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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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woop woop, Kraut is back! I'm very happy to see you back, my friend. I acknowledge I neft first, but coming back and missing you here was hard! 


Happy New Year, buddy! 

Let's meet again in 2018. :biggrin.:


EDIT: and thanks for the shout-out on your EH blog! 

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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One of the few threads I've kept coming back to over my years of lurking to be inspired, and part of why I did decide to pick up chaos when Khorne Daemonkin was released. Your conversions are lovely, and shows one of the real benefit of chaos, its variety.

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Cheers for the kind words, guys! I really apprecoate it! :smile.:


I'm slightly nervous that nobody has anything to say about the Contemptor, though...


In other news, I saw the new Space Wolves Praetor from Forgeworld yesterday,...




And, apart from the face being really terrible, I noticed something. Maybe I'm just seeing things but, erm, you know...




What a weird little coincidence, but there is some resemblance between the guy and my 30k version of Lorimar, wouldn't you agree? :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist
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I'm slightly nervous that nobody has anything to say about the Contemptor, though...



Becaaause, it's difficult to speak with your mouth hanging open in astonishment.


They are brilliant looking.

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RE: contemptors: I think it's a minor thing, but I absolutely love the War Hounds decal you placed on the leg. Looks great against the white background, and provides me with a narrative without using any words. :thumbsup:

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That's well spotted indeed! The resemblance is uncanny!


About your 'temptors: I still love that World Eaters spear thingy you concocted - and wonder if maybe his head is a recast of the recast I gave you? :D

Speaking of which, when are we going to see that beauty?

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I'm slightly nervous that nobody has anything to say about the Contemptor, though...



Becaaause, it's difficult to speak with your mouth hanging open in astonishment.


They are brilliant looking.





Seriously, though: Cheers for the feedback, guys!


@ Juggernut: Yeah, I was really rather nervous about how well the decal would work (and even more about the actual procedure of applying it), but it's looking pretty convincing now, isn't it?


@ Augs: Quite right, buddy: That is indeed a copy of the Forgeworld Dread's head, which I believe is almost perfect for a Contemptor. As a matter of fact, I've also used it on the scrap robot for my INQ28/Necromunda pit slaves, so I am really getting some use out of that bit :wink:


As for the Dread, though, I fear it may be a while before I paint it -- I'll still need to figure out a decent new World Eaters recipe one of these days, and I'll probably be holding off on that until we know whether or not (and when) we are getting a full sized new release. Until then, it's probably going to be 30k and Death Guard.


Speaking of which, I actually finished the cleanup work on my Lord of Contagion conversion yesterday:






Just detail work, really, but I ended up being way more meticulous about it than I had planned. This included a pretty finicky few minites of cleaning up the model's hood and a small but important tweak to the scythe. Oh, and I also greenstuffed in a left leg. Following a pretty awesome suggestion by Anvildude over at Dakkadakka, I left some of the sprue "bone" peaking through the folds of flesh for that extra bit of ickiness. I also worked in some cabling, although most of this will end up being covered up by the rest of the model, unfortunately:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Now that's cool. Love the head and the hood, I'm not familiar enough with the DG kits to say much about bits coices etc, but he sure looks nice, the gs work on leg is sweet!


Only thing I'd change is the angle of his right arm, it'd look more natural if it was a bit further out. I guess it's be hard to pull of with the chainmail and all though

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Thanks for the feedback, guys! :)


@ ElDuderino: Now the fun part is that, apart from the Dark Imperium snap-fits, I didn't have access to any of the new DG bitz to convert this guy, so all that you see on the model is my attempt at working around that small limitation and using stuff from my bitzbox to come up with something that still fits the look of the new models ;)


As for the right arm, I did give it quite a bit of thought, but ultimately deemed it not worth the hassle -- I rather think the clutch of severed heads works well enough with the pose of the arm, though.


@ Auggs: Meh, my GS use still mainly amounts to gap filling and repair work, but I do appreciate the sentiment, buddy :) The head does indeed work really well for Contemptor sized models, although you'll have to cut away most of the back of the head for it to fit, at least on the BaC plastic Contemptor. Didn't I send a home-made instamold of the head back to you, come to think of it? ;)



So anyway, time for another look at my second Contemptor. Here he is, suitably battered and covered in grime and blood now:



















The paintjob is all but finished at this point, but I am already hard at work on the base:









To be honest, I have wanted to use the "fallen Space Marine reaching for a melta charge" effect for a LONG time now, and this model finally presented me with the perfect opportunity! :)


As always, let me know what you think! :)



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Fantastic work on the contemptor, buddy! Love the Heresy era paint job as always. 


