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@Pearson73. Sooon soon....


@Augustus b'Raass, my friend the bolt pistol is nothing at all, i ordered some drum mags from anvil industries, a snip and a shave later and they look alright on the bolt pistol that comes with the assault legionary kit. Pick up some box mags and chain glaives too

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So I don't have conquest, but I have heard about this man catcher relic. Magnetised so I can swap the top part to make a Glaive.

parts included, multiple hacked arms, space wolf PA frost axe, and old techmarine servo arm attachment



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hope all had a merry Fistmas!

@Daemonclaw: hell yeah, theres no point having the old dears collecting dust, with paint schemes i did as a 13/14 year old. refit and repurpose!


So Sandy Claws was most kind, and after all mirth and merriment ceased, i stayed up til 20 past one to begin the marathon, this is the product of about 4 hours on and off (festive doctor who interupted me, then an aborted attempt at going to sleep knowing he was sat downstairs). He is Beautiful. Pure and simple.


I give you the beginning: Konrad Curze, The Night Haunter, King of Terror!











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I have wept those same tears my friend. So clearly I'm stark raving mad to be posting while other greater Night Lords are doing so, but I was always taught it was rude not to share. Enjoy the progress, Vylas!



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You have the eyes of the Eight and its prospects on you (as well as their knives), brother.


Dat blue is amazeballs though. I think I like your matte blue over forgeworlds metallic midnight, personally.


Edit: anyone else notice that his collar kinda looks like a pshychic hood in the vein of Mephistons?

Edited by Slipstreams
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Update time! But first to my fellow forumites!

@ augustus b'raass: My thanks for such high praise brother, I always appreciate your kind words

@ pearson73: more thanks, gonna take a while, but gonna be worth iy

@ atia: even more thanks, especially as I hate heads, I got so ridiculously frustrated doing it, then managed to fluke the result :D

@ slipstreams: my blades and meteor hammer await! Thanks, it's kind of an accidental blue, I pooped myself at the level of detail so made all the paints thin as hell. The first coat looked like I was doing him in water colours! 3 coats regal blue, babad shade, 50/50 regal/ice highlight, asurmen blue to blend, plus etherium blue light drybrush to finish is what I used. And his hood is awesome. Bat wings of course.





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Right murderers and murderesses! Little update. All his metals on the body done! Still got his little sand timer brooch to do, but what I was able to do was stick him on his base. Which means no falling over and losing the predator talons.

Also corpses, i need a solar auxilia scheme thats different enough from the blue but not black like FW have painted up. Hope you like where i'm trying to go with the raw flesh/exposed muscle




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