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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Oh man the second guy just exudes menace!! Really brutal. A fire ball floating in the claw hand would look epic, as if he is getting ready to throw it at an opponent.


I also like the first guy, for some reason I have a feeling he is a fan of Shakespeare, Alas poor Yarrick! (needs a skull or a severed head with trailing spinal column in his claw hand)


Both are absolutely brilliant!

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Definitely thinking the staff or something similar for the left hand. The claw doesn't look bad, but a staff would look far more "classic" I think.


I believe it's the boots and robes as opposed to full power armor that makes that "sorcerer vibe."

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, a small update today:


First up, you'll never guess what my first e-book purchase for my new Iphone was:




Yeah, I know, I am probably a hopeless case ;)


I also have a new conversion to show you. Here's a Champ for my traitorous Space Wolves that I converted earlier this week:




The model really came together rather organically -- I just went with parts that "felt right" for the character ;)


As always, let me know what you think!

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Yay for evil wolves!

On a side note, have you ever considered building Svane Vulfbad as a side project, you know, the chap who said-


"I murdered thousands for the Emperor and he gave me nothing except his damning silence. Now his lapdogs yap for every life I take, while the gods promise me the galaxy."


That would be an incredible addition, and knowing how much you like Terminator Lords...

Edited by YFNPsycho
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I'm still in love with these traiter wolves, also upset that if I ever got around to doing any they would be poor by comparrison, I might stick to my big stuff haha.


The new champ is stunning as you said, it just works


This is the first I'm hearing of Svane Vulfbad, I too would love to see your take on it, if you don't I will ;)

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Cheers for the feedback, people! :)


@ YFNPsycho: While that quote by Svane Vulfbad is easily one of my favourite 40k soundbites, and while the concept of the character was certainly one of the things that influenced me when creating my own "Blood Wolves", I would much rather invent my own characters than fall back on GW's stock ones. That said, my own Joras Turnpelt is easily as badass as Svane -- trust me ;)


I did some more kitbashing today, fine tuning the Chosen conversions I posted further up in this thread.


You'll probably remember this guy:




Well, I tried a different head on the model, going for a look that was more "faceless killer". Check it out:






On the finished model, the helmet would be painted in a contrasting colour (either bronze or bone-coloured, I think). That said, I am honestly not certain which version I like better and would very much appreciate your feedback!


I also worked some more on the chap that was well on his way to becoming a Nurglite Sorcerer last time:






As you can see, I replaced his bolt pistol hand with a hand that looks like he's channelling his psionic powers. I also gave him a staff weapon -- but couldn't help turning it into a scythe with the help of some bitz.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Love the Apothecary and Chosen you've gotten together since, KrautScientist! They are looking fantastic!


My only question is whether you plan on and what are your plans for removing that tongue from the ribs (and I ask to be self-serving, as I'm hoping to crib off your creations when I get my second set of six Chosen from DV). :D

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Thanks, man!


You make a good point regarding the tongue! My current plan is to add some kind of connection port near the armour's gorget, in order to make it look like some kind of tubing. The alternative would be to scrape it off and try to recreate the lost detail underneath -- and that really doesn't seem like the preferrable option ;)

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My favorite part of all your kitbashes is trying to figure out which of the dozen + kits you've pulled stuff from. It's hella entertaining.


Looking great so far! If you're going to go with a bronzey color, I'd def pick the helmed marine. I think it would look awesome against the bone colored ribs. Is that a shaved chaos warrior helm from the Knight kit?


killer ^_^

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That Helmet is the right choice, that cold metal visage just fits the image of a utterly remorseless butcher. Hiding his face, it takes away the "human" aspect so all you're left with is this brutal, threatening monster.
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Go with the helmet, so much more brutal. As for removing the tongue, it shouldn't be to difficult to scrape off, then cut the ribs shape and a little GS to neaten it up and provide a bit of texture. If you lived near me I would offer to do it for you.
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Wow. The medic and the nurglite sorcerer look fantastic. Just coolness all around. Nitpick: the sorc seems a bit hunched now - any chance of righting him up, with a little more space in his abdominal section? 


Keep it up Kraut. Sheer awesomeness on the DV characters so far. 

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Thanks for the feedback, guys! The helmet it is, I guess -- unless I find a more awesome option yet ;)


@ Augustus b'Raass: Like I said elsewhere, mate: Great to have you back!

As for the hunched look of that sorcerer, that was very much a conscious decision: I think it works well towards his Nurglite look to have him look slightly bent and hunched.

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