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New Army Blog: Storm Brothers (Primaris Chappy WIP on p.33)


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I think it's a smart solution to getting your colors in there. It never would have occurred to me, but then again neither would your bizarre scheme. I still think it's a miracle that they look as great as they do! 


On a related note, I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get your seconded Storm Brother into my army. All of my bikes are the Ravenwing ones, so I need to buy a 'plain' one and convert it to your style. I'm looking out for these new "for kids" kits to come out, because I think they're a little cheaper. From there I'll need to convert it a bit to add a horse tail and stuff, which I don't currently have. I did, however, get your paints so I'm ready to rock the recipe when it happens. 

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  • 7 months later...

Hey all! Believe it or not, I am still alive. Not a lot to show for it, but I have plans to change that soon.


I popped back on to ask a question-- is there any way a 40K Army would have a Contemptor Relic Dread? I am going to be using one in an airbrushing class, and didn't know if I should paint it to my scheme, or paint a 30K chapter and sell it to recoup the cost of the class.


Hopefully you will see me here again soon!



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Thanks! yes, the Tread-Naught will be one of the first projects prioritized after my airbrush training.


Here is my list of priorities:


* Dreads

* finish Landspeeders (50% done)

* finish Sternguard (75% done)

* finish Command Squad on Bike (50% done)

* finish Chaplain Terminator (25% done)


After that, I am going to take a break from complicated projects to beef up the core: more bikes, more tactical marines.


Still deciding on what my Librarian should look like

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all- I could use some opinions.


Ever since I finished my general on the jetbike, I have been less than satisfied with the look of my veterans/elites.


My scheme is busy already- adding in all the gold and red accents makes them look almost clownish.


How should I correct this? Change the red to the chapter yellow? White?


The gold will tone down once I finish highlighting it, but it is still essentially another color, and fours colors is just too much.







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I sure wish I could find a Librarian model I like-- anyone have a custom or kit-bashed example they really like?


Hmm. I have a conversion in a box somewhere intended as an Exorcist captain - basically it is a right metal librarian arm with a sword, iirc, (used because of the horned skull on the pad) plus the 25th anniversary Crimson Fist. A little filing here, a little addition there and presto, a Libby.  


How should I correct this? Change the red to the chapter yellow? White?


The gold will tone down once I finish highlighting it, but it is still essentially another color, and fours colors is just too much.




In my opinion, the colour scheme needs simplifying. I would suggest losing the purple and the yellow, in favour of the white (seeing as it's a traditional veteran colour). 

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