense (and be rather rewarding) to deviate from the art, especially when the original sources are as ambiguous as most of the old Horus Heresy art. As long as you get the key touches right, making a couple of tweaks here and there's not a problem. And in the end, the best approach - in my opinion - is to make the model a compromise between what's depicted in the art and what works in model form.


This guy already perfectly reads as Maloghurst, and there's very little you could do to change that, so it's perfecty okay to take a step away from the art here and there or to not beat yourself up about whether it's two or four vents on the backpack, for instance ;)


Anyway, you are doing a great job with this guy anyway, but I just thought I should point that out! ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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still preparing for war, been finishing up my builds and writing down my army list for the upcomming tournement.

i have finshed up my squad of 16 chaos chosen made from csm and warriors of chaos.

sadly ran out of the right shoulderpads and heads but did all i could.


have a look.











i like the one with raised bolter, but the idea of them marching in lockstep and showing fown anyone in the way.

painting my knight and will do oblits after



Way off into the distant past but wondering how you merged the CSM/WOC kits so well? Something I'm thinking of doing myself

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my first post got eaten by to warp so redoing it :p



Beautiful work! It's amazing how you can get all the rivets to look so uniform and clean. If you actually do want to use hooks the CSM terminator trophy racks have quite a few hooks. Using a paperclip or solid wire (not multi stranded) could work too.



thanks alot and the rivits i think its just luck, not sure ill be needing the hooks might just go without.





That banner arm is looking incredible!


I'd like to offer one particular consideration when it comes to reproducing the artwork: I get why you are trying to stay as close to the art as possible, but I'd like to point out that it can make sense (and be rather rewarding) to deviate from the art, especially when the original sources are as ambiguous as most of the old Horus Heresy art. As long as you get the key touches right, making a couple of tweaks here and there's not a problem. And in the end, the best approach - in my opinion - is to make the model a compromise between what's depicted in the art and what works in model form.


This guy already perfectly reads as Maloghurst, and there's very little you could do to change that, so it's perfecty okay to take a step away from the art here and there or to not beat yourself up about whether it's two or four vents on the backpack, for instance ;)


Anyway, you are doing a great job with this guy anyway, but I just thought I should point that out! ;)

thanks KS, i get what you are saying and i am diviating a little, the model pose and everything is all part of my own twists, the right knee design is a mix of the two artworks and my own, it just feels right to get as much from the artwork as i can and then instead of removing then adding, like the sword im working on but i really wanted to capture the essence of the character, thank you again for all the good advice KS.



still preparing for war, been finishing up my builds and writing down my army list for the upcomming tournement.

i have finshed up my squad of 16 chaos chosen made from csm and warriors of chaos.

sadly ran out of the right shoulderpads and heads but did all i could.

have a look.http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/9A9A827D-DD89-44AC-8251-CE41393662B8.jpghttp://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/4DAED394-042C-4EA6-B1FB-EA99B4254F4D.jpghttp://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/EA300F0E-29F8-4DE8-A9F0-3E097AE59276.jpghttp://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/171435D1-E031-4FC4-86F1-891C89BA7461.jpghttp://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/C2A411A9-6B67-45A7-BB7A-A49F3C08358B.jpghttp://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/8C872A7D-8FC7-421D-9193-4F134387BE96.jpghttp://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/835A1844-6CED-414F-911C-89CDBFA7FB63.jpghttp://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/thamier/work%20in%20progress/59829A2C-762B-48C6-8503-9B0704EBB696.jpg

i like the one with raised bolter, but the idea of them marching in lockstep and showing fown anyone in the way.

painting my knight and will do oblits after




Way off into the distant past but wondering how you merged the CSM/WOC kits so well? Something I'm thinking of doing myself

its been so long i can arely remember how i did them, but i need to do four or five more at some point, all i do remeber for certain was that cutting them below the knee and adding the shins and feel of csm worked best on some i cut away the front part of the chest and replaced it with csm chest to make them look less like fantasy armour, also slimming the cloaks cutting in the folds and smoothing it so it e easyer to add shoulderpads on top( rook alot of cutting and filing to make the pads fit) but if you need any help when you try just give me a shout and ill do my best to help out.


on the maloghurst front or back rather i finished the first backpack i like to k ow what you all think is it good enough or should i scrap it and start working on the possesed backpack?


this is ased on a mk 4 and vents from two chaos backpacks





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That backpack looks great. Can we see it blutac'ed on Maloghurst?

okay here you go





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Perfect brother, just perfect! The amount of effort you've put in this model is astonishing, I wouldn't have the patience for it... The flayed skin gives him a sinester look which perfectly matches the fluff and the model itself is full of personality, excelent job!
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Arms will determine how balanced it looks in the end, but right now that looks aaawesoooome!

working on the finishing touches on those, will post as soon as possible.



Perfect brother, just perfect! The amount of effort you've put in this model is astonishing, I wouldn't have the patience for it... The flayed skin gives him a sinester look which perfectly matches the fluff and the model itself is full of personality, excelent job!

thanks traitor, i am a little proud of it :) but its been fun, and stressful now i realize that i need him this weekend for event.



That backpack is looking excellent buddy, he's really coming together now. :tu:

thanks bio, it really feels like it.


seems like the backpack have been approved, ill see if i cant get him all finished tonight and take a picture or two.

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Nice stuff! You've even managed to make the skin arm not look comical like it does in the pic!! I still prefer the possessed backpack, but hey ho, you can't please everyone!!


He is looking pretty awesome - you just need to do the Mournival now.....

pleasing everyone isent that easy, but you might be happy with end result of maloghurst anyways.

and i doubt ill do the entire mourival, but we will just have to wait and see.

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Known as "the Twisted" for the complex workings of his mind, Maloghurst was Horus's chief adviser and public voice, and a shrewd manipulator. He was also a formidable warrior, and was a speculated contender for the First Captaincy (the post held by Ezekyle Abaddon) when Horus made him his equerry.


During the Battle of Sixty-Three-Nineteen, Maloghurst was dispatched to the surface to parley with the "Emperor of Mankind", the impostor leader of the planet, but his Stormbird was shot down and he was seriously wounded in the crash. He was recovered from the surface, and the remembrancer Euphrati Keeler's pict-records of the rescue spread through the 63rd Expedition, making Maloghurst into a war hero. His body was badly mangled by the events (thus truly making him "twisted"), but he remained willing - and quite able - to serve his Warmaster. He also boldly stated that he was aware of his nickname among the rest of the Legion and had no wish to abandon it: his mind was as deft as ever, and if his body was now twisted to fit it, then so be it.














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Oh my, someone go a make a statue for this man! (or make it yourself, it'll look better). Seriously thought, I l'm impressed to see how he has turned out. I feared the resting bolter might make him look too inoffensive but I was wrong, he looks menacing enough. My only quibble would be the hand resting on the bolter, it may be the photos but the posing of it doesnt look natural. Now you just have to get some paint on him, it feels like ages since we saw you paint anything!
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