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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Again, cheers, everyone! :smile.:


@ Teetengee: I'll be perfectly honest, I really don't see an entire squad of Astartes on that base. Two or three? That might just be the sweet spot I am looking for. But not five or - god forbid - ten. I really think whatever visual message there is will work just as well with three well-placed models. Before I add any more Marines, I'd rather think about a Bloodletter or two. But, like I said, Angron's the star of the show here, and the main objective will be to make his (smaller) base look suitably cool. Everything else must come afterwards.


@ Mechanist: Don't worry, mate: Nothing has been decided yet, and I surely won't be rushing ANYTHING -- scout's honour! If anything, you'll be wishing I were faster before this is over. That being said, I was kinda flattered by the manager suggesting I enter the models into the event. So yeah...


@ drakzilla: I'll happily agree that VonKessler's Angron is brilliant, and he probably created the best shoulder pads, out of the Angron conversions I have seen so far. However, I don't really think this recipe would have worked for me, seeing how he used a completely different base model (on a Bloodthirster model, the way the wings attach to the body alone would make that kind of pauldrons almost impossible). And, like I said, I am really rather happy with my own shoulder pad solution.


@ Olis: Cheers, mate!


@ Andvarr A: Hmm, "Vaskir" and "Kommerov ", eh? Those are some pretty sweet names! Mind of I use them for those two guys?


So anyway, I've been working on Angron's replacement cape a bit more, and it now sits quite a bit more snugly:






The changes I've made are not that obvious, but they make for a much better fit and result on the cape only minimally interfering with the pose of the arms now. I thought about adding something more to the cape, but I am really rather happy with it as is, to be honest.


I also thought it would be fun to take some pictures of all the 30k World Eaters I have assembled so far. I was a bit disquieted, however, by the fact that something that I keep insisting won't turn into an army has begun to look suspiciously like...an army:






And here's a closer look at the various officers so far:




From left to right, Tech-Marine Deracin, Lord Captain Baltus Lorimar, Primarch Angron (DUH!), an as-of-yet unnamed Praetor and Primus Medicae Dumah.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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yup no denying it, that is definitely an army even if just a small one. 


Such a great selection of models, good job.



@ Mechanist: Don't worry, mate: Nothing has been decided yet, and I surely won't be rushing ANYTHING -- scout's honour! If anything, you'll be wishing I were faster before this is over. That being said, I was kinda flattered by the manager suggesting I enter the models into the event. So yeah...

I'm right with you on that one, you my Knight is a year old. Sometimes I might get a burst of speed thanks to being away from home but I'm no speed painter or modeller.
And you really shouldn't be that surprised your conversions have always been brilliant and to top it off your painting has come on a storm this last ETL. It was good before, a great table top standard. But having followed you blog since early 2013 your just getting better and better.


edit spelling

Edited by Mechanist
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You sir..just win at warhounds...I mean World Eaters...yeesh...


@ Andvarr A: Hmm, "Vaskir" and "Kommerov ", eh? Those are some pretty sweet names! Mind of I use them for those two guys?


Weeeelllllll.....yep..course ya can, hahaha

Edited by Andvarr A
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Is it just me or is Angron tiny? I thought Alpharius was the short Primarch.

Remember he is running headlong...and it's unaltered scale..no truescales here


Angron is also mentioned as being quite short for a primarch in the fluff and being the first primarch sculpted, I think FW didn't want to go too over the top with him.

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Is it just me or is Angron tiny? I thought Alpharius was the short Primarch.

Remember he is running headlong...and it's unaltered scale..no truescales here
Angron is also mentioned as being quite short for a primarch in the fluff and being the first primarch sculpted, I think FW didn't want to go too over the top with him.

No wonder he was angry all the time... Short person syndrome

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Is it just me or is Angron tiny? I thought Alpharius was the short Primarch.

Remember he is running headlong...and it's unaltered scale..no truescales here
Angron is also mentioned as being quite short for a primarch in the fluff and being the first primarch sculpted, I think FW didn't want to go too over the top with him.
No wonder he was angry all the time... Short person syndrome

It didn't help matters that Rouboute kept putting the Khorne Flakes back on the top shelf of the cupboard where Angron couldn't reach. ;) :D

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Huh, seems like the thread has taken on a life of its own during my absence ;)


Anyway, thanks for the kind words, as always!


