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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ ElDuderino: That is high praise, buddy, and the resulting model is really cool, as I was just able to ascertain on your thread! :wink:


EDIT: Quick update, here's the latest model, basically finished save for its base:



Edited by KrautScientist
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Cheers, Bjorn! Finding a new red recipe did take some doing, but it feels like I am finally on to something with this approach.


Alright gang, here's the finished World Eater:














I am maybe a bit too in love with the model right now, but it's honestly really close to what I think a 40k World Eater should look like: a massive, baroque monster in serrated crimson warplate.


Here's the previous model I completed (the lighting conditions today made for much better pictures, so I took what I could get):












So yeah, that's two new finished World Eaters:




My "new" World Eaters are slowly starting to look a bit more substantial:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Great job on the Berserkers. Was the left pauldron of the ax-and-chainsword wielder sculpted to look like a great beast's skull, to intimidate his opponents? Or was it an actual skull, taken as a trophy from a great beast that Berserker killed, and made into a pauldron as proof of his courage and his proficiency in battle?
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Looking great as usual! I really like these "new" guys, there are four more or so ready for piant iirc? Hope you do some more, although i understand if you're a bit reluctant to replace all of your old squads with the newer, larger models. Or just call these guys chosen and that's a fair enough explanation for the scale creep:)

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


@ Bjorn: Haha, I think I intended that shoulder pad more as an artifact and not an actual trophy, but it's always fun to speculate where such designs on a model originated, isn't it?


@ DuskRaider: Huh, the danger here is that the new World Eaters blow my stuff right out of the water, once they arrive, though ;)


@ ElDuderino: Cheers, mate! There's an additional seven models or so ready to paint, although I may well move beyond that, if fancy takes me. However, what this is definitely not is an attempt to re-do my entire World Eaters army. We are speaking Kill Team scope here, with maybe a couple of additional models here and there.


Only a tiny update for today, as I've only been able to sneak in a bit of kitbashing here and there: I have been working on a couple of World Eaters helmets, just to build up a reserve of possible heads:




The two helmets on the right are vanilla (new) CSM helmets with added "bunny ears" from the Blood Warriors, whereas the helmet on the left is an attempt at grafting a (old) CSM mouthpiece to a Blood Warrior head, ElDuderino style. This exercise has only added to my appreciation of ElD's conversions in this vein, as the process of making it all fit together is a rather tricky one...


I also couldn't help myself and tried to come up with a model to fit the converted helmet:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Phew, the last couple of weeks have just gone by in a blur, and I don't even have anything much to share with you, except for a finished version of the conversion I posted during my last update, another World Eater -- yay! ;)






Still, at the very least, I wanted to let you guys know I was still alive and kicking! ;)




@ Auggs: Cheers, buddy! :)


@ Atia: I actually like to mix and match between both types of helmets. The scale isn't too much of an issue, really, and I rather like to break up the monotomy of the very samey looking CSM faceplates with a more archaic Blood Warrior faceplate here and there. I am also in love with those Blood Warrior helmets from the AoS first edition starter box, even without replacing the mouth area: I think they are just perfect for World Eaters!


@ ElDuderino: Cheers, mate! All the more reason to thank you for sending it over! ;)


@ theNublet: Well spotted, mate! Fortunately, it was easy enough to fix with a drop of plastic glue. Cheers for bringing it to my attention! :)

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The new guy looks awesome, very nice :tu:


Another worthy addition. How many does this make now? I assume you're going for a full squad, that's going to take quite some time and bits.

Hey, with how fast Kraut is going, he'll reach a full 20-man squad before GW makes a new Berzerkers kit :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Damn, I hadn't yet replied to this thread, even tho it's been a great source of inspiration for years! Awesome stuff man. I think you nailed the skin tone for the black guy. Flawless, really. It's worth noting that he does not look like a frothing maniac, like other berserkers, but rather like a grizzled and cruel warrior. I guess there would be varying grades of craze in a Khornate warband.

I've been trying to get those heads for months, btw. It's lovely to see how cool they look on some equally great conversions. They might be the most demanded bits that I know, along with theirs breatplates.

Keep up the awesome work!

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could you give us a tutorial for your bronze?
I have to attack the paint of a khorne banelord and I find that your color is more suitable than mine ... and can be easier?


Thank you

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Cheers for the feedback, everyone! :)


@ Mechanist: Haha, yeah, four down, four to go -- technically speaking. I honestly doubt I'll be able to stop at eight... ;)


@ Dwango: Cheers, man!


@ Umbra Lynx: Thanks a lot! You mean the Blood Warrior helmets? I'd say the entire kit is worth picking up, because it just comes with so many useful bitz for CSM projects. Of course this holds especially true if you are trying to build CC troups (or, indeed, Khorne berzerkers) ;)


@ Crevette: Huh, my bronze is actually the part of the paintjob I am least content with, but I am of course happy enough to share my recipe: For the base colour, I use a mix of Vallejo Brassy Brass and Tinny Tin (about 50:50), then the bronze areas get washed with Army Painter Strong Tone, then the metal is highlighted with Vallejo Brassy Brass and/or Bright Bronze as needed. Hope this helps! :)



So here it is, my last model for 2019:










Seeing how this guy has been part of my pile of shame for ages, it feels good to finally see him painted! And I think the finished model works rather well, too, if I do say so myself.


Oh, and for the sake of completeness, let me point out that the model was loosely based on this illustration by Diego Gisbert Llorens:




So yeah, that’s four World Eaters down for my “Hateful Eight” project:




As always, let me know what you think! And Happy New Year, everyone! :)

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Damn, I could easily have believed those converted Berzerkers were either studio conversions or new plastic releases, they look so natural! The newest (unpainted) dude with the huge axe looks especially cool. I dunno why but the name "Mancleaver" comes to mind.


Speaking of weapons with cool names, I wouldn't mind seeing you make a Chaos Lord (or Champion) with the Berserker Glaive from the 3.5 edition Khorne Wargear list, if for no other reason than I'd love to see how you interpreted that fell artifact and its doomed bearer.

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