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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Wow, I like the dread, especially the close combat weapon and the Blight Kings do look like they will make really nice exalted champons to lead packs of Plague Marines too ina ll their bloated glory..


The only wee niggly thing is that the first Blight King lower legs. It is obvious he is wear ing boots and not power armour, how easy would it be to gs or carve up the legs a bit to give it an armoured look rather than boots? The second King has armoured legs which could pass for a baroque, decayed suit of power armour as befits a champion.


Its only a little thing, but otherwise reall awesome...

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Alright, ladies and genzlemen: It has taken me quite a while, but gakk is about to get real:


Thanks a lot, you two! I really appreciate the help!


Alright, here goes nothing:



I, KrautScientist, answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete four units before January 15th 2015. Though this call may be pledged to Nurgle, all blood serves Khorne in the end, so my contribution to this challenge will swell the ranks of He who hunts at the head of the pack:


  • 1 custom Khârn the Betrayer
  • 1 Chaos Lord in Terminator armour with Thunder Hammer and Lightning Claw (actually a Talon of Horus expy, but yeah...)
  • 1 Chaos Dreadnought/Helbrute with Multimelta and Power Fist
  • 1 Forgefiend with twin Hades Autocannons (slightly converted)


My progress will be chronicled here, in this thread.


If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Pustulent Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!



So yeah, no going back now :wink:


As for the models for my vow, here we go:



1.) custom Khârn the Betrayer:










This guy was built fairly recently for a conversion/painting contest over at Throne of Skulls, and seeing how I'll need to get him painted pretty soon anyways, I might as well throw him in :wink:



2.) Chaos Lord in Terminator armour with Thunder Hammer and Lightning Claw






Well, I guess you'll remember this guy: The Doomwall. Time to finally get some paint on him!



3.)  Chaos Dreadnought/Helbrute with Multimelta and Power Fist








This model was completed fairly recently -- more or less especially for this vow, as it happens :wink:



4. Forgefiend with twin Hades Autocannons (slightly converted)






Aw, man, this poor guy has been built and undercoated what feels like ages ago -- but nothing has happened since then. Time to change that!


So, this is my vow. These are my Before pictures. Wish me luck in my endeavour, boys and girls! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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DOOOOOMMMMMWWWWAAAAA(iiiiiiii)LLLLLLLLL!!!!! So stoked to see paint on that guy!

I've been loving catching up on your work today kraut. Your knight is one of my favorites and the mki tactical dreadnought armour has been my favorite for as long as I've been into 40k- great job on that conversion!

If I ever decide to go chaos it will be in the hunt;)

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Cheers, people! :smile.:


Make no mistake: I am such a huge hobby butterfly that participating in a vow like this is quite a challenge for me. There's a very real sense of failing this thing, so if you have any fingers left, keep them crossed for me, okay? :wink:


Regarding the Khârn conversion, I didn't show it to you before because, like I said, it has only been finished fairly recently for a contest over at ToS: The theme was to take one of the Khornate characters from among the 40k and WFB universes and build a better/updated/reimagined version of them. Since this is going to be a piece for the contest, above all else, I took the liberty of truescaling Khârn a bit :wink:


Oh, and while the Forgefiend certainly isn't all that heaviliy converted (it basically looks pretty Khornate as is), there are a couple of changes in addition to the tail, albeit small ones: the skulls on the shoulder pads and the collar, for instance.

Edited by KrautScientist
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Thanks a lot, guys! The Blightkings are fantastic models -- almost intimidatingly so, I must add: For now, I've only played around with the bitz, but I really want to create awesome 40k models from these guys, and maybe I just need to work up a bit more courage for that ;)


Anyway, another small update today:


First up, some of you may have seen that I was lucky enough to be one of the chosen few to win a recent competition over at  Greyall's thread. As a result, Greyall will be drawing a piece of artwork depicting Lord Captain Lorimar at some point in the future. As you can probably imagine, I am super happy about this (especially since the competition was incredible!), and I can hardly wait ;)


And while we're on the matter of artwork: Since messing around with pictures of my models and some image editing software turned out to be so much fun, I gave it another try and tackled some more involved photomontages.


First up, a picture of my Hellrazor in action:




I used both Pixlr and Photoshop to create this image, and while there may be a lot of stuff that can be improved, I am still reasonably happy with the outcome.

I also found this very interesting post over at Tyler Mengel’s blog and decided I needed to try something similar. So here’s a composite picture of Khorne’s Eternal Hunt having some fun on the plains of a conquered Hive World:




Once again, both Pixlr and Photoshop were used in the creation of the image. I also found out that Pixlr is great for quickly obscuring rough areas noticeable seams between different parts of a composite picture. Granted, I still have much to learn, but I definitely like where this is going!


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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@ Paladin7221: Haha, somebody had to make that joke, I guess. Glad it was you, mate ;)


Let me just bring over the last update here for easier browsing:


Thanks a lot, guys! The Blightkings are fantastic models -- almost intimidatingly so, I must add: For now, I've only played around with the bitz, but I really want to create awesome 40k models from these guys, and maybe I just need to work up a bit more courage for that :wink:


Anyway, another small update today:


First up, some of you may have seen that I was lucky enough to be one of the chosen few to win a recent competition over at  Greyall's thread. As a result, Greyall will be drawing a piece of artwork depicting Lord Captain Lorimar at some point in the future. As you can probably imagine, I am super happy about this (especially since the competition was incredible!), and I can hardly wait :wink:


And while we're on the matter of artwork: Since messing around with pictures of my models and some image editing software turned out to be so much fun, I gave it another try and tackled some more involved photomontages.


First up, a picture of my Hellrazor in action:




I used both Pixlr and Photoshop to create this image, and while there may be a lot of stuff that can be improved, I am still reasonably happy with the outcome.

I also found this very interesting post over at Tyler Mengel’s blog and decided I needed to try something similar. So here’s a composite picture of Khorne’s Eternal Hunt having some fun on the plains of a conquered Hive World:




Once again, both Pixlr and Photoshop were used in the creation of the image. I also found out that Pixlr is great for quickly obscuring rough areas noticeable seams between different parts of a composite picture. Granted, I still have much to learn, but I definitely like where this is going!


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

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So pulping your enemy in one fell swoop just ain't enough,....that terminator lord has to then slice and dice the poor soul with his sword fingers? lol great looking model though


That Khârn is great bro....but....that helm just doesn't do for me that's nothing against your work just a personal preference.

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Thanks for the kind words, guys! I really appreciate it! :)


@ disease: Aw, mate, that is very nice of you to say! Regarding Nurgle, I may just have a little something coming down the pipeline that might interest you...watch this space ;)


@ Dorns_fist: Ah, well, you could say that the Doomwall follows a somewhat holistic approach when it comes to pounding the enemy into the ground ;)

As for Khârn's head, I get what you're saying, but after trying unsuccessfully to kitbash a helmet that would read as Khârn's head, I went back to the original head. I may be too much of a Jes Goodwin fanboy, perhaps, but that head was what ultimately transformed and okayish TS World Eater into Khârn ;)

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Alright, update time:


Seeing Jeff Vader's wonderful Blightking-based Plague Marine made me realise I need to get my act together regarding my own Blightkings, so I took another stab at them. I also realised that the truly complicated thing about converting them is that they are so dang near perfect out of the box :wink:

For instance, I really love the champion model and struggled with a way to make it more 40k, but in the end, I had an idea. Take a look at the finished conversion:



As you can see, I added a cracked breastplate (made from a seriously shaved down CSM torso front). I like the idea that the armour burst under some hideous internal pressure...ewww. I also exchanged the old standard backpack for a cooler one from the DV Chosen (with the vents slightly changed).

I also started on another model that was heavily inspired by Jeff Vader's conversion:



I did try to put my own twist on things, though. The fully armoured Blightkings are great base models for true scale Plague Marines.

Oh, and a dangling head trophy from the Blightking kit also allowed me to plug an unsightly gap on the Nurglite sorcerer I kitbashed a while ago:


Here's another scale comparison picture:



In other news, I have finally started painting the first model from my Call of Chaos vow, so there should be some news on that front pretty soon.

As always, let me know what you think!  :smile.:

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