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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Yay I finally found your plog here on B & C, you have been busy these past few weeks, and I love what you did with the hand prints :)


Keep going, I am watching with interest 

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Wheres the head armour from please? maybe if the sword arm was a little more connected to the body rather then poking out the underneath of the dread shoulder it would flow a little better..maybe. If you can, have the sword arm raised with the sword pointing up into the air like hes declaring a charge or a victory stance sort of thing. Other wise looks good.  

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Cheers, guys!


Regarding skrundle's Daemon Dread, I can really only recommend you all check out his entire thread: He has some wicked daemon engines over there, with that Dread actually being the smallest of them. Amazing stuff!


If I may return to my own models for a second here... :wink:


@ Darth Mustard: Ha, how very like a Slaaneshi dog to suggest some BDSM gear like that :wink: Seriously, though: It's an awesome suggestion! However, I felt like the sheer mass of the collar around the neck was really threatening to overshadow the head itself, interior spikes or not. So I went for the Iron Halo plan for now -- we'll be getting to that in a minute :wink:


@ Skrundle: I agree that those Maulerfiend armour plates look great -- but I only have one of them left, so that particular effect will be impossible to reproduce. Plus I have to admit I have grown rather fond of the mostly unarmoured legs for some reason...


Anyway, like I promised, here's a look at the DP with his Iron Halo provisionally attached:


I am reasonably pleased with the result -- thoughts?

While I was at it, I also tried adding the wings from the Daemon Prince kit. I wasn’t even sure whether I wanted to add any wings to this guy, to be honest, but I at least wanted to find out how the model would look with them:



And to be perfectly honest with you, I really rather like the bulk and presence they add to the model — what do you think?

I also worked on something else: A Fallen Angel in Terminator armour to accompany the earlier models. Once again, instead of going for straight out chaotic spikyness, I tried to achieve the brooding, sinister look you see in some of GW’s own artwork for Fallen Angels, with only some slightly heretical touches here and there…




Granted, the huge daemon sword is a bit of a giveaway, but again, I like the idea that this is a weapon that the Fallen picked up by necessity rather than inclination. I also have to admit that the helmet remains a bit of an experiment at this point — feel free to let me know what you think!

Here are all of my Fallen together:


I would love to hear your feedback on this! Let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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I think your Fallen look great, butI am not entirely sold on that helmet. I can see where you are trying to go with it, but the sword down the middle of his face? It is far too big. A FW mark 3 helm would look much better or maybe even a Bretonian helm with the heraldry removed? Possibly a skullcrusher helm with the khorne symbols removed.

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@ dantay_xv: I see what you mean, and I am inclined to agree -- I did try several of those swords, and even the smallest one seemed a bit too big. Good thing, then, that another headlong dive into my bitzbox has managed to provide me with what may be the smallest ornamental sword in GW's catalogue:






Better now? ;)

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Gah, you are going to hate me, I think the cross section is better suited above the eyes to create a brow, maybe the first sword, but cut down the blade to a point at his chin? The handle maybe staright up and down too, not sculpted to the helm, so a wee bit of gs behind it or maybe free-standing.


I think part of the reason I am struggling with the second sword is that it looks sewn on. As if the helm is like a mask... admittedly a scary executioners mask like you'd see in a movie, rather than a steel or ceramit helm. 


Sorry Kraut... Feel free to pop in my WIP and give me hell, I deserve it.

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Haha, no worries, mate! You never need to apologise for constructive criticism -- especially when you may well be right ;) I am sometimes so lazy that I'll go for the easy way over the awesome one, so people second-guessing my choices can actually prove really helpful ;)


Anyway, I did what you suggested. Here's a comparison shot:



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Loving the Fallen Angel in term-armour. The deamon prince is looking very awesome as well. dam, every time I come back to this thread there's something new. 


Plenty of inspiration at a time when I'm pondering doing chaos.... much to the missus's & bank account's dismay, never mind the total lack of space. 

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Had I not told you already how awesome the Prince is? Lol. I really like the different head to standard Prince, I rack my mind trying to find alternate heads and yours fits the build perfectly.


I think I prefered the collar as a collar, seemed more like a tortured beast with it that way, don't get me wrong it still looks good just personal preference


What could look sweet with him.only being litely armoured is if you could figure a way to do armour plates down one arm? I like the lopsided effect and gives him something for blocking. If you don't get where I'm coming from I'll try to find an example?

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New demon prince looks boss with wings and the half halo. The fallen look awesome,too. Exactly how I'd imagine them. Not wholly given over to chaos, but slowly affected by it.     The last helmet on the terminator fallen with the smaller sword above the eye slits looks just right!

