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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Best friends! Until that stupid eagle shadow came along....


Really nice Argel Tal conversion man, good use of the horned helmet. But shouldn't he also have a sword?

He has a sword and spear but I definitely don't blame Kraut for using the spear. The swords look ridiculous to me. I really love your Kharns and can't wait to see Argel completed.

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I think you mean SPLOOSH

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That's an awesome Argel Tal. I agree about the haft (The Observer deserves his name) and also think the purity seal covering his groin makes his movement look weird. It says 'I'm going to the left', while the rest of him says 'I'm going to the right'. 


Please do more HH conversions like that!

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)




I think you mean SPLOOSH

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Erm, I'm actually not sure whether to feel flattered or grossed out by this particular line of feedback -- a little bit from both columns, I suppose... ;)


@ Maarten &  marine7312000: I did try to give him the Guardian Spear and sword at the same time, and it just ended up looking too silly -- let's just say that the Custodians' increased size doesn't exactly make this particular conversion easier to pull off, as you need to use weapons that would look right for a Custodian and thereby might end up looking far too big for a standard Marine. That being said, I think I have a working idea for how to incorporate the sword, after all. Just watch this space!


@The Observer: Hmm, I think the weapon does need a certain length to really read as a Guardian Spear, and the head is pretty big, so I didn't really want to cut down the haft.


@ Auggs: But he does have two purity seals that pick up the motion of the parchment: I personally see him as slowly swooping down, with the pieces of parchment basically fluttering in the updraft, if that makes any sense.

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It was always clear to me that the Guardian Spear was the more iconic weapon of the two, and the one that would instantly sell the model as Argel Tal. Which is why I ultimately went with it as the main option. When I tried adding a sword, it just ended up feeling silly -- but like I said, I have a plan for the sword, so don't worry. The model itself will still be mostly focusing on the Guardian Spear, though.

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Now, this is very interesting. He's off to a fantastic start. I'm curious to see how you're going to add the sword but I have to say the work on that backpack/wings combo is very smooth. Great work :tu:
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That Argel Tal looks great. Nice use of the DV Chaos Lord head and I like the pose you've got him in. I was going to say that the wings were a tad big for him but then again he'd need big ones to lift a legionary in full war plate.


Can I venture a guess that your future plan to implement the sword involves magnets? :) If not it'll be interesting to see how you do it and also an non-demonic version of Argel.

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Again, thanks for the kind words, guys! :)


Now hobby time has been a rare commodity for the last week or so, but the bit I needed for adding the sword to my Argel Tal conversion arrived, and I would very much like your feedback on this, so here's an early mockup:




So the idea is that the sword's rammed into the ground - or rather into an unfortunate fallen Astartes at Argel Tal's feet: The Plaguebearer head needs to go, of course, and I will also have to replace the sword hilt. But I thought this might be a nice way to feature the sword without having the model actually wield it. At the same time, it creates some interaction between Argel Tal and his base -- it even looks as though he were reaching for the sword with this left hand.


What do you think, though? Am I on to something here, or is this too gimmicky?

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Personally, I think it would look better if you twist the direction of the blade so it looks like the sword was thrown from the direction that Argal Tal is swooping down from. That was it looks more natural. That is the effect you're going for, right?
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I think the wings and the helmet fit perfectly for Argel Tal, my only gripe is that he looks a tad too small, I think in 'First Heretic' his transformation upon the battlefield placed him easily as large as a custodes, more along the lines of the Forge World Gal Vorbak.


That said he does look very nice, I absolutely LOVE the little chaos star hanging off his spear :thumbsup:

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Something I'm mulling about for my Khârn, is a base within a base - like the FW stuff for the character models. Perhaps a larger oval base, or one the 40mm(?) could slot into so that you could expand the diorama ?


My vote would be for an impaled Astartes clutching at the thrown sword piercing his chest......

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To go against the grain with what others have said, I actually really like the pose and Argel Tal reaching for the blade.  


Its been a while since I've read First Heretics, but couldn't this be the scene after Argel Tal kill the Custodes and he takes their weapons? You could try adding some Custodes bodies to give more of the feel if you are 100% sold on the pose.   

Edited by Lord Haelim Lev
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That Khârn conversion and paintjob is excellent! Did you also sort his butchers nails?


I've got to say, the Khorne AoS sprues might have to be acquired for future endeavours...


As for Argel Tal, I'm liking how he's looking so far. Do you have any ideas to further 'fuse' him with his armour?

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Awesome conversion for Argel Tal! I actually quite like having him reaching for the sword instead of wielding it. It's a really imaginative idea and one that looks pretty great too! I do think the sword could look a little more ornate though given that it used to belong to a custode. Looking forward to seeing more work on Argel Tal!

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i think its a cool concept, but if you haven't glued it to the base, could i suggest you flip the swords position... so instead of the sword leaning on a 45 degree angel away from him, that instead it was leaning TOWARD his outstretched hand as if he was willing it into his hand with telekinetic powers... something along those lines?

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