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Vazzy's Big Heresy Thread-Word Bearer Test Scheme 4/7/16


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I just realized I accidentally stole that pose. Right down to the same head. I used a GW ultramarine shoulder pad though.


Hmm....Great minds think alike, apparently.

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Taken from "On the Legiones Astartes-VII legion

To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less.

-Andre Malraux M.2


hield Lieutenant Anton Khruscho stared out from atop the Ubuntu Plateau at the devastation wrought before him. His beloved Terra burned, it’s skies now eternally darkened by choking Ash, and suffocating smoke. The only true light were the muzzle flares of the Legio Titanicas war machines, and the explosions that followed.  His eyes, a deep blue, took in the battered city scape he and his men would be fighting over. He sighed inwardly, How had it come to this? Brother turning upon brother?
It had been two days. Two days since the last Army outpost had reported in, when the IV and XIV legion had finally made planetfall.  The VIII legion skirmishers had disappeared, having finally stopped harassing the patrols he sent out daily. He suspected it was because the “Jackal” grew bored and desired more satisfying hunting grounds. It mattered not, for the IV and the XIV now marched towards him. Anton was honored to be defending the section of wall he stood upon and turned to the looming Monoliths behind him. 
The Training Halls of the Adeptus Astartes stood proudly, bristling with iconography and weapons. It was here the original Legions had trained, and it was here that Terran recruits still did. A whir of bionics shook him out of his reverie as the leader of the VII legion recruits stood behind him, helm tucked into the crook of his arm. 
“Oenomaus. My old friend, it pleases me to see you, despite the circumstances.” 
The old sergeant did not answer, his dark skin glinting in the pale light. 
“They are not ready Anton.  If you throw them into this they will die. Not a one of them is over 20 years old, and only about 30 are power armor certified. Do not ask this of me brother.” 
Khruscho nodded, his eyes still locked upon the city before him. 
“What would you have of me then Sergeant? Whether they are ready or not, Horus and his warbands march towards us, and they do not care if your children are ready.  They will breach these walls. I promise you that, and then your precious aspirants will burn alongside the rest of us. I am giving them a chance to fight with honor and die like men, in the Gold of Dorn. This is not a decision I make lightly, but I will not fail our mandate. “
The old man’s face was ravaged by sorrow, his fingers tightening on the helm in his hand. “You condemn them to an early grave Captain Khruscho. You realize that?”
Anton turned, furious. “No Sergeant, I give them a chance to live and to die alongside their brothers! Have them be suited up and on the line in 6 hours Oenomaus. You are my oldest friend, but you must see why I do what I do. I do not ask for your forgiveness, but I will ask that you understand. When they fall, their deaths will be on my conscience, not yours. ”
Oenomaus nodded stiffly, his bionics clanking as he walked away, head held high.  He turned. “I understand Captain, and I am proud to see you have fully taken the embers of leadership that burned with in you, and made them grow. “
Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
{Pictcap//Shield Lieutenant Anton Khruscho: OD+3\\Pictcap}
Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
"Lieutenant Khruscho? Bravest man I've ever seen, one of the few survivors of the 35 days of Hell. Trust in him.
-Veteran Brother Kol to VII legion recruits
Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
{XXXV Cohort Heraldry}
vet squad by vazzy2012, on Flickr
{Veteran Squad Sergej during Operation: Titanfall}
Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
{Squad Sergej was forced into Liberty plaza during an engagement with IV legion forces}
Untitled by vazzy2012, on Flickr
{Veteran Brother Kol: Note non standard Shotgun pattern,allegedly loaded with the unstable plasma-core shells}
I will admit, Khruscho doesn't look great, especially compared to some of my work, but Yellow is a bitch to work with I'm discovering, so bear with me. 
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That doesn't look bad for a first professional shot at yellow. What I've found is to just take it super slow and use 3 or 4 *super* thin coats where you'd normally do 1 or 2.

I'll give you it is a pretty rough color to work with. I think that's why so many of the big names in Imperial Fists are heavy on the weathering msn-wink.gif

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Love it vaz my brother, veteran brother kol is a badass

Thanks man!

Where did you get that shotgun?

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe it's an ork stubber.

That doesn't look bad for a first professional shot at yellow. What I've found is to just take it super slow and use 3 or 4 *super* thin coats where you'd normally do 1 or 2.