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Not bad. The change of the collar. He looks more the part which is Daemon Prince with a pointy halo but I, too, prefer your orignial collar idea. More Khorne like.

I think the Prince standardisation is also coming from the wings.

I really liked your idea of a gladiator Prince which in my idea would be on foot I guess.


I like the Fallens, especially the Terminator. My favorite head is the first one with the longer dagger. Very original, mystic, medival, dark angel fallen.

The shorten one makes him look like he has a nose and even cartoony to my personnal taste.

I'm not sure about the sword though.

I was surprised you didn't choose more older armor type for the rest of the band. My least favorite would be the chainsword one. I think it's the body position.

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I think the first sword is better, just cut the blade down, so it's pointed tip is at his chin/ edge of the helmet.


The Daemon Prince. I like the Iron Halo, more than the collar. I can see where theidea for the collar comes from i.e. Angron gives brass collars to his daemons to grant them magic resistance. But I can,t imagine a World Eater, a gladiator who has been freed from slavery willing to put a collar or a torq on himself, it would make him beholden to someone. Which to someone who has fught for freedom might be a horrible thought. 


The iron halo works because its possible he could have been a chaplain in the World Eater ranks who helped lead them to Khorne and for his devotion to Khorne, he was blessed with the gift of daemonhood.


I am actually reading Betrayer just now, and came across this quote...


"Other replies cam in the form of howls & cheers. A legion lost to the nails. A legion sprinting gleefully into a hundred ambushes. You couldn't collar the Eaters of Worlds"


...Weird! :blink.:

Edited by dantay_xv
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Thanks for the feedback, people! :)


@ Eberious: Wait, let me get this straight: You are currently working on an enormous Defiler daemon engine, but you're "pondering doing chaos"? Either you've already made the decision without realising it, or you are in denial, mate ;)


@ skrundle: I definitely see what you mean about the armoured arm! I'll definitely take a look at that! Cheers for the suggestion, mate! :)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Cheers, man! Glad you like both models!


@ Darth Mustard: I initially saw the Prince as more of a foot slogger as well, but like I said, I rather like the mass and bulk added by the wings. Plus, seeing how I already have a HUGE wingless DP, building the second one with wings would probably make a lot of sense.


Regarding the Fallen Terminator, the longer I look at the first helmet, the less it works for me. The sword was a bit of a compromise, to be honest: I originally wanted to use a sword from the chaos knights, but noticed I had given the last one away. As for the two other Fallen lacking "older" armour parts, what can I say: Unless many members of this board, I don't have huge piles of FW Horus Heresy stuff lying around, so I had to make do with what was there ;)


@ dantay_xv: NOW you like the first helmet variant best? Dude, seriously? ;)


As for the collar on the DP: In my opinion, the fact that the World Eaters threw off the yoke of the Emperor only to sell themselves into a different kind of slavery is one of the most tragic parts about their legion history, so while they may openly refuse any kind of servitude, they are all slaves of a different kind now, aren't they? Slaves to Khorne, slaves to the nails, or even enslaved to their own bitterness and resentment. Anyways, the collar idea is probably pretty much off the table for now, so there's no reason to elaborate any further, but I think you know what I mean.

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Hahaha... Yes I see what you mean about the World Eaters and giving up one form of slavery for another... It is a sad irony. We so often throw off the shackles of one form of tyranny, just to end up in another... Hey that gives me an idea, but not for this Daemon Prince though.....


If yo do another what about making a chain with shackles or sets of shackles on them, like a big brutal whip or cat 'o' nine tails?? the shackles representing them breaking free of the imperium which tried to enslave them to its will and those who bound them in slavery at the gladiator pits of De' Shea?


And yes the first helmet, but just shorten the sword blade... It is what I meant yesterday after you showed us the helme with the underbrow sword ;)

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So, let's have another update, shall we?

First up, the Daemon Prince. This guy is more or less finished at this point, and I have to admit I am really rather happy with him. For me, Khornate Princes are overgrown, hulking monsters clad in bronze instead of darkly angelic figures. I felt inspired by the part in Betrayer when Angron is described to have an overmuscled, almost graceless look, even before his ascension to daemonhood -- that's what Khornate Daemon Princes should be like, I think. In fact, I took quite a few cues from Angron for this guy.


So, I took some time filling gaps with GS and adding bitz to his hips and back, in order to build some kind of belt/tabard for him. Here's the model right now:







Then there's the Fallen Terminator: I am really pretty happy with the helmet as it is now. The longer I looked at the first version, the less it worked for me: It simply seemed too clunky -- a nice idea, but not quite there. The current helmet works for me, because it gives him the blunt, brooding, Black Knight look I was aiming for. I also added some more bling to his armour ;)



As always, let me know what you think!  :)

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