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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Mechanist: I've actually considered to turn the guy in the tank into some kind of Magos, but at the end of the day, I think he's a bit too far removed from what a Tech-Priest should look like, so it's more likely he'll end up as some kind of AdMech experiment into the possibility of creating something like an organic psyker battery, if you will. Or something altogether different. As for the warband leader, that honour has to go to my slightly converted Tech-Priest Dominus, as that is one of my favourite GW models from the last couple of years! :)


@ Aasfresser: The servitor is definitely not yet done, as I agree that he needs a little more presence. Not too much, but something to set him apart a bit. That being said, I don't think the cloth of his cowl is really defying gravity: It's more that there are some flared shoulder pads underneath, and the cloth is draped over them -- it's hard to make out, but if you look closely, you can actually make out the line where the cloth starts, with the shoulder pad peaking out from underneath. It's also visible on the Datascryer to the left of the group picture.

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@ Aasfresser: The servitor is definitely not yet done, as I agree that he needs a little more presence. Not too much, but something to set him apart a bit. That being said, I don't think the cloth of his cowl is really defying gravity: It's more that there are some flared shoulder pads underneath, and the cloth is draped over them -- it's hard to make out, but if you look closely, you can actually make out the line where the cloth starts, with the shoulder pad peaking out from underneath. It's also visible on the Datascryer to the left of the group picture.

Ah! Now I see it. When it's painted it will be more obvious.

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Mechanist: I've actually considered to turn the guy in the tank into some kind of Magos, but at the end of the day, I think he's a bit too far removed from what a Tech-Priest should look like, so it's more likely he'll end up as some kind of AdMech experiment into the possibility of creating something like an organic psyker battery, if you will. Or something altogether different. As for the warband leader, that honour has to go to my slightly converted Tech-Priest Dominus, as that is one of my favourite GW models from the last couple of years! :)

I know the post was directed at someone else but I felt the need to comment. Sorry. But I agree, the tank creature doesn't say magos to me either. Honestly the vibe it gives off to me is a very dune-esque navigator ancient, after their form has begun to mutate even further

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That Servitor looks amazingly creepy. The latest addition reminds me of the servitors in the Lord Inq Grey Knight trailer.


The Primaris conversion is coming along well too. The Combi weapon looks a lot better as well :tu:

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ TURBULENCE: Oh, perfectly agreed: It's a cool model, but it's not an AdMech leader type, is it? Cheers for pointing out the Dune Navigator reference, by the way: Those were totally an inspiration as well!


So, here's another WIP for you, both because the forges in my head never sleep, and because I just cannot seem to focus on one thing at a time ;)


It was always clear to me that my new Death Guard project would have to include some kind of Dreadnought, because I just love Dreadnoughts, period. The thriftiest option seemed to be to go for the Dark Vengeance Helbrute as a base model -- well, that and I really like that particular model: It's fleshy hideousness perfectly goes with Death Guard, if you ask me ;)


So I nicked a couple of ideas from fellow fraters' Helbrute projects, especially from GuitaRasmus and Marius Perdo, and here's what I have so far:












I am contemplating some additional details (and some cleanup here and there), but for now, this was mainly about getting the basic setup nailed down. Would love to hear your feedback! :)

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That helbrute is looking awesome. Great conversion of the dv one, the use of the DI nurgle insignia is great and the extra exhausts and cabling go a long way. Dont forget the destended belly, that looks great too. All you need now is some gs to nurglfy it further ;)  

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The helbrute looks great; the lascannon, fist and head all works nicely - however, the pose seems a bit odd; I think it would look better if you raised the right leg, on a pile of rocks or so, so he makes the "victory stance", and maybe tilt the lascannon arm downwards a little. At the moment he looks a little like he's tilting forward, because he's missing the illusion of momentum from his left arm.
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I like the head you chose. It's from the twin lightning claw chosen from dark vengeance, right? And I actually like the pose, it looks as if his left arm will move forward any second and grab some poor sob. Will you add more nurglish gribble to him?

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Cheers for the kind words, everyone -- seems I am on the right track with the Helbrute ;)


@ DuskRaider: It's the Dark Vengeance Helbrute. It was the cheaper model to get hold of, plus I also didn't feel the multipart kit offered that much more over the snapfit version. I did get some Lascannon bitz for the conversion though ;)


@ GuitaRasmus: Hmm, to be honest, I rather like the pose as it is: I think he actually looks like he's leaning into the shot there, and a slightly lumbering feeling seems perfectly appropriate for a Nurglite Helbrute ;)


@ Aasfresser: Well spotted: Yes, it's the twin-LC guy's head. It seemed appropriate, because it's both subtly skeletal and has the mouth area covered in tubing.


So here's the next small update on the Helbrute: I built up his distended belly-armour and added a few more touched that you may or may not notice:








Now the belly obviously needs some cleanup and smoothing over, but the general look is there. The above pictures are in greyscale because I actually used a mix of GS and Milliput that ended up making for a vile, pistachio-ice cream colour ;) Oh, I also used that tin-foil trick again, so the belly remains a separate piece, which should be super handy for assembly reasons ;)




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Liking the DV hellbrute, but I always have things standing on rocks as Lorenzen always said they looked cooler :) The banner from the LoC really fits well, as do the other DG bits. I especially like the wormy tentacle thing emerging from the palm of the hellbrute fist.

I really like the broken and rotting horn/tusk on the sarcophagus cowling. It would look great with putrescent ooze dribbling out of it. I've been farting about with PVA glue mixed with rotting flesh and Tamiya clear coat green and yellow.

Great idea using that static head from the DV paired LC chosen. I might borrow that as I want to use the hellbrute multi-part ones for obliterators/mutilators.

Are you going to put dings on the armour like the DG models? If you have some putrid blightkings Instamold lifts are a great what to get the folds of fat tumours with boils and lesions on. That isn't something you say as a desired outcome everyday :) Might work well with the large amounts of flesh there are on the DV hellbrute.

As an aside this thread and Guitarasmus' have made me fiddle with making some Crimson Slaughter plague marines in between doing possessed. So thanks for distracting me :)

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