And boiiiiiiiii is that a cool concept for (and -pun intended- execution of) a base!!!!




Re: the head - you did send me that and I -shall- be using that for sure! Speaking of me - come over and say hi at my thread! ;)

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I love the concept of the base and the Contemptor that will soon own it looks really cool. However, to me it looks as if the marine has been buried in the ground for some time rather than just falling recently and making a last stand. Maybe have it so the sand doesn’t come up as far on him?


Other than that though, this thread continues to be a massive inspiration and is one of my favourites here on the B&C.

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I love the concept of the base and the Contemptor that will soon own it looks really cool. However, to me it looks as if the marine has been buried in the ground for some time rather than just falling recently and making a last stand. Maybe have it so the sand doesn’t come up as far on him?

Kyre has a point herer- but maybe this can be mitigated by having one of the temptor legs stand on his lower half?

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The new dread looks brilliant and a superb match to his brother. The base made me smile and look great, though having said that the comments about looking well buried are valid. Perhaps a quick dig out of the texture to separate the marine from the rubble and a gore smear to imply he has no legs and is really just a goner and has one last reach in him.  

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


@ Auggs, Torvak Kyre & Mechanist: I can see where you guys are coming from, although I'll say that I've already given the matter quite a bit of thought: It quickly became clear to me that while it's super cool for the base to contain a fallen Astartes like that, I really needed to keep the guy's visual footprint small enough so as not to overshadow the main attraction -- when all is said and done, the poor fella's base decoration, after all, and nothing more ;)


So I cut him in half and pushed him down really low -- and indeed, I am imagining him as having been buried under rubble from an explosion or something similar, not directly as a victim of the Contemptor. One thing that doesn't really come across in the pictures is that there's a bigger piece of rubble where his legs should be, pushing him down and/or locking him in place. So this should work much better once the base has been painted, hopefully. But the mini-narrative here is that there's a fallen Ultramarine still giving it one last shot at destroying an enemy - as Ultramarines are wont to do - while the Contemptor is already stalking bigger prey -- he's kitted out for tank and dread hunthing, after all ;)


@ Aramis K: Cheers, man! To be honest, I don't get why so few people actually make the leg tweak to the Praetor model, as it's super easy and makes the model lookfar less pidgeon-toed, even if you plan on building the stock version.


@ Bubbles, BrotherJim & Daemon2027: Thanks a lot, guys! And steal right away regarding the base: I have to clarify that the idea certainly wasn't mine! It's something I have seen on half a dozen Heresy armies already, especially on Mr. Poom's excellent World Eaters, so I cannot claim any responsibility.



I am a little surprised that nobody commented on the freehand motto on the Contemptor's chest, though... ;)

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I am a little surprised that nobody commented on the freehand motto on the Contemptor's chest, though... :wink:

It's a funny thing forums you put stuff up that your proud ff and get no comments on it. I suspect something like that is the time and effort you put in to a lovely little detail makes you so much more aware of it where as to others it's part of a magnificent whole.

Now you point it it out there is something to be chuffed with it as you've added new skills to your repertoire.  

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Venatos Supra Domina - Hunter on Goddess? That's pretty sick, especially coming from you:tongue.: :teehee:


Guess it got cluttered by all the awesome other things in that post. If you want people to notice it, better point it out or take closeups, I guess?  

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Kordhal: Truth be told, I am actually getting quite a kick out of using that pidgeon toed, awkward plastic Contemptor as a base model, rather than purchasing an - already pretty much perfect - Forgeworld version ;)


@ Mechanist: Haha, exactly right: There's a special kind of frustration in rushing off to post something you're super happy with -- then having it completely ignored. Bonus points if people then start commenting on the model you posted last week and wanted them to comment on then ;)


@ Auggs: To be fair, though: I did provide a closeup:




It actually says "Venatio Supra Omnia" ("The Hunt above all else"), although I will admit some of the letters may not be perfect. It's definitely there if you look at it, though ;)


Spent the afternoon getting the base painted, by the way, so expect an update tomorrow, when the light's good enough to take some new pictures ;)

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