I'll give you it is a pretty rough color to work with. I think that's why so many of the big names in Imperial Fists are heavy on the weathering msn-wink.gif

Actually, I used army painters primer so it's not that. It's more that it's almost too bright. The glaze probably didn't help.

Maybe tone it down with a wash? Not something that will overly darken it, but at the same time will take off the edge?

Yeah, I might pick up a casandora yellow wash this weekend. I don't really want to do heavy weathering...

That shotgun is nice. I need to know how you made that!

Like I said, I think it's an ork stubber haha. I found like 3 in my bitz box.

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Brother Tyrax has a good formula for yellow,that is a cool shot of Squad Sergej.

So he does. And it's quite good. But it's looking like I'm going to spin the current yellow with a casandora wash then highlight with a pastel yellow. I experimented with Agrax and absolutely abhorred it. Took me back to these days..http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8025/7417081066_85709a526e_c.jpg

Diocletian by vazzy2012, on Flickr Which is something I'd like to avoid.
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I tend to correct my heavier mistakes with Lamenters yellow and and a very fine layering process with my Averland. I don't recommend it for how stark you seem to be going for yours fists. My first Marines look like the above but I believe my most recent ones do justice to Seraphim Sepia. Agrax is purely for the bases. 


I love the Ultramarines you've created and I'm looking forward to more fists. 

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I tend to correct my heavier mistakes with Lamenters yellow and and a very fine layering process with my Averland. I don't recommend it for how stark you seem to be going for yours fists. My first Marines look like the above but I believe my most recent ones do justice to Seraphim Sepia. Agrax is purely for the bases. 


I love the Ultramarines you've created and I'm looking forward to more fists. 

Oh, I wasn't implying your models are bad, not one bit. I'm just want something more bright if you know what I mean?

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Airbrush or a spray can for yellow, brother. I will only do yellow with a brush if it's a very small area of a figure because it's such a nightmare to work with. When I tried my hand at some Fists, the results I got from an airbrush were spectacular. If you don't have one, I've heard that the Army Painter Desert Yellow is very good for Fists.

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I can back up that advice from BCK. I think the absolute *least* amount of fiddling you have to do with yellow, the better. It's such a finnicky color, every additional step from primer to protective coat is one more it can screw itself up.


Good luck and Emperor's speed you crazy loyalist!

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I tend to correct my heavier mistakes with Lamenters yellow and and a very fine layering process with my Averland. I don't recommend it for how stark you seem to be going for yours fists. My first Marines look like the above but I believe my most recent ones do justice to Seraphim Sepia. Agrax is purely for the bases. 


I love the Ultramarines you've created and I'm looking forward to more fists. 

Oh, I wasn't implying your models are bad, not one bit. I'm just want something more bright if you know what I mean?


I took no offence, brother, my yellow skin is awfully thick! There was none intended, I was just expanding on DSS7's little plug. 

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++++Incoming Transmission++++

 VII Legion//XXXV//Squad1//


"We have engaged elements of the XII and IV, minimal casualties, falling back to Rally point Yankee. Enemy has Cataphract support, requesting support."

{Whine-boom is heard, garbled screams possibly "skulls...throne"}


"Oh Fug! {Whine-Boom again, followed by laughing} Get :cuss on motherfuggers!"


"Brother Kol! Fall back!"


"Aye Sarge! Just introducing the XII to the light of the Emperor."



Brother Kol by vazzy2012, on Flickr
Brother Kol by vazzy2012, on Flickr
Kol by vazzy2012, on Flickr
​A Veteran of Nova Terra, Kol is one of the few members of the 35th not of Ruserman stock, a fact that goes unnoticed among the 35th as he has more than earned his place. Kol wields his own heavily modified version of a stock M1887 "Bulldog" shotgun nicknamed "Flashlight". It  is believed this is due to the munitions typically loaded into the 35ths shotguns are the highly effective, yet unstable "Sunburst" shells, which use a plasma penetrator tip to punch through light to medium armor. Kol would be lost in action on I-day +46 during the First Squads defense of the the Monastery Gates after the left flanks collapse. His body was unable to be recovered before the IV used phosphex shells to burn out the remaining veterans. 
So I suppose this is a better showing, than the previous outing. Kol I hope you're satisfied. 
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Very much so. Definitely like the sense of humor. Using Flashlight to introduce someone to the Light of the Emperor. thumbsup.gif

Excellent! I have 8 more veterans who need names and I'm open to suggestions.

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