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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for the kind words, everyone! I really appreciate it! :smile.:


And you are right, of course: Those models are from the venerable HeroQuest, now thirty years old -- definitely my entry drug into this hobby, which is why I have embarked on the realisation of a childhood dream of mine: to finally completely paint a set of HeroQuest to a reasonably high standard. Most of my recent hobby time has gone into this endeavour, hence the radio silence over here.


-- in case anyone's interested in my HQ-related progress, I'll just leave some teaser pictures in spoiler tags here and point you towards my blog if you want more --








*Ahem*, where were we?


Oh yeah, it is time for another - small - update: I received a bitz order earlier today, so I couldn't help messing around with a couple of 40k related projects.


First of all, thanks to the delivery of a Dreadnought arm, I now have all the puzzle pieces to finally build and paint that FW World Eaters Dreadnought Augustus b'Raass gave me as a gift when I visited him in Amsterdam:




I'll be making this guy my very next 40k-related project, so expect to see some progress on him sooner rather than later.


Then I also messed around with one of the rogue psykers from the Blackstone Fortress box:




A rather subtle conversion this one, but ever since I first saw those psykers, I have wanted to use one of them for a daemonhost conversion (for one of my INQ28 retinues, mind you), so I carefully shaved off all parts that were too openly chaotic (seeing how the daemonhost will be enslaved to an Imperial Inquisitor). Expect some purity seals and imperial doodads in this poor guy's future (at which point I'll presumably be moving him over to my INQ28 thread).


Oh yeah, and there's also this...




Like I said, only a small update -- but it's good to be back :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Cheers for the feedback, everyone! :)


@ rednekkboss: Well, seeing whatever you do with them should definitely be a treat, given your track record for crazy conversions ;)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Well, what are you waiting for, then? Paint them! Or send them over ;)


@ Auggs: No worries, buddy: Work on the Dreadnought is progressing nicely ;)


Have a first mockup as proof:






Most work so far has been spent on turning that squeaky clean VenDread lascannon arm into a suitably chaotic version that matches the general look of the model. Here's a closer look at the - mostly finished - gun arm:




As an added bonus, the arm will be kept modular, so I can swap in one or two additional different weapons that I originally built for another World Eaters Dread.


Apart from that, I think I'll be adding one or two small details to the Dread, but not too many, so as not to overclutter the rather lovely Forgeworld sculpt.


@ Trysanna: While I am pretty much in love with the Venomcrawler at this point, the one conversion I am definitely taking a look at currently is a change of head:






Please ignore the awkward spiked crest for now -- it will have to be (re)moved once I am committed to this course. I also think I can make the Blood Slaughterer head fit the carapace pretty snugly -- am I on to something here?


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, Midnight Runner! Regarding the Dreadnought arm, I hope so, too! :)


As for the Venomcrawler, here's another look at the new head with the neck shortened to better fit the rest of the body:




Still not quite perfect, but I think you can probably see how this could end up working pretty well.


Surprisingly enough, the rest of the model basically came together by itself:






Massive kudos to whoever planned out the way this model should be assembled! It goes together like a dream, and the legs can be easily left off to have an easier time during the painting stage -- excellent craftsmanship, this one!


Oh, and in case anyone was wondering about the scale:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks for all the feedback and kind words, guys! I really appreciate it! :)


@ ElDuderino: Cheers, mate! I only have the Venom Crawler for now, though, so any further kitbashing will have to wait for a bit...


@ Auggs: Haha, I only have the one Blood Slaughterer head, to be honest -- it's just that I keep making (GS) copies as needed ;)


@ Hungry Nostraman Lizard: Yeah, I understand your envy: Those OOP Traitor Legion Dreads were my first proper contact with Forgeworld, and I remember being absolutely blown away when first seeing them in 2005/2006 (I think). I was also angry at myself for never getting one of them before they went AWOL, so Augustus giving the WE one to me as a gift was a fortunate moment, indeed!


@ Cryptix: Sounds ambitious -- go do it! ;)


So here's another quick update on the Venomcrawler: I've shaved another few milimetres off the head and the body to make the head fit even better, and I think I've now achieved the best possible position:










Of course the seam between both parts still needs a bit of cleanup, some additional cabling etc. -- but I think the head works really well like that. Oh, in case anybody else is considering a headswap on this beast, let me just say that a Armiger head would be a perfect fit (and the cyclopean one makes for an excellent, sinister Dark Mechanicum look) -- just sayin' ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)


@ Midnight Runner & Sagentus: Cheers, gents! :)

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Good to see you're back in action and working on what I see as one of the best models GW has released in quite some time. The Blood Slaughterer head works great on the model, almost like it belongs there. Can't wait to see what else you come up with!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Again, cheers for the kind words, everyone! :)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Bone can be a pretty effective colour in Khornate schemes, I think -- to the point where merely picking out the helmet in bone makes for a nice difference. The Wrath has a cool colour scheme, too -- there was actually a pretty awesome Wrath army feature in one of the issues of Warhammer Visions, I believe?!


One thing I will say is that I wouldn't replace the trim with a non-metallic colour, personally speaking. But then I am just a fan of brazen trim, so YMMV ;)


@ Mechanist: ;P



Sooo, I don't have a huge update, as RL has been a harsh mistress lately, but at least I am making some progress with the World Eaters Dread. Once I had all the different parts assembled and cleaned up, I was able to make a proper mockup of the model, intended pose included:














I want this guy to look as though he's leaning into his next shot (some fine tuning will still be required when I assemble the painted model, as I want the barrels of his lasgun to be posed pretty much perfectly straight forward). As you can see, I have only added one or two additional bitz beyond the converted arm, not wanting to overpower what I think is a brilliant sculpt overall.


Oh, and I have also finally built a proper base for the model:






So here's a quick look at everything I have so far:




I'll be giving those resin parts another nice scrubbing, just to be on the safe side, and then, hopefully, it's off to the painting desk in the near future.


Until then, as always, let me know what you think! :)

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