Regarding the Heresy "army", I didn't admit to anything ANYTHING, y' hear me, Augustus b'Raas? ;)

Seriously, though: It does look like an army, to be sure, but it'll never be one in the sense that I keep adding tanks and drop pods and what have you, because I basically have zero interest in painting any 30k vehicles. Let's just see where this takes us for now -- if nothing else, I'll end up with some models to play Betrayal at Calth with ;)


On the matter of Angron's phyiscal size, I also remember him being portrayed as definitely not the tallest Primarch, but then there's also the fact that he seems to be hunched over most of the time, either running at a low crouch or prowling about like a predator. So yeah. I think what we can all agree on is that whatever "shortcomings" (teehee) he might have had in that department were altered rather spectacularly after Nuceria...


And finally, regarding the new Khârn, I think I want to get a closer look before making up my mind, but I am carefully optimistic: They certainly didn't ruin him, and I really like how they a) haven't changed anything much about the helmet and b) have managed to give his armour the more baroque Dark Vengeance look without going all creepy crawly. If I have one gripe (so far), it's that he looks less like a running guy and more like a statue of a running guy -- which he is, of course, but there is a slightly artificial, stylisedl nature to the model that I still need to wrap my head around. You know, I would have been perfectly happy with a new Khârn in the same pose as the old one. The static pose was never a problem for me -- in fact, it's why I built my own true scale Khârn in the same pose as well.



So, what else is new?


Yesterday I met with my good friend Annie for a little hobby session: Annie worked on painting here crazy awesome, pirate-based Blood Bowl team. I would be remiss not to share a snapshot of it, although I'll be putting it in spoiler tags, as it has nothing whatsoever to do with the focus of this forum:





Meanwhile, I worked on several smaller projects starting with another go at Angron's base:


I started where I left off last time:




I plugged all the holes in the base using Miliput, and added some structure by pressing some cork into the putty after it had begun to dry, stamping a rocky texture onto the surface:





Next up is a lot of cleanup work, some cork, sand and slate, and some skulls.


I also mostly finished building this base for one of the models I think I am going to paint for this year's Call of Chaos:




Creating that Space Marine with the open ribcage felt strangely cathartic, for some weird reason that probably doesn't say anthing good about me...


And here's the future owner of the base, my plastic Giant Flesh Hound:






As always, let me know what you think! :)

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That hound is freaking epic Kraut your work never ceases to amaze and inspire. Every time I open this thread Im so tempted to start a WE warband just so I can shamelessly steal your ideas : D Keep up the awesome work brother.
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What tibbs said...but in that note...maybe you should have another big flesh-beastie, so one can be gatekeeper, and the other keymaster...


And Kraut, feel free to use the names I came up with for the marines

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Thaks a lot, guys! :)


@ JeffTibbetts: You are quite right about the fused ribcage, mate! I just disregarded that piece of background in favour of the rule of cool -- or should that be the rule of gore...? Anyway, I think the one interesting thing with dead or dying Space Marines on bases is to show how there's something squishy and at least halfway human inside that impenetrable looking armoured shell, and that is much easier if you use something that is identifiable as human anatomy -- as you say, a slab of fused bone probably wouldn't read as anything, really, so I went for the single ribs. Of course an alternate, kinda lame, explanation could be that the jaws on that Flesh Hound are so powerful as to have splintered those fused ribs back into separate shards of bone ;)


@ Andvarr A: Gatekeeper and Key Master, eh? I see what you did there ;) Tell you what, though: I am pretty sure that another huge flesh hound is going to happen at some point. Oh, and I am already thinking of those two 30k World Eaters as Kommorov and Vaskir ;)



With temperatures well over 30 degrees Celsius outside, today doesn't lend itself particularly well to outstanding acts of craftsmanship. I've still managed to mostly finish the extra detail on Angron's base. Take a look:





The first step was to cover the empty parts of the base in my usual mix of cork, slate and sand and seal it all with PVA glue and plastic glue. The effect was also used to blend the seams between the different areas and materials together.


I also added some skulls to the front of the base, both to make the area look more interesting and also because, well, Khorne! (DUH!)




Two spiky poles were used to add even more of a chaos feel to the base -- I am planning to add a beaten up (yet still upright) Ultramaerines vexilla to the other side of the base (the bigger part), so there will be an underlying theme of chaos creeping across the base towards the Imperium's defenders.


And I've also built the lower half of the poor Ultramarines officer clutched by Angron:




Some gap filling ist still needed, but I am pretty happy with the pose, and if you look closely, you can even make out a piece of spine emerging from the lower back...


I'll also be following Auggie's suggestion and stipple on some Liquid GS to add a bit of texture to the flat stony areas. But I am already pretty happy with the overall look of the base:




As always, let me know what you think! :)



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The base is looking good (although to give some feedback: mind the plastic edges - better to maks them somewat more) and the flesh hound is boss!


About posting pictures of a pirate themed Blood Bowl team here in the B&C: Arrrrr you kidding me?? ;)

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