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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Your Bio-challenge is coming along well, awesome conversion work as ever :thumbsup:


Love your Skulltaker counts as, would never have thought the trophy rack would have looked good if you have described it too me but it so works. Big kudos for him/it!

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Although I was thrilled about you actually getting the vestigial wings (didn't even know those bits existed!), I can come behind your reasoning regarding the silhouette. That DE trophy rack is a very creative solution that works really well. I agree with teetengee in that I'm not sure about the silhouette - could we get more pics of different angles - preferably from the sides, front and back? :)

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Cheers, everyone! I will provide more pictures of the Skulltaker conversion soon - scout's honour! ;)


Until then, here's something that should interest you just as much: More (and better) pictures will follow soon, but for now, let the following images prove that I have completed the challenge issued by Biohazard. I give you Lord Captain Baltus Lorimar of the World Eaters' 4th assault company, Master of Khorne's Eternal Hunt:








I don't quite know how to feel right now: This guy has literally taken me years to finish him, and I am just immensely happy that I finally have. At the same time, I could probably name a thousand things I could have done better. Anyway, here he is. Let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks a lot, everyone! I am really proud of him, if I do say so myself.


Seeing how this has been a bit of a collaboration between Biohazard and myself, I whipped up a little something to commemorate the occasion:




There's also a less stylised version:



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Wow he looks brutal. Especially great job on the cape and his face.


And those glamour shots of him and Biohazard's guy look cool too. I'm so happy you finished this guy in the Arena event too, considering how long he was in the works before. 

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KrautScientist, I really enjoy all of your work, especially the face off between Lorimar and BioHazard's guy! They are both looking mighty fierce and ready to bleed enemies in Khorne's name.


On the Skulltaker, what if you used two trophy racks and positioned them as if they were the beginnings of wings? Almost like they are anchor points where the flesh will be reformed around the trophies when he becomes a Thirster.

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Augustus b'Raass: The event really seemed like the proper occasion, mate! ;)


@ Bryan Blaired: That is actually a pretty cool suggestion -- even if I have to admit tha I am tempted to just leave the model like it is. In any case, thanks for sharing the idea!


So here's a picture of Lorimar with his personal retinue, Lorimar's Fist. I am not 100% happy with the photo, but it'll have to suffice for now:




As always, let me know what you think!

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So, how many terminator lords have you bought through the years?:)


Lorimar looks great, it's nice to finally see him with some paint on. Well worth the wait. Those final touches really made him pop, especially the wolf pelt. I'm glad i don't have to choose between him and Deimos as both you and Bio have produced the two best termie lords i've ever seen:)

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So, how many terminator lords have you bought through the years?:smile.:


Lorimar looks great, it's nice to finally see him with some paint on. Well worth the wait. Those final touches really made him pop, especially the wolf pelt. I'm glad i don't have to choose between him and Deimos as both you and Bio have produced the two best termie lords i've ever seen:)

I just now realize that except for the dude on the front left (that's me right?;) ) they all use the same pair of legs! Goes to show the versatility of the Chaos Termie lord kit and your conversion skills, Kraut, because I had never found out about this had it not been for the dude's comment. 

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I have run out of positive things to say about such excellent work that I am struggling here.

So jelious!


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Wow, both your and Biohazard's Lords are seriously awesome. In fact, I'm not quite sure which one I like better, but both of you absolutely nailed it. The standoff picture you've produced is outstanding. I shall have it as my desktop wallpaper too.

You, Sir, are a true artist. Consider me a huge fan.

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Wow, your Lord and his retinue are looking really impressive! All of them have their own individual style and still function visually as a unit of scary killers. This unit really highlights one of the strong points of the Chaos Astartes looks. Great work